The students looked at the behemoth in the simulated arena in silence.

Defense towers.

They are known as daddy-like beings in experiential copies.

Every experience copy that entered Ye Chen's creation would be amazed by the defense tower and experience hut, and would also give their maker, Ye Chen, the name of his father.

The attributes of the defense tower and the experience hut are clearly marked with the name of the leaf dust maker.

They also knew how terrifying Ye Chen's defense tower was.

Even if there was only one defensive tower beside Ye Chen at this time.


All the students were silent.


They can fight powerful enemies.

But you can't fight with the powerful pervasive.

They looked at each other.

For a while, no one dared to come to power.

The referee is also a big deal: "What's wrong?" You don't even dare to come to power? Then this award will be given directly to Ye Chen.

"People are also freshmen. You are also freshmen. Why are there so many freshmen who are so much better than you?

"We Terrans are most afraid of losing before a fight, and you are the type now. What are college students like you doing in school? Go home and grow sweet potatoes.

"Oh, yes, sweet potatoes. You must also be a professional professional. Why don't you hang yourself now." It comes more quickly, and it does not account for resources. "


The referee taunted.

The students below couldn't sit still.

In the end, young and frivolous.

"Zichuan Academy Deng Dahai, please fight."

Among the students. A muscular man covered in muscles rushed out from inside.

Ye Chen's eyelids did not lift: "Then you come up."

"I, I won't come up now." Deng Dahai hesitated: "The referee applies for me and summons my summons first." "

This is also a summoner.

Facing Ye Chen's level.

Of course, the summoning is done first.

Deng Dahai looked at Ye Chen: "You have a defensive tower there, right?" "

When he was brushing the experience copy, he carefully observed the attributes of each defense tower.

Ye Chen nodded lazily: "Uh-huh!

Deng Dahai breathed a sigh of relief.

A defensive tower.

Now Ye Chen's defense tower can fire two shells at a time.

And the damage is extremely high.

But what if he piles up troops?

The summoner's summoning beasts are as unlimited as Ye Chen's defense tower.

However, it is limited by the amount of blue.

In theory, if you can carry a small blue bottle that keeps adding blue.

Then you can burst out unlimited minions.

In fact. Deng Dahai did the same.

No matter how Ye Chen's defense tower can fight monsters, the speed is also limited.

He tops it with other summons.

Anyway, simulating battlefield death, will not affect reality.

These summoners are not really dead either.

Deng Dahai's preparation time was long. He found 5 nurses to add blue to himself.

Brushed for more than half an hour of soldiers.

Ye Chen was waiting on it and was about to fall asleep. He took out a recliner from his storage bag, lay down on the chair and began to chase the drama.

This parallel world TV series is very interesting.

The referee saw that Ye Chen's side made a happy chasing sound. He couldn't bear it for Deng Dahai: "Can you hurry?" I think that's enough. "

Deng Dahai summoned a full 50 ant queens in half an hour.

Xiao Bai glanced in the direction of Deng Dahai and said curiously, "Master." That guy summoned the previous experience baby.

"What experience baby?" Ye Chen didn't understand why Xiaobai called the queen of ants an experience baby.

"It's the first time I've made a copy with you." Xiaobai said with excitement on his face: "At that time, there was this ant queen in the copy. Every time you get angry, you give birth to cubs. Gives birth to many, many cubs. Ye

Chen probably understood what Deng Dahai was going to do.

He pondered whether to add a few more to the original location of that one tower.

For example, add 9999.

However, Ye Chen still wanted to hold a wait-and-see attitude.

"It's okay, it's okay." Deng Dahai laughed: "I, the queen of ants, can give birth to crazy children." Help me carry the tower. He


Deng Dahai drove those ant queens into the arena.

to defend the coverage of towers.

Even now Ye Chen is in the corner.

The entire virtual arena is covered by defensive towers.

It stands to reason.

The Ant Queen should have been beaten by the defense tower after entering the field.

"You guys hurry up and go inside." Deng Dahai hurriedly drove these ant queens inside.

The 50 ant queens were upset.

But still according to what Deng Dahai said.

Entered the simulation arena.

Deng Dahai also knew the attack range of Ye Chen's defense tower, and seeing that Ye Chen's defense tower actually did not react, Deng Dahai laughed: "It seems that there is something wrong with your defense tower."

Ye Chen ignored him.

The referee stared at him: "You can't get on? If you don't, I'll disqualify you.

"I'll be right on." Deng Dahai climbed directly into the ring.

However, he had just climbed into the ring.

I saw the defensive tower move suddenly.

Two blue points of light appeared on the tower.

This is the shell of the defense tower.

Deng Dahai was startled and quickly dodged.

He hid behind an ant queen.

But those two blue dots of light are like long eyes.

Bypassed the ant queen.

Directly hit Deng Dahai's body.

Deng Dahai died directly and quickly disappeared in the simulated arena.

The summoners are gone.

Naturally, it is impossible for summoned beasts to stay in the simulated arena.

The 50 ant queens still haven't figured out what's going on?

It also disappeared.

Ye Chen was also quite surprised.

Because he really didn't do anything just now.

It is an automatic identification system for defense towers.

"Those ant queens were suddenly driven into the ring. I guess I don't know what happened. So there is no hostility towards me either. But Deng Dahai is different. Just appeared and was automatically locked by the defense tower?

Ye Chen guessed the reason: "Don't be in a hurry, maybe there are other summoning professions." It may also be because the defense tower determined that those were summoned beasts. So the thief captures the king first. "

Playing summoners is like that.

If it's a team game.

At this time, professions such as assassins have long been close to their faces.

Ye Chen did not take this matter to heart.

I changed my position and continued watching TV.

"Ye Chen, a freshman at Shengjing Academy, vs. Deng Dahai of Zichuan Academy, Ye Chen, win!"

The referee hastened to announce.

When Deng Dahai came down, he didn't understand what was going on.

Still stood in place with a confused look: "Why did I come down?" I summoned so many summoned beasts for nothing?

The referee pouted: "Who doesn't know that to fight with a summoner, you must fight the summoner first?"

"But he's a defensive tower, how can he be so smart!!" Deng Dahai roared directly.

The referee didn't bother to deal with him: "Next." "

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