Boom -

Lu Cang floated in Beiyuan City, and he could see that the entire earth was shaken.

The whole world fell into panic.

"It happened ... What happened!

"This shock, the same as before!"

"Could it be that the situation of the dragon clan has repeated itself!"

"How come! Where did it blow up this time! And

in Lu Cang's message list.

The human emperor is a crazy life-killing serial call.

Constantly sending messages to Lu Cang.

"Lu Cang, what's happening now? Is this matter related to you!

"Lu Cang, pick me up and read the words!"

"Lu Cang!"

Lu Cang was too lazy to respond, and now the response is also in vain.

Because, it is estimated that I will go back in time later.

Lu Cang sat calmly in a teahouse in Beiyuan City, waiting for the aftermath of the explosion to pass.

The power of myeloid explosion, Lu Cang has already experienced it once.

Although it will not die.

But Lu Cang was also unwilling to stay at the center of the explosion.

It was as if an undead person had fallen into the sun.

Even if you don't die, you will experience extreme fever.

Lu Cang didn't want to experience it a second time.

After all, who would want to be boiled alive in the sun?


Charlie, Jetrika, Elise... All sent him a message.

[Elf Queen Jetrika]: "Lu Cang, the elven race has been attacked by the myelin explosion..."

Her thoughts were very heavy.

[Charlie]: "You really failed, but why didn't you become a disciple of my Lord?" [

Elise]: "Lord Lu Cang, the elven race... The elves have been hit hard, and our compatriots are... What should I do..."

At the same time, Lu Cang also received prayers from Elise.

Iris prayed helplessly and frantically to "Cang".

Elise's thoughts of prayer trembled a little.

The area where [Demon Spirit City] is located, although it does not belong to any race.

But it does not mean that there are no territories of other races in the vicinity of this city.

The destruction range of [Pulp Explosion] can destroy the entire Dragon Territory.

It even affected one-third of the southern Xinjiang of the Terrans.

This range, no longer means that it is fine in the wilderness.

It's like a bomb that can blow up the solar system.

Whether you put it in Blue Star Fried or Venus Fried, in fact, the difference is not very big.

Use the myeloid blast in Demon Fairy City.

It is too normal to affect the territory of other races.

Lu Cang knew very well.

This is also the reason why Lu Cang is determined that he needs to go against the times.

Lu Cang ignored the prayer.

Nor did it respond to Elise.

It won't be long before it goes backwards, and there is little point in responding.

The aftermath of the myeloid blast gradually subsided.

Lu Cang used [Retrospective] to let "Lu Cang" return to Demon Spirit City.

And at this time, where is the Demon Spirit City.

The whole land is left with nothing left.

Only [Chaos and Destruction] still stands in the center.

Its health has dropped by 30%,

and "Lu Cang" confirms that the aftermath has dissipated.

Lu Cang's body also activates retrospective.

Came to the ruins of [Demon Spirit City].

"Even the myeloid explosion can't be killed directly."

【Insight Crown】Explore it.

[Chaotic Destruction - Current State - Stationary Immunity

] [Immune Remaining Countdown: 30 seconds

] [Stationary - Unable to Attack and Act]

"It is indeed very strong."

The legendary rank and the emperor rank are not the same grade.

And the mythical and legendary stages are a higher grade.

Facing this [Chaotic Destruction] that could not act,

Lu Cang waved his right hand.

In mid-air, a series of myeloid explosions were taken out by Lu Cang.

[Myeloid burst] x10

"Time timed, 31 seconds."

Since the bombing is all fried, it is natural to blow it up.

This is not the end.

Lu Cang took out another row of pulp explosions.

【Myeloid burst】X10

"Time timed, 1 minute 01 second."


"Time timed, 1 minute and 31 seconds."


"Time timed, 5 minutes and 1 seconds."

After the myeloid burst and the multiplier are used about the same.

Lu Cang took out another myeloid explosion from the [Skin of a Thousand Illusions].

"31 seconds timed piloburst, 1 minute 01 second timed piloburst, 1 minute 31 second timed myeloid burst..."

One by one, the magic spirit special bombs are hung.

In my previous life, I really didn't use nuclear weapons.

In this life, I had a good time.

And the power of [myeloid explosion] is much stronger than the nuclear bomb in the previous life.

After the timing of the pulp burst is completed.

In another instant, Lu Cang returned to [Beiyuan City]

and returned to the seat just now.

Drink tea and eat vegetables.



Boom, boom, boom!

The Great Earthquake trembled.

The myeloid burst exploded again and again!

The tea in Lu Cang's cup was constantly shaking.

In the teahouse, who is still in the mood to drink tea.

Among the community.

New news is constantly coming out.

The Blood and Elves were severely damaged, their territories shattered, and their lives were destroyed.

But fortunately, the range of the first myeloid explosion is not much different from the second myeloid explosion.

Where it has already been razed, it will not be razed a second time.

But even so, this fear was indeed deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"World Cataclysm is coming! A thousand-year catastrophe has come! "

An untraceable disaster, is it destined to have no solution this time?" "

Terrifying destruction, unable to resist the force, how can we resist this catastrophe!" is


They regarded the myelin explosion released by Lu Cang as a thousand-year calamity.

I thought that the millennium had arrived.




The shock lasted for ten minutes.

Even if you don't know how many billions of kilometers away, you can still feel the terrifying aura of destruction.


Everyone in the world has great fear in their hearts.

They are afraid that the next one to be destroyed is themselves.

Humi was in front of the temple, with his hands in front of his chest, praying to Luluwei.

At this time, even if she was the first disciple.

They all seem so powerless.

Xiali, on the other hand, was standing on the roof of a golden church somewhere in the Demon Clan.

Overlooking the direction of the Demon Fairy City.

Its eyes widened, and its chin was pulled.

He knew about Lu Cang's actions.

But how did he know why the myeloid blast exploded so many times.

Moreover, why did Lu Cang not become a disciple of Yakatikto.

This is the moment.

Among the intelligent races, the only one who has no waves in his heart is estimated to be Lu Cang.


Wait until everything calms down.

Lu Cang activated the traceback again.

Return to Fairy City.

Lu Cang stood in mid-air, although there was nothing around him.

But there is still a monstrous heat wave.

The mythical rank creature in front of you.

Life is in danger, with only 10% of life left.

"Not dead yet, really tenacious."

"Hmm... Awesome indeed. "

Lu Cang [Insight Crown] can see all its abilities.

Judging by this situation.

It is estimated that a bomb will have to be set in two minutes.

to blow it up completely.

The source of damage is the energy burst of the true god.

[Chaos Destruction] is immune to damage under demigods, but [Myeloid Explosion] damage comes from true gods.

He is not immune.

But at this time, it fell into an invincible state again.

Invincible is invincible.

No matter how high the amount of damage is, it is useless.

Only when the invincible has passed, can it be harmed.

Invincibles whose damage is high enough to pile up are not called invincible, that is called shields that can absorb a certain damage limit.

And in the face of the dying [Chaotic Destruction]


Enemy. "

Facing the struggle of this mythical monster.

Lu Cang slowly shook his head.

"Don't judge."

Subsequently, activate [Reverse Time]

Buzz -

Time Backtracking.

[Myeloid explosion storage room]

Lu Cang went back to the time when he had just obtained a myeloid explosion.

"Use a pulp blast here, forget it."

Although the myeloid explosion is indeed very strong, it is really not something that is said to be used.

On the ground, no matter where the explosion is fired, it is easy to accidentally injure friendly troops.

Lu Cang [Retrospective] again,

this time to another room.

The security measures of this room are no worse than those of the [Myeloid Explosion Storage Room].


In Lu Cang's hundreds of reincarnations.

A way has been found to crack it.

Able to get in easily.

[Fusion Lab - Fusion Life Command Console

] [No._002 - Chaos Destruction Command Console]

Lu Cang came to this console.

[Skin of a Thousand Illusions] transforms itself into another identity [Demon Spirit

] [Fusion Life Chief Researcher - Rikza]

for the application of the Skin of a Thousand Illusions.

Lu Cang is becoming more and more skilled.

A creature that has the right to possess an item.

And he himself became that creature.

That item, of course, is naturally owned by himself.

Of course, the premise is that the other party's ontology does not fight with itself.

If it is in the opponent's equipment slot, in the opponent's backpack.

Lu Cang couldn't do it either.

You can only steal what you can get.

Lu Cang walked to the console with a light car.

Use a rich amount of reading to control the [Fusion Command Console

] chaotic destruction, similar to [Arcane Puppet] [Alchemy Creature] such a thing.

It belongs to the creation of [Puppeteer] [Alchemist] [Organ Master] [Mechanic].

It's a bit similar to the ability of [Summoning System].

However, the creatures created in this way are different from summons.

These creatures have no soul of their own.

All controlled by others.

Complex instructions are needed to set their behavior patterns.

Simply put, it's a bit like programming.

Like artificial intelligence.

"Supreme control, Rikza, right?"

"Well, instructions, transfer of supreme control."

"Transfer to Terran Lu Cang."

Lu Cang entered his own information.

Subsequently, the control of this chaotic destruction was modified to his own.

[Terran - Lu Cang has obtained - Chaos Destruction Control] [Lu Cang has become -

Chaos Destruction Supreme Control] If he does not use the myeloid explosion, it is indeed impossible to defeat this [Chaos Destruction]

but who said that the only way to win is to fight?

Lu Cang after seizing control.

Make judgment modifications.

"Friendly unit, Demon Spirit?"


Lu Cang's hands touched the console and modified the friendly judgment with his thoughts.

[Friendly unit judgment is being modified

] [Friendly unit race settings: Terrans, elves, demons, bloods, dragons, humanoid beasts

] [Setting hostile races: demon spirits]

Lu Cang entered all races that can be considered friendly into it.

However, Abyss Lu Cang had reservations.

It was not deliberately entered.

Of course, if some race wants to go against themselves....

For example, a certain notorious demon race.

When it's time to turn your face, it's never too late to make changes.

This console is equivalent to an external interface.

Terrans [Magicians] who have mastered the [Design Drawings] can also make it.

The design drawing is now in Lu Cang's backpack.

Even if the Demon Spirit City is destroyed, he has a way to control it.

Hum -

chaotic and ruined body, the light lights up and out.

[Consciousness restart in progress

] [Consciousness restart completed

] [Life creation permission has been modified]

After doing all this.

Lu Cang came to the [Chaotic Destruction] again.

Lift your own [Chaos Hidden Ring] effect.

Lu Cang's figure was once again exposed to [Chaotic Destruction].

And this time.

This mythical creation no longer regarded Lu Cang as an enemy.

Instead, it's the goblins.

It caused the attack desire of [Chaos Destruction].

But Lu Cang conveyed his thoughts to it.

Put it on standby.

Chaos was destroyed, and in the end no attack was taken against these demons.


mind can directly manipulate it, and I don't necessarily need a console."

After all, he is now the supreme authority.

Your own thoughts can be directly used as their supreme command.

"There should be no problem."

Then, Lu Cang took out the [Multiplication Blade].

A swipe on [Chaotic Destruction].

Soon, the body of [Chaos Destruction] began to separate, and a brand new [Chaos Destruction] was multiplied.

One is divided into two, two into four, four into eight....

In the end, thirty-two Mythical Rank [Chaotic Destruction]

stood in the Demon Spirit City.

See this scene.

Lu Cang gently pressed his chest.

"Thanks Demon Spirit."

Gain control of 32 mythical rank life creations at once.

Thank you really to the Demon Spirit.

Thank you for thousands of years of hard work.

Subsequently, Lu Cang used his city lord authority.

In the Demon Spirit City, set up a teleportation array.

Soon, in a short period of time, one teleportation array after another was built by Lu Cang.

These teleportation arrays are directly connected to the teleportation arrays in the northern realm.

And these teleportation arrays are just built on the base of [Chaotic Destruction].

The Demon Spirit does not have the technology of the [Teleportation Array].

They can't move [Chaos Destruction] over long distances

, but Lu Cang can.


With the teleportation array activated.

Just for a moment.

Lu Cang transported these mythical rank creatures back to the northern realm.


[Beiyuan City]

At this time, the Human Emperor was anxious about the existence of the demon spirit.

After the news of the magic spirit came from the Diviner Association.

In just a few minutes.

The Terran Emperor had already notified the strong people of the Terran race and organized a powerful army.

A fateful expedition is intended.

In order to face the thousand-year calamity, the army of the Terrans has long been in a state of readiness.

As soon as there is a situation, it can be dispatched immediately.

At the same time, the human emperor also knew that this expedition was likely to have a return or not.

If the demon spirit is threatened, it may detonate the expedition of [Pulp Explosion] at any time,

and there will be no life.

But in the face of a millennium catastrophe.

Where is there a saying of no sacrifice.

Even, the sacrifice may be elite combat power.

But if you don't send out the elite, how can you take down the demon spirit stably.

Now, the only thing I don't understand is why it seems to have been robbed in Demon Spirit City.

A scene that seems to have been looted.

But this phenomenon also suggests that now may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

No matter what happens, the best opportunity is to fall into the hole in times of enemy crisis.

And yet....

Just when the human emperor was helpless.



Buzz -

the human emperor was like a thorn in the back for a while.

Without warning, fear crawled from the tail vertebrae to the spine, and the head went numb.


Luo Jiutian's intuition is highly alert!

Feel the emergence of a powerful presence!

Such a sense of fear, only a thousand years ago.

Felt in the body of a divine monster.

And this time, more than one!



Three, four, five!


More! And many more!

Horror, terrifying to the extreme existence!

There is the breath of divine monsters, and the breath of the abyss!

Even, there is a sense of oppression above these two, high above!

Far beyond the coercion of divine monsters!

Could it be the breath of the true God?

What the hell has come!

Still so much!

Moreover, they all descended on the northern realm of the Terrans!

Obviously, the threat of the demon spirit has not been solved, what is the situation?

In fear, the human emperor forcibly regains control of his body.

[Human Emperor Heart - Forced Calm]


The human emperor directly broke through the roof.

Come to mid-air.

And what he saw were one strange creature after another that was thin and tall, and at the same time extremely incongruous.

A huge spine stands and multiple organs and limbs are stitched together.

The head is the head of the divine monster he saw thousands of years ago, Omega!


[Chaos Destruction

] [Level: 300

] [Rank: Mythology

] [Race: Fusion

] [Status: Unable to Move Independently]


At a glance, -------------------------------------

Renhuang saw the information of this creature.

Mythical Step!

300 levels!

At the same time, the human emperor will let go of perception!

Perception covers the entire northern territory.

But I found that there is more than one such monster!

There are more than thirty of them, exactly the same rank, attributes, and ranks.

It is distributed in different areas throughout the northern territory.

In an instant, an icy chill surged into Luo Jiutian's heart.

Terrans! Dead.


future, this kind of human and animal race will be collectively called the orc race, otherwise it is a bit awkward.

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