Ye Chen dodged lightly, and punched the man's face with his backhand.

In this damn place, all skills are restricted, storage bags are restricted, and even the system cannot be opened.

Ye Chen's punch can only be regarded as an ordinary attack.

He felt that his attack power was not very strong.

The man in front of him is also a powerhouse in the Ascending Immortal Realm. I don't know what level the other party is.

But Ye Chen really felt that the other party was like paper paste.

One punch is a waste.

"Fake?" Ye Chen's fists were stained with each other's blood: "It's not like it's yes." "

The entire copy time was stopped by the person just now, which seemed unreal.

Ye Chen put his gaze on Nalan Xue's body, and the corners of his mouth gently hooked: "Since they are all here." That thing dies and dies, it doesn't matter. The little beauty cannot be disappointed. He


Then he walked to Nalan Xue's side.

Gnawing on it in one bite.

Not close yet, though.

A slender jade hand blocked his mouth: "When did you see it?"

"Actually, you are the one who ascended to the Heavenly Realm, right? The water system Heavenly Spirit Root does have this ability. "That person just now was just a puppet. This beautiful little girl in front of me is the real master.

"Kind of interesting. You're the strongest I've seen so far. Nalan Xue waved her hand, and all the big carved beds and antique pavilions disappeared.

Where the two are now is a dark nothingness.

All around is a variety of fragmentary images. Small pieces of screen spliced together to create a large one.

There are all kinds of pictures playing out there.

Ye Chen also saw Zhan Rong above.

What happens to everyone is different.

Zhan Rong encountered the academy, and an old man with a white beard took a teaching whip and forced him to memorize the "Three Hundred Tang Poems".

Just Zhan Rong's brain. Just recited two songs, and the mentality exploded.

is having a tantrum with the old man.

Lan Lan met a beggar girl. At this time, the two were talking. It seems to be very happy.

Deng Dahai met a flock of chickens, ducks and geese and needed his care. At this time, he was like a virgin full of aura. Take care of this chicken, and take care of that duck. Very happy.

Ye Chen could see it. This guy is a breeder.

There are a lot of people on this picture.

Ye Chen noticed a stupid fork, and the secret realm he encountered was a simple match and fight. As a result, the stupid fork also tried to buy off the opponent.

The point is that the purchase was successful. It only costs a dollar to make the other party throw in the towel.

"This guy's skills are very interesting." Nalan Xue said softly: "He can buy people. Those people will somehow be bought by him. I've tried several. I can't find the reason for this.

"You outsiders. Everyone has skills in them. It's still natural. It's not like our world.

"And the Immortal Cultivation Realm I am in now is actually a book."

"I was just an ordinary person who one day slipped into a book and became the vicious female partner in that book. The male protagonist liked a half-human, half-fish, and the female partner personally made the half-human, half-fish braised and fed it to the male protagonist on the wedding day.

"According to the original plot. The male protagonist should have cut the female partner on the day of the flight, but I changed the plot, and I fed the male protagonist LSD every day to let him live in the fantasy of both wife and daughter.

"In fact, I practiced hard every day, and at the most critical moment I killed him, so I flew to the Immortal Realm."

"In the immortal world, I have a very boring life, as if I have lost my goal..." Nalan

Xue began to tell her story.

Ye Chen interrupted directly: "It's not right. You have all flown to the immortal realm, can't your mind be broadened? People have to have patterns. Talk about love and be happy, otherwise you are sorry for your life.

Nalan Xue was stunned: "This, isn't it bad?"

"What's so bad? There are so many rules in the immortal world? Ye Chen was inexplicable: "Since they are all strong and live happily, what's wrong?" Don't tell me that you are practicing hard to cultivate immortals below. After ascending to the Upper Realm, he still practiced hard.

"Then I practiced hard all my life, and in the end I didn't practice to the most awesome level, and then I died like that." Ancient tombs have also been excavated to get your inheritance.

"Don't give me this inheritance of yours, I'm afraid I'll go back and practice stupid."

Nalan Xue

: "..." Ye Chen continued: "You still have something to do." It's okay, I'm leaving. Boring.

Nalan Xue quickly stopped Ye Chen: "Don't go, my inheritance is really not suitable for you, so be it, I'll give you something." He


Nalan Xue stood on tiptoe and kissed Ye Chen's forehead gently.

Ye Chen grabbed her: "You still want to run when you come, just this little thing?" Where is enough? "

Nalan Xue:"? You..."

Ye Chen: "Isn't it a cave room?" Go on. "

An hour later.

Nalan Xue: "When exactly are you going back?" "

Two hours later.

Nalan Xue: "I am dedicated to death, and after finding the inheritor, I plan to go to the immortal world to find a place to die, you ... I don't even want to go.

Ye Chen: "If you don't want to leave, don't go." "

Three hours later.

Nalan Xue: "... Ye Lang, shall I go back with you?

Ye Chen: "Don't want to die?" Nalan

Xue: "... Just almost died. Don't want to. "

Five hours later.

Ye Chen took Nalan Xue out of the underground palace. The little girl was still chattering: "It turned out to be so comfortable, after I crossed into that book." Knowing the end of my vicious female match, I married the man and fed him a lot of LSD every day, thinking that he was happy every night, but he did not know that it was his own fantasy.

"I practiced hard all my life, and finally ascended, and I am still penance when I reach the immortal world."

"I wanted to go back and wait for death after I found the inheritor, but I felt that I really wouldn't live long."

"But now, I want to live, keep living, Ye Lang, I want to try my best to stay by your side." You are right, people are alive, they can't be so tired, they have to enjoy it.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction, the degree of brainwashing was quite wow: "But you follow me, you have to be honest, otherwise clean you up."

"Those people came into my tomb, and I didn't want to give them anything." Nalan Xue said and waved her sleeves.

Ye Chen stopped her: "Don't throw everyone out first, I see a familiar face, play first."

Nalan Xue nodded obediently.

But as soon as she waved her hand, all those who were originally in the underground palace were ejected. It's just that I didn't get out of this secret realm.

What Ye Chen saw was the Duo Bao Great Demon King.

In fact, on the day of the college entrance examination.

Ye Chen's battle was the projection of the Treasure Great Demon King.

The projection of this cargo is too large.

The face is not clear.

However, what Ye Chen felt was the breath of the Treasure Great Devil King. Just now, in the space that Nalan Xue had conjured, Ye Chen felt how many treasures and great demon kings were in this group of people.

Before, the system said that the Great Demon King of Duobao came to the world. But if you want to break through the space barrier. Necessarily downgraded.

Otherwise, you won't be able to come at all.

Downgrade words... If you don't bring it back, cut it into 99.81 million pieces, study it well.

I'm sorry for the intention of the Duo Bao Great Demon King running through the space barrier.

When Ye Chen was so loud, the Duo Bao Great Demon King suddenly felt a vicious cold.

It was as if he was being targeted by something.

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