The news of Ye Chen's establishment of the academy spread all over the place.

And when Ye Chen left the principal's office.

The principal immediately closed the door of his office, then took out the computer and crackled on it.

He changed all the rules for the establishment of the academy in the future. Not only are there detailed level limits, but it is also clearly stated that you must be a teacher in the school to have this qualification.


This loophole has only been closed today.

Of course, due to Ye Chen's success.

Therefore, it also attracted a group of people who also wanted to establish their own colleges. However, these people were turned away by the principal. If you make trouble again, drag it out and beat it.

Ye Chen drilled this hole well enough. People learned that after Ye Chen applied for this academy, the principal directly changed the requirements for establishing the college, and those who did not establish the academy in advance were called a chest beating.

"Boss." Knowing that Ye Chen created the academy, Zhan Rong called Ye Chen with excitement on his face: "I want to join your academy." Do you remember our squad leader? It's Wu Shan.

"He is also in Shengjing Academy, I just asked him, and he is also willing to join your academy." After all, if it weren't for you, I would be gone now. "

Every time Zhan Rong saw Ye Chen, he had to mention the matter of the bloody college entrance examination.

Remind Ye Chen all the time, and there is such a son as him.

Be sure to let Ye Chen fly by himself.

The trainees who joined the academy solved two at once.

So who is the third?

Ye Chen also asked Zhan Rong to find it.

He learned that of the 72 academies, the smallest so far was Peach Academy.

Looking at the name, you can see that the other party is not distracted. Shouldn't you like to eat peaches, that's why you set up such an academy?

There are 29,722 students in Peach Academy, including four years from freshman to senior. Although there are relatively few students, the teachers are strong.

The dean specially invited teachers from outside, and there are more than a dozen instructors at different stages from freshman to senior year. There are nearly 100 teachers alone.

There are more than a dozen Heavenly Saint level teachers.

This will be nearly 30,000 students at Peach Academy or the smallest number in the entire college.

And after the freshman ceremony.

72 colleges began recruiting.

Ye Chen wants to compete with these old academies.

That's very hard.


It is worth mentioning that now Ye Chen has obtained an academy territory. The so-called academy territory is actually a similar copy opened up by the big guy of the space department.

Each house needs to use its own key to enter the house territory if it wants to enter.

The area of this territory is large.

It is 6,000 square meters.

There are copy halls, school auction halls, and college warehouse management houses.

There is nothing else left.

After all, they are just a small college that has just applied.

"It's a big place." Ye Chen entered the territory, and after observing it, he took out a blank piece of paper, and then wrote a meal of wild grass on it.

Then Ye Chen handed the piece of paper to Xiao Na next to him: "You will take this paper and Xiao Bai and the registration form to recruit new students in a while." "

Recruit new people for this kind of thing.

Ye Chen actually handed it over to two pets.

Bai Luoyan suddenly had a bad premonition: "Such an important matter, you actually handed it over to the two of them?"

"Shouldn't you have gone to the scene yourself?"

Bai Luoyan also noticed the white paper that Xiao Na was holding in her hand at this time, and the words on the white paper were really beautiful.

But it's also outrageous.

Bai Luoyan read out the words on the white paper with an ugly face: "Do you want to have 5 times the experience leveling?" Do you want to kill all sides on the battlefield and be able to quickly resurrect after death? Do you want someone to take a copy to the Catastrophe level to collect materials? Come to our academy. All satisfy you.

"Our academy also has a Heavenly King-level auxiliary, a platinum-level swordsman, and a gold-level summoner, if you have any questions, any one can answer you."

When Bai Luoyan saw the back, her brows stretched.

She pointed to those written by Ye Chen in front: "Aren't you false propaganda?

"How is it false propaganda?" Ye Chen was not angry: "What I said is true." "

5x experience. Are you coaxing ghosts? Bai Luoyan's face was ugly.

Then she saw Ye Chen build an experience hut in front of her: "Lose an appraisal technique and see for yourself." Bai

Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue both did so.

Then both men fell silent.

The practice rooms in the school do not have such a high bonus.

Now I finally know why Ye Chen upgraded so quickly.

With such a bunch of summons, plus such an experience cabin, can it not be fast to upgrade?

"Can you move this thing to the replica?" After all, even the practice room in the school must kill monsters in the copy to have experience. Bai Luoyan raised a new question.

However, Ye Chen looked confused: "But why can't we let the big man of the space department directly build me a place for the experience baby?" And then I build a house, isn't it over?

"Makes sense." Tang Xiaoyue's eyes lit up: "Then we can immediately put the screenshot of this experience hut on the forum." Don't say three people for you in three days. It is possible to recruit 300,000.

"I don't." Unexpectedly, Ye Chen refused: "I just want to hide my profession." And I just have to be very good. "

He also picked it.

Tang Xiaoyue turned her eyes and knew what Ye Chen meant: "You want to cultivate an elite team, and it is still the same level as you, when the time comes, when you go to the battlefield, or other places, you can huddle and kill the enemy."

Ye Chen coughed, a little weak, really didn't think so much: "I just think that if the other party is a hidden profession and the attributes are relatively good, it will be good to do the task." I, the dean, can lie down directly. "

Tang Xiaoyue: ......

Bai Luoyan: ......

[System]: 6666, it has to be you!

Ye Chen directly said his thoughts: "Just recruit according to my ideas, the noble essence is not expensive, if it is not a hidden profession, if there are also bright spots on the body, you can recruit."

"But the kind of person who comes to the experience cabin, I don't have time to take the kids."

Tang Xiaoyue was very supportive of anything Ye Chen did, no matter what it was. Therefore, Tang Xiaoyue did not continue to ask, but went to recruit students according to what Ye Chen said.

In these three days.

Under the all-round publicity of Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan, three pets, plus Zhan Rong and Wu Shan, they recruited a total of 4 people.

As for Ye Chen.

Meizhi played for three days.

It's either watching TV or playing games.

Give the system stimulation non-stop vomiting points.

[Ding-dong. This system has detected that the host is not human. Leave everything to others to do, and act as a dispenser. It's so doggy. This system is impressed. Inspire 5x salted fish points reward, congratulations to the host for obtaining 50,000 salted fish points. 【

Ding-dong.】 This system detected that a forbidden spell mage was actually accepted during the host's swing, which is a rather rare class. The system admires, stimulates the reward of twice the salted fish points, and congratulates the host for obtaining 20,000 salted fish points. 【

Dingdong, this system has detected that the host has been playing games for three consecutive days. Aren't you tired? Don't you think about cultivation? I can tell you that the Great Demon King of Duo Bao is coming to earth. The system is impressive. Inspire 5x salted fish points to get 100,000 salted fish points. One

of the good things about the system is that it is too anxious or stimulated.

Will reveal some very special news to Ye Chen.

"The Great Demon King of Duo Bao is coming to the world?" Ye Chen's eyes widened: "Where is it?" Let me try it. "

The projection of the Duo Bao Great Demon King can give so many battlefield points.

What about ontology?

Don't make a profit.

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