The principal never thought that Shengjing Academy would actually come to such a student. There are students who think of starting their own colleges.

He was speechless for a while.

The principal stretched out his hand and patted Ye Chen's shoulder: "It's good that the young man has ambition." But this kind of thing is still too early for you. Consider joining the academy. Your sister is from our Beaulieu Academy, which one do you want to join? I can recommend it to you.

"Is there a difference between these seventy-two colleges?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically.

"Of course there's a difference." The principal nodded and briefly introduced: "The resources of each academy are different. The direction of cultivation is also different. A better academy resource, better. This is a description of the basic characteristics and status of every college, it is better for you to see. The

principal said, took out a small book from his arms, and handed it directly to Ye Chen.

"Thank you Headmaster." Ye Chen thanked him.

The principal looked at Ye Chen's expression, as if he saw some kind of hope: "I think you still choose one of the three major academies of Beaulong Academy, Ivy College, and Shuguang College." It's more suitable for you. "

This is a blatant backdoor.

Directly told Ye Chen 3 good places.

"This freshman ceremony is over. Let's go back to each house and find your mother. The headmaster raised his head at this point and waved at the students in the distance.

Then the principal exited the mock square.

Ye Chen also withdrew one after another. After all, it's not interesting to stay inside.

When he came out, he found that the book about the academy had also been brought out of the virtual square.

When Ye Chen took it out, he took it down.

As soon as I opened it, I saw it - on how to create the academy.

He watched with relish.

Academy. It is an important part of Shengjing University.

Shengjing Academy is the first school in Xia Country.

To put it ugly, it's a bulk.

He has 72 colleges in it.

These 72 colleges are divided into three grades: upper college, middle college, and lower college.

There are 24 colleges in each grade.

It is ranked according to the contribution to the country within the academy each year.

This contribution contains the comprehensive data of the three points of battlefield, quest, and abyss.

This point in turn includes points for kills and points for material submission.

Because there are some copies and abysses, some special materials burst out of them that are very much needed by the academy and the country. It can even be applied to the body of life occupation.

Points can also be awarded if more such materials are submitted.

But in general, it is the battlefield copy abyss.

Each academy has different access to resources based on its own ranking. Shengjing Academy can provide special venues such as practice grounds, skill practice rooms, and special experience baby copies.

Come and distribute to each academy, like the top three Beaulong, Ivy and Dawn, the resources they get are the best.

Beaulieu is by far the first.

It can have a 3x experience room, where you can get triple experience by playing specific quest monsters.

Ye Chen looked big.

Because the experience hut he has in his hands is 5 times.

I want this broken thing to have a fart ah.

Beaulieu also has a statue of resurrection. Each student can leave their mark on it and resurrect it if they die.

It's just that after resurrection, the health volume will only be maintained at about 3%, and the total attribute will drop by 50%, lasting for a week.

But no matter what, it is possible to snatch people back from the side of death. Of course, the kind of skill that invalidates the resurrection can't be used.

But Ye Chen's side already has almost 5 million salted fish points. You can go to the System Mall and squat a resurrection statue.

After resurrection, the health volume is maintained at 100%. No property drops. And there is no CD yet.

Isn't that fragrant?

Moreover, when Ye Chen looked at the information again, he found that the college had another convenience.

That is, the dean can enjoy a high salary, this salary is all the resources submitted by the daily students, deducted 3%, that is the dean's salary.

The dean also has social status.

You don't have to work for someone else.

Every student who joins Shengjing Academy has to do academy missions in order to earn battlefield points.

And if it is not completed, it will not be allowed to graduate.

Every year someone gets stuck on a certain copy.

Or on material that can only explode once in a few months.

And extend graduation indefinitely.

But the dean does not need to do this task.

The dean is a handshaker. There doesn't seem to be much to do other than issue tasks.

So after Ye Chen looked around.

He felt that it didn't matter which academy it was in the top three. Of the three colleges mentioned by the headmaster, none of them is better than the dean.

[System]: 666. It's you, host.

[Dingdong, detected the onset of lazy cancer in the host, and actually came up with the lazy way to become the dean. ] The system is impressive. It's really unprecedented, and there is no one to come. Inspire 5x salted fish points to get 55,000 salted fish points. Just

when Ye Chen was bored flipping through the small book that the principal gave him.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue pushed open the door of his bachelor villa.

Since Ye Chen can't cook. So Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan had already taken the key to his bachelor villa. Said that he would come over to make a meal for Ye Chen when he had time.

Although Ye Chen already had Cortana to take care of.

But Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan still felt uneasy.

"Yes, Junior Brother." As soon as Bai Luoyan entered the door, she said to Ye Chen excitedly: "I heard that you killed all sides at the freshman ceremony." I tell you, the videos of your killing have been uploaded to the Internet, and you are really, the most powerful representative of freshmen in a hundred years. There is no one. "

Got on the Internet?" Ye Chen chuckled in his heart.

"It's over." He seemed to have thought of something and directly opened the forum of Shengjing Academy.

Sure enough, in the forum of Shengjing University.

The video of Ye Chen killing all sides at the freshman ceremony has been topped.

Moreover, even if you don't click on this post, you can see how Ye Chen bullied children in that video.

He could see the barrage and quickly flew over:

"This kid looks so cruel."

"Such a cute little sister, he went down with a hammer." You don't have to think about it at all.

"Arrogance is too arrogant. Such a figure should join us at Dawning Academy.

"In other words, isn't this younger brother going to fall in love in college in the future?" This freshman, who dares to talk to him?

"It's normal that the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Besides, if the virtual is turned on, these people will not die at all. What else is hypocritical?

"Every year Shengjing Academy has such a small project. To be honest, do you want to kick the student representative down and be the student representative yourself? After all, student representatives are salaried. In the school, he was rewarded with battlefield points.

"In previous years, this excuse was used. This year seems to have no use of this excuse, and everyone's hatred for this young man is full. Curious what he did?

"The champion of the college entrance examination, a generation of geniuses, is still a roll king." Go and check his deeds.

"What are you talking nonsense? I think Brother Ye is very good. Although he was ferocious, those people wanted to kill him. It is said that the virtual battlefield has no eyes, how can they kill Ye Chen? Our brother can't fight back. "


Ye Chen was afraid of his murderous appearance, so that other little girls did not dare to approach him.

I didn't expect to turn to the back.

You can also see one who says he is okay.

Quite happy.

"Have you decided which academy to go to?" Bai Luoyan asked smoothly.

"Oh, I'm going to make one myself." Ye Chen directly said his thoughts.

Bai Luoyan followed Ye Chen's words and said, "It's good to run one by yourself." Wait a minute. Bai Luoyan was incredulous: "What did you just say?" "

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