"Finished? It's my turn. "

Don't say it.

Just such a sentence made all the students at the scene get goosebumps.

The closest to Ye Chen was a dragon knight.

The Dragon Knight is also a variant of the Knight. One of the more powerful ones in the hidden profession. Can fight and carry.

The most important thing is that the dragon knight can also have his own "dragon".

It's just that this dragon is no different from the Western lizard. They can be summoned directly from another world through meditation at level 20.

The dragons that everyone summons are strange.

The colors also vary.

For example, the dragon that the dragon knight closest to Ye Chen was riding was a golden yellow with polka dots, and a pink bow had to be tied on his forehead.

Ye Chen just stood up from the top of the recliner. Just said a word.

That dragon knight couldn't stand.

The dragon under his feet trembled slightly twice, and then threw the dragon knight to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" The dragon knight who fell to the ground looked at Ye Chen in the distance with wide eyes: "Don't come over." "

In addition to the defense tower, Ye Chen also has two active attack skills.

One is hammering.

The other one is a boomerang.

Hammering is a single attack skill.

Boomerang is a group attack.

"Try it first." Ye Chen said with a smile, carrying the hammer and rushing towards the direction of the dragon knight.

The Dragon Knight tries to climb back onto the back of his baby dragon.

But the dragon didn't listen to the call at all.

He was on the verge of crying.

Three meters.

Two meters.

One meter!!

Ye Chen is getting closer and closer.

Then he saw that Ye Chen just lifted the sledgehammer, fluttered lightly, and smashed it in the direction of the dragon knight.

No skills were used.

"Who are you insulting?" The Dragon Knight was angry at that time: "I am a Dragon Knight with a physique growth attribute of 1.2, and my physique attribute is more than four thousand!" The equipment on my body is all handmade equipment without level!

"Then you really have quite a lot of attributes." Ye Chen nodded solemnly.

Ye Chen changed his attributes before. Use the most common bonus. Just fill in the numbers.

There are also no specific equipment bonuses. It's all fools anyway. Doesn't matter. Mainly to hide the true attributes.

"Of course, I..." Before the Dragon Knight finished speaking, the person was gone.

Ye Chen's hammer, fluttering lightly, touched the dragon knight.

Not even skills.

Even that fluttering feeling makes people feel that it is not an attack at all.

Maybe it's just a gentle touch.

But that's it.

That dragon knight's body suddenly became transparent.

Directly killed in seconds.

The Dragon Knight was stunned.

The other students were stunned.

Because a bright red number floated on the body of the dragon knight.


This kid is quite unlucky.

Ye Chen made a critical hit.

Originally, Ye Chen's power attribute value had reached 80,000.

1 strength attribute value equals 5 attack power.

Then there was a critical hit.

The Dragon Knight couldn't carry that bit of blood at all.

Not even a fraction is enough.

People are gone.

Ye Chen's mouth had a cruel smile at the corner: "So you guys are so brittle?" "

Just now, that was the Dragon Knight with the highest physique growth attribute.

That's a dragon knight who claims to be untouchable by anyone.

Just gone?

The rest of the people and Ye Chen looked at each other.

The first reaction was to leave him quickly. How far can you run.

Unfortunately, since the entire square turned into a battlefield, the principal has directly closed this place.

Ye Chen's move just now really disturbed the army's heart.

The 10,000 people on the opposite side were directly defeated.

Run faster than a rabbit.

Of course, there are also people who want to turn the tide: "Don't panic, everyone. Master the rhythm, the mage team, take turns to stun or give him a negative state. Better vertigo!

As soon as the words fell, he saw Ye Chen throw out the hammer in his hand.

The hammer whirled.

Directly smashed into the mage's team.


The maximum attack range of this skill is 350 meters. The range is 28 meters and causes the group to slow down.

Ye Chen's boomerang was thrown over.

Ahead. Within a radius of 28 meters centered on the boomerna. A vacuum emerges directly.

Moreover, this sledgehammer can also swirl back into Ye Chen's hands.

The CD of this skill is short.

Almost by the time the hammer comes back, it has already turned around.

But all the mages who were smashed were killed piece by piece.

In this case.

Where do the mages remember to throw any negative effects to Ye Chen?

The man in command just now was also sprayed like a dog's head:

"You can do it, Mader, such a high attack!"

"In an instant we are gone, and I mean to say let us control him, how to control it?"

"Doesn't it mean that each of his attributes is only 3,000? How is the damage so high?

"I heard that Ye Chen's master is Tang Xiaoyue, did this Tang Xiaoyue give Ye Chen the permission to shield?" He changed his original attributes!

"It's too pitted. I thought he really only had 3,000. One of my best attributes has a value of 5,000, but it's not as average as him, and I said, how can there be such an average person in this world? Hexagonal warriors?

"I knew I quit. That's the end of it. "

Run fast, run, stealth that can be invisible." You can just save your life. "


However, the speed of Ye Chen's harvest is fast.

Every time the hammer goes down, it takes away a piece of people.

In the end, Ye Chen was like a wolf entering the flock.

Seven in and seven out.

Stunned, no one could stop him.

Some hidden classes can be invisible. But they disappeared to Ye Chen's side, and when they attacked Ye Chen, they found that their attack could only cause Ye Chen a forced deduction of a little blood.

That is to say, Ye Chen's defense and physique are quite high.

"Is the physique of a master builder so high? This is meatier than a dragon knight. "Someone complained.

"It's a plug-in profession at all. Which session of the ceremony of the hunting freshman representative would lose so badly? "

The last freshman representative was a shadow assassin. Can be hidden in the dark. Relying on stealth, half of the people were grinded to death. And what is this leaf dust? A hammer goes down and it's all gone.

"Who said there were no other skills in this profession, I was anxious with him." This damage is also too high, how much is his attribute value?

"Not quite clear, but it must be high. I estimate that it may be tens of thousands, or even 100,000. "

Run, run, run."


They felt that with their agility and absolute speed, they would be able to dodge Ye Chen.

But these students are still young.

That cyclotron attack not only attacks high, but also slows down in range.

Some people have invincible skills or invincible items.

Although Ye Chen couldn't help it, he directly gave them a second at once.

But they couldn't escape Ye Chen. Because they were all slowed down.

Where there are many people, use a boomerang.

Where there are few people, there are hammers.

The principal's eyelids twitched, and if he said it, the water that was splashed could not be taken back.

I could only watch the students being beaten by Ye Chen. For a while, the entire virtual square echoed with the wails of freshmen.

The school also got this special hunting ceremony to the display screen above the most conspicuous position of the school teaching building.

All people can see clearly what is happening on the virtual battlefield.

The Great Demon King of Duobao followed the cleaning aunt to the school to do cleaning, and just saw Ye Chen holding a hammer and killing all sides, and he was stunned.

It's less than three months.

Ye Chen has grown to this point?

The Duo Bao Great Demon King's face was ugly. He was also going to hide in Ye Chen's bachelor villa and make Ye Chen tonight.

Now it seems. Fortunately, this plan was not implemented. Otherwise, he is a dignified Tianzun level demon. You'll have to die somewhere else.

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