"Who doesn't like that? The master painted some details very well, and I still have a set at home, which he autographed. Ye Chen lowered his voice when he said this: "There are also manuscripts that he has not released. "

Special details?" The principal's eyes were full of light.

The old professor suddenly remembered something and coughed: "By the way, what kind of secret treasure do you want to take?" I see you like this book so much. You must not know that there is a certain master carving who specializes in carving the statue of the heroine of "Love Paradise". "

Live-to-scale size. It also adds health. Particularly realistic.

"How about you get one too?"

Ye Chen: "..."

Do people in parallel worlds play like this?"

Ye Chen endured the great temptation, and finally shook his head: "My master suggested that I choose the copy key. The

old professor nodded, seemingly quite satisfied: "There are quite few people who can resist this temptation nowadays. There are really very few such things as copy keys. I do have three here.

"But I advise you, if you want to explore, it's best to find more people."

"There have been students exploring unknown copies. Accidentally folded himself inside. You are the hope of our Terrans. Never go wrong. "

The old professor gave a lot of advice.

In the end, I actually found three copy keys.

However, these three copy keys look strange.

The first copy key is a jade bracelet.

That jade bracelet is very clear. From the jade top. This is definitely a high-end product.

But it becomes the key to a copy. It feels weird.

The 2nd copy key, which is really a key. A rusty one that looks like a key on a particularly ordinary door lock.

The 3rd copy key is a dead branch.

Ye Chen held the three copy keys and looked at the old professor. I was stunned to see the old professor.

"Don't look at me like that," the old professor said helplessly, "I know you don't believe it." But these three keys have been tested by special means. There are indeed copies attached.

"But there are many different ways to activate the copy key. This is something you need to explore on your own. You can also look it up online. There is a lot of relevant information. The

old professor finished.

Immersed in the book just now.

It seems that he will not be able to wake him up for a while.

Because this book Ye Chen also has it. Special.

"Are you really going to take these three things?" The principal was speechless for Ye Chen's choice: "It's enough to take one copy key." We have pseudo-artifacts in this treasure trove. "

Pseudo-artifact?" Ye Chen was quite curious.

The principal explained next to him: "It can be comparable to an artifact, but it is slightly different, that is, the power is not so great." Some are even mutilated. But it is indeed a pseudo-artifact.

Ye Chen remembered the blue clothes that Lan Lan was wearing that could withstand damage.

"I'm not interested." Ye Chen shook his head.

He also had a level 20 city lord suit on him, which Xiao Na said could be upgraded, but Ye Chen hadn't thought of upgrading it until now.

The attribute of physique is full of value.

A gibberish is an astronomical number.

Besides, his attacks are quite high.

The stick he got from the lizardman last time, he was not in the mood to use it.

I am not particularly interested in what pseudo-artifacts are.

The principal could only nod sadly: "Then choose these." However, if you want to open a copy with a copy key, it is better to have someone watching from the side.

"I know you're powerful, but unknown copies are especially dangerous."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay." "

It's weird.

Exploring the quest is, of course, a sneaky place alone.

In fact, when Ye Chen got those three secret treasure keys. I thought the key to that bracelet was particularly strange.

When holding it in your hand, there is an indescribable feeling.

Ye Chen couldn't wait.

I can't wait to go home and open a copy of this bracelet right now.

He always felt that there was a huge surprise waiting for him.

So after returning to the bachelor villa.

Ye Chen told his master and senior sister that he wanted to rest.

Although today the championship was won quite easily.

Ye Chen was lying on that narrow recliner, and his waist hurt.

But salted fish like Ye Chen.

It's hard to be diligent.

Of course, you have to spend more time resting.

So whether it was Bai Luoyan or Tang Xiaoyue, they didn't doubt it.

As a result, Ye Chen came to his bedroom alone.

Danglian took out the jade bracelet.

"System." Ye Chen still had some sense: "Help me scan this copy to see if there is any problem." [

System]: "Friendly reminder, you can find similar props in my system store." If you can't find it, please be patient. "

Today's props Ye Chen have carefully looked at them.

Although there is a statue of the resurrection, there is no discount on that thing.

Ye Chen is not unable to afford it.

After tasting the sweetness of the discount, I am not willing to buy the original price.

Even if it's a 9% discount?

Now the prop system that Ye Chen wants is not available in the mall at all.

"Then I'll go in now. If something happens, it's bad luck for my salted fish. Then I will lie flat directly in the copy. Ye Chen said, as if he really wanted to enter the copy with the help of that bracelet.

[System]: ......

[Ding-dong. It was detected that the host wanted to lie flat on a copy that did not know whether it was alive or dead. It also threatens the system. The system is truly impressive. Activate 5x salted fish point rewards, congratulations to the host for obtaining 50,000 salted fish points. In

fact, Ye Chen is really just making a appearance.

It's just to trick the system into helping.

Unexpectedly, the stimulating system also sent extra points.

Although as long as Ye Chen commits lazy salted fish, he can get salted fish points that are added every second. But each time the system is stimulated, it can earn multiple points.

Ye Chen still felt quite refreshed.

[System]: 500,000 points, I'll help you take a look.

"Deal." Ye Chen took out all three copy keys: "Take a look at them all." "

[System]: .

Just now, the system did not say how many keys to see.

So Ye Chen took it all out.

The system resigned itself to helping Ye Chen query these keys.

Finally give a conclusion.

[Ding-dong. From the strength of the host. The copy behind these keys will not cause you any harm and is considered safe. Hear

the system say so.

Ye Chen was relieved.

He took out the jade bracelet.

The ways to activate copies are really varied. Ye Chen looked at it carefully, I really don't know how to open the copy of this jade bracelet?

Just when Ye Chen turned over and over and looked at the jade bracelet.

He suddenly felt a flash in front of him.

Then he found himself in an ancient pavilion.

A particularly coquettish female voice came from her ears: "There is a destined person, the slave family has been waiting for you for a long time." "

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