Job Transfer For All: Only I Can Activate Hidden Attributes

Twenty-Eighth Palm: Theological Seminaries (Requesting Data)

"Haha, student Gu, your performance in the joint entrance examination shocked me. I really admire you."

In a luxurious villa, Mo Shuping looked at Gu Changge with a smile on his face.

As the lord of a city, he should be with representatives of those big forces at this time.

But for him, meeting Gu Changge is more important.

This guy's strength and talent are too great. If he doesn't invest in dating in advance at this time, he will have no chance in the future.

"City Lord, you're welcome, boy, I'm still far away from it."

Gu Changge would naturally not hold back when others were so polite. Who doesn't know how to say polite words?

【Mo Shuping】

[Occupation: Star Mage (Fourth Turn)]

【Level: 180】

[Combat power: 265 stars]

At this time, Mo Shuping's combat effectiveness information appeared in front of him.

They are also at Level 4 180, but the combat effectiveness of the surrounding city lords is much higher than that of Skylark.

But this is normal. After all, he is the lord of a city, so his strength will naturally not be weak.

He is now level 50. If you count the attributes panel alone, his combat power is about 100 stars.

The combat effectiveness of a third-level professional is between 20 and 100 stars, which is equivalent to a top-level third-level professional.

But in terms of actual combat effectiveness, it's much more terrifying.

In the secret realm, the power of Eagle Strike in the Sky seems terrifying, but in fact he has deliberately weakened it a lot.

After all, he didn't want to reveal too much of his strength.

The two exchanged polite words for a while, and Mo Shuping smiled and took out a few pieces of equipment.

"According to the rules, as the first place this time, you can choose one of them."

Gu Changge was also a little surprised. In recent years, it has been equipped with diamond equipment, and its attributes are quite good.

He remembered that the reward for first place last year was just golden equipment.

"Classmate Gu, I suggest you choose this."

At this time, Mo Shuping suddenly smiled and pointed at the most inconspicuous piece of equipment in recent years.

This is a map. After hearing what Mo Shuping said, Gu Changge picked it up and looked at it carefully.

"This is a map of the entire Donghai Province!"

Looking back, he was quite surprised.

This is not a simple map, it records all the secret realms and copies of the entire East China Sea.

Of course, not all, but basically all are rare and distinctive.

In addition, the records and information of these secret realms and dungeons are very detailed and refreshed in real time!

This is good stuff.

In today's world, information is always one of the most precious resources!

Not to mention diamond-quality equipment, even epic-level equipment is not as valuable.

"Haha, a friend gave this to me a few years ago. I am timid and don't like to go out."

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."


At this time, Mo Qingxue suddenly jumped over from behind.

"Dad, this was originally a prize for Classmate Gu!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Shuping frowned and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

He didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that this girl is really love-minded!

"Haha, thank you very much, Lord Mo."

Of course Gu Changge knew that this was a gift specially given to him by Mo Shuping, and the rewards for the general joint entrance examination would never be so generous.

"Also, because your performance is particularly good, you have earned face for our Qingshan City."

Mo Shuping continued, "I will also reward you with an additional 100 million plus bonus and Qingshan No. 7."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Changge received a transfer of 100 million on his smart card.

If it was before, he would have been shocked, but now he is more used to it.

After all, Mo Qingxue had transferred 100 million to him before this.

However, he was still surprised when he heard Qingshan No. 7.

Qingshan Manor is one of the most expensive and luxurious villa areas in Qingshan City.

There are several small targets for any building. The entire villa area has less than a hundred villas, and Qingshan No. 7 is one of the best villas.

Gu Changge wanted to refuse, but he really needed a place to live. After all, his apartment would be recycled soon.

"Thank you very much, City Lord."

He didn't leave because he knew that Mo Shuping must be up to something after giving him so many benefits.

There is never a free lunch in the world.

Mo Changge smiled and said, "Classmate Gu, I know you look down on those forces today, what are your plans in the future?"

"I don't have any plans. I'll just go to other cities and look around. Maybe I'll choose a guild to join, or maybe an academy."

Gu Changge said casually that his goal is still a five-star college or a guild above level 7.

"That's just in time. In a few days, the teachers from the seminaries will come to inspect Qingxue. Then you can come too. With your strength, you may be able to join."


Gu Changge took out his ears and showed an extremely surprised expression on his face.

"School of Gods?"

"Is it the six-star seminary?"


Mo Shuping nodded, looking at Gu Changge's surprised expression, he felt relieved in his heart.

Hahahaha, it turns out that this guy will be surprised too.

"City Lord Mo, are you kidding?"

Gu Changge still has a hard time believing it, and it’s really not his fault.

As many people know, the academy only has five stars in total, but there are actually six stars above the five stars.

As for why I didn’t mention it, it’s because there are only two six-star colleges!

They are the Academy of Gods and Gods!

The conditions for becoming a six-star academy are also very simple, that is to have a true god!

Because of this, the recruitment conditions of these two colleges are abnormal, with only a few hundred people admitted each year at most.

Those who can enter this academy are, without exception, the most elite geniuses in the world.

Not to mention Qingshan City, but also the entire Donghai Province, not necessarily a few people can join the seminaries every year.

Sometimes, there is even no one for several years in a row, which is so exaggerated that it is unbelievable.

Therefore, Gu Changge couldn't believe it when he heard Mo Shuping's words.

"Haha, classmate Gu, some things are difficult to explain clearly."

"I can only tell you that I have some relationship with a teacher from the Theological College. It just so happens that this year he is responsible for recruiting students from the five provinces near the East China Sea."

"As for Qingxue, Mage Guangming's profession is a bit special. Coupled with some of my operations and connections, I should be able to join the seminaries of the gods."

"As for you, I also hope you can join, but it all depends on you."

Gu Changge nodded, it turned out to be related.

Then it's not surprising, this kind of thing is not uncommon at all.

It's just that Mo Shuping is really extraordinary. He is actually related to teachers from various seminaries, even the weakest ones are rank seven giants!

"It's not enough for City Lord Mo. Even though it's just an assessment opportunity, it's something that money can't describe at all."

"As long as you open your mouth, someone will immediately send you countless resources."

"I want to know why you gave me this opportunity worth tens of billions."

"What are your conditions!"

[Please give me data, free flowers and reviews, please. The early data is really important. It is updated five times a day, and one chapter is added for 2,000 flowers per day. 】

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