The Yamamura series is a classic by the master.

It is divided into 9 books.

What Ye Chen wanted was the last one.

At that time, the title of the book was published by Master Yu early. That year, he wrote his first book, "Mountain Village: The Village Chief's Backyard", which was sought after by book fans around the world.

The life profession awakened by the master is more strange.

In a parallel world where this game descends to the world.

Most people's careers revolve around games.

Even if it's a life career.

But Yu Yushi is said to have brought a USB flash drive containing two T's seeds when he awakened his profession.

So I woke up to this... Bizarre profession.

But the world is crazy about it.

The money is a lot of money.

It's just that the Yamamura series came to an abrupt end in Part 5. Let the Global Association of Professionals call a halt. It is said that this thing affects everyone to the next copy and fight demons.

Now the craziest thing in the world is Part 9.

It is said that by the master because of the madness of the 9th part. It took months to make a copy. The global limited edition hardcover and the pricing is also quite conscientious.

The only one in the world priced at 10 million.

By the master high wind bright festival, do not yet battlefield points.

It's just that no one is buying it at the moment.

The Global Professional Association banned Yu Yu Master, and the existing "Love" series was removed.

Let's not talk about the mountain village series. Even Master Yuyu himself could not find anyone.

Some say they were caught.

Some people say that it may simply disappear.

Ye Chen said this thing.

I know everything.

I don't know how to look confused.

Li Fugui belongs to this category: "What are you talking about?

"You don't even know this, do you?" Ye Chen directly mocked: "I thought you really knew everything." That's what I want. You're going to get it out, and I'll trust you. Let's talk about other conditions.

Zhan Rong squeezed his eyebrows: "Yes, boss." It would be better if he could also point out the position of the master of Yuyu. I have too many ideas. If you don't issue it, you can just sell it to me.

Li Fugui's face was ugly: "I will definitely get it for you." But can we start by talking about the deal between us. "

Draw flatbread?" Ye Chen glanced at Li Fugui: "You think I will be fooled?"

"It's not." Li Fugui's voice contained a demagogic aura in it at this time, and Ye Chen couldn't help but look at him when he heard this voice.

Li Fugui's skills were launched.

There was a crazy look in his eyes.

As long as the skill is launched.

There is no failure. Unless the other party is pure in heart and has no desire, everyone who has desire will fall into the illusion of desire.

In the end, he was forced to sign a contract with Li Fugui.

However, after Li Fugui activated this skill.

Ye Chen's side heard a prompt from the system:

[Ding-dong.] Friendly reminder. You have 8/10 of the number of uses left on your anti-injury cloak. Ye

Chen: ???

Li Fugui's skill just now was devastating?

Can you kill him directly?

There are still 150 million defense towers in the experience quest.

[Ding-dong. Is it considered destruction to turn you into his slave? Ye

Chen is on fire.

What kind of stuff?

He though beware of this man. But I didn't expect that his skill would be unreasonable at all. Forced transactions.

Directly turn yourself into Li Fugui's slave.

It's beautiful to think about.

Where did the strange profession come from?

The anti-injury cloak is something that Ye Chen has always carried on his body. Because equipment can be hidden.

Therefore, it is usually normal to see Ye Chen wearing very normal clothing.

Anti-injury cloak, the first anti-Feng Kui.

The second time is Li Fugui's skills.

Since the anti-injury cloak can return all the damage and negative effects as well as curses and so on.

So now, Li Fugui will become Ye Chen's slave?

Sure enough, a black dialog box appeared in front of Ye Chen.

"Do you want to enshrine the materials and force Li Fugui to become your slave?"

The panel of this black dialog box is still dripping with red blood.

Or dynamic.

It looks a little disgusting.

When Ye Chen was still thinking about what kind of material this offering was.

I saw that the words on the black dialog box deepened a little. The red blood on the dialog box seemed to be flowing down.

"What is the material?" Ye Chen asked directly.

A sinister voice sounded in his ears, and the other party seemed to have just crawled out of hell: "Matching things, I see that butterfly cake in your storage bag is quite good." This person is worth the price. Ye

Chen was still a little nervous.

Afraid of the price offered by the other party, I can't afford it.

After all, it is an unfair contract.

Who would have thought that Li Fugui was only worth a piece of butterfly cake?

That's not iron waste?


If this man were to be his own slave. This skill is equivalent to him.

It's still a bit useful.

Ye Chen nodded: "Then I'll give it to you." "

This butterfly cake was made by Yang Guifei.

The taste is fragrant.

Go to Yang Guifei's copy before.

The girl gave him a lot.

"Your slave contract with Li Fugui has taken effect. From now on, Li Fugui will be your slave, and you say that he does not dare to go west. You can call me later if you need to.

Ye Chen always felt that there was a pair of particularly annoying eyes behind the black dialog box.

It's uncomfortable.

Li Fugui originally looked crazy.

Moreover, at this time, he had already established a connection with Ye Chen.

Although Li Yan hated this younger brother of the same family.


I have to say that Li Fugui's skills have really brought a qualitative leap to the entire Li family.

At this time, Ye Chen found the slave option on his attribute panel.

After clicking on it, I found that there was Li Fugui's name.

There are also 7 slaves under Li Fugui.

6 Heavenly Saints, one Heavenly Venerable.

It's just that only 4 of these 6 Heavenly Saints are combat professions. The others, including that Tianzun, are all life occupations.

Although the Terrans only have ten Battle Heavenly Venerables.

But there are many Tianzun in life and occupation.

Especially people who have been doing the same job every day for decades.

Life and career upgrades are particularly simple.

That life profession was a Tianzun level rune master.

This is awesome.

Because any rune created by the Rune Master can be used by people in the combat profession.

Some are special effects that can be understood as buffs.

The madness in Li Fugui's eyes gradually ended.

Slowly become confused.

He was like a mush in his head.

I can't remember what he was going to do before.

When Li Fugui saw Ye Chen, he seemed to have an understanding and knelt directly in the direction of Ye Chen.

Then bowed down.

The head is pressed to the ground. In humble reverence.

Li Yan originally wanted to ask what was going on? Unexpectedly, Li Fugui came directly to kneel. Confused him: "Are you crazy?

Li Fugui turned his head and glanced at Li Yan next to him: "Brother." This is my master. Do not be disrespectful to my master.

"I see you have a disease in the head of TMD." Li Yan exploded directly. He was from the Demon Society and just wanted to make a move.

Then Li Yan and Li Fugui's eyes looked at each other.

Li Fugui's eyes were blood-red.

It's about less than a minute.

Li Yan also knelt down in the direction of Ye Chen: "Master."

This can numb Zhan Rong: "What situation? The deal you mean is coming to Dad?

Li Fugui was serious: "We are not qualified to call the master father, we are just lowly slaves." "

Zhan Rong: What happened?

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