Tang Xiaoyue's idea was simple.

It's even rough.

Tang Xiaoyue directly found the previous space system mage, and then connected the experience copy he had established and the leveling copy in the copy hall.

I don't know how the mage of that space department got it.

Anyway, the end result is.

Before entering Ye Chen's experience copy of their academy territory, they could choose which type of copy to access in the copy hall?

For example, Ye Chen selects the copy hall before entering, level 20 to level 30 copy, pick one at random, and then choose the natural disaster level.

When he entered, the two copies coincided.

The location is still where Ye Chen founded the defensive tower before. But those monsters will fall from the sky. Including bosses.

Therefore, Ye Chen had to enter the place where the defensive tower was created before, and increase the defensive tower above each point to 10,000.

Because some high-level bosses are very awesome.

In total, the total number of defense towers created by Ye Chen in that experience copy was about 10 million.

The corners and corners were all crowded with defensive towers.

After the people outside came in, they could only stay in the experience hut, and they could only rely on the teleportation array to go out.

Not to mention going out to pick things up.

Monsters have to get stuck after falling from the sky.

Building a defensive tower allows Ye Chen to brush his skills greatly, and Ye Chen found a plug-in similar to a button wizard in the system mall.

[Agent doll]: Priced at 200,000 salted fish points.

It can help the host to complete some simple or complex operations. The operation can be repeated.

So Ye Chen stayed in the experience hut for three days with Erlang's legs up, chasing dramas and watching movies every day, or listening to Xiaobai sing small songs.

But it exhausted Cortana.

Because Ye Chen didn't operate it himself, he found an agent doll to help build a defense tower, but the blue amount was still Ye Chen's.

Cortana kept adding blue to Ye Chen.

Until Ye Chen built all the defensive towers.

Cortana finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the sofa.

Xiaobai also added a knife: "Sister Xiaona, you seem to have become flat." "

Wow." Cortana burst into a foul mouth, got up and quickly observed: "... Do you still have that papaya oil of yours? Ye

Chen, who had no psychological burden, even found that his defensive tower skills had improved again.

After all, that's 10 million towers.

So with skills. Can it not be improved?

[Tier 1 Level 5 Defense Tower

] Attack: 70000 Defense: 70000 HP: 70000 Range: 5000m


: [Damage Deepening]:

When hitting the same target, the second hit is 80% deeper than the first damage, and the maximum damage is increased to


[Range True Eye]: Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must hit]: Ignore any dodges, as long as you have ever entered the range, you can hit. Ignore unselectability.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 120%, if the target is decelerating, then after the second shell hits, it will cause a fixed effect. If the opponent is in a fixed state, the third shell will cause a stun effect when hit. Subsequent shells refresh the stun time.

[Stacking]: 10,000 defense towers can be stacked on the same building point.

[Identification]: It can automatically identify the enemy and friend camp, even if the other party has a camouflage, it can still be seen


Up to level 5.

The damage of the defense tower has increased again.

Some changes have also occurred with the properties panel.

The first is damage deepening. Then there was the negative state, and the deceleration also increased to 120%. In fact, there is an improvement at the second level.

Finally, the camp recognition above, which can automatically identify the camp, is very intelligent. This time there is no need to even mark, the tower automatically distinguishes.

In the end, Ye Chen also let Cortana release a camp light.

Cortana's Faction Light is a status that doubles the attack by giving all defense towers at once.

It is worth mentioning that the current defense tower, after the upgrade, there is no need to replace the previous low-level defense tower one by one.

Just set it up on the skill panel.

All towers that have been summoned will be replaced with the latest level.

After doing that.

A copy of the Academy's experience is finally open.

The price set by Tang Xiaoyue: 5 battlefield points can be swiped once.

When selecting a copy to dock the academy quest hall, battlefield points will also be deducted when entering the dungeon. This battlefield points cadet comes out by itself.

It can even be understood as 5 battlefield points to brush the copy of the natural disaster level.

After Ye Chen set up all the defense towers.

Tang Xiaoyue tried it herself once, and she could indeed brush a copy of the Heavenly King level. And Tang Xiaoyue also has skills similar to Camp Light.

The attributes of all towers have doubled again.

"Auxiliary classes can go in and directly add buffs to defense towers. Although now the buffs of the defense tower have been piled up high. Tang Xiaoyue concluded: "Auxiliary professions, a person goes in to brush, and the experience rises particularly fast. "

They thought this copy of experience was established. It will take a long time to reach the ears of other students. So that their academy can carry forward.

But what I didn't expect was. After the experience copy was established, to be exact, Tang Xiaoyue had just come out of the Heavenly King-level Heavenly Tribulation level copy.

Dust Star Academy, out of the name.

This was also something Ye Chen did not expect.

In the copy hall of Shengjing Academy, each copy has a leaderboard.

Tang Xiaoyue directly used the experience copy to dock the Heavenly King-level Heavenly Tribulation Copy.

She swiped a copy of level 125 to level 150.

She just came out of the copy.

A prompt came from the copy hall of Shengjing Academy: "Congratulations to the freshman, Dust Star Academy, Silver Level 30, Ye Chen, passed the Heavenly King level 125 to 150, the copy of the natural disaster level, it took 5 hours, 7 minutes and 33 seconds, breaking the leaderboard record!! "

And I brushed it three times in a row.

It's still voice-broadcast.

The students in the entire copy hall were stunned at first.

Then they all gathered in front of the level 125 to level 150 replicas.

No. 1 in the leaderboard.

What was clearly marked was Ye Chen's name.

Grade: Silver Level 30.

Academy: Dust Star Academy.

Occupation: Master Builder.

Time: 5 hours, 7 minutes and 33 seconds.


There was silence in the copy hall for a while.

Then immediately burst out into even louder noises.

"Shady shady!! How did he get in level 30? "

Is there a problem with the quest hall too?" When did Shengjing Academy degenerate to this point? "

It only took 5 hours for a person who didn't even pass the 3rd trial, how he passed the copy. Or a natural disaster. "

No one has passed the copies of level 125 to level 150 of the natural disaster level. The last top leaderboard was the pass geography-level quest, which took 47 hours. How do you finish playing in 5 hours?

"It's absolutely shady, or it's a leaderboard display error."

"Who is this Ye Chen? Freshmen, also so arrogant? "

Dust Star Academy shouldn't be the academy founded by that student, right? So awesome? "


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