Job Transfer For All: Only I Can Activate Hidden Attributes

Chapter 78 Gu Changge: Brother Shen Yi, Begins To Transform!


What the hell?

Gu Changge almost thought that he heard wrongly, that he was attracted by a god?

But what he was confused about was why the dean emphasized that she was a goddess?

Could it be?

Some gossip about the gods could not help but emerge in his mind. It is said that some goddesses have some strange hobbies, such as keeping various slaves in captivity.

Could it be that he was attracted by the goddess Ming because he was too handsome?

If this is the case, then he must not obey.


"Don't think so wildly. It's the gods of the academy in the realm of gods. After learning about your situation, they thought you had good potential and wanted to accept you as a disciple."

"That's it."

Gu Changge breathed a sigh of relief, but was not too excited.

Above the ninth rank is the divine realm. To be accepted as a disciple by a god, anyone else would be extremely excited.

But for him, with the talent of enlightening all things, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a god.

"So, are you interested? If you are, I will respond to them and apply."

The wise man was not too surprised by Gu Changge's dull reaction. At his level, it was very clear.

Disciples of gods may sound very noble, but in fact they are just that.

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

"Oh, why?"

"Tch, it's very simple. If my guess is correct, some god must have said it casually. If he was really interested in me, he must have come down to find me directly.

"The next step is definitely, Dean, you apply for the opportunity, and then I will review a lot of content, and finally found that the god actually has many disciples."

"Finally, if I continue to compete with his disciples in various ways, the gods may take a high look at me and focus on training me. I'm right."

The wise man smiled and nodded, "Haha, I didn't expect you to see things very clearly."

"You said a lot. The process of becoming a disciple of a god is probably like this, but if you are really valued by the god, the benefits are also good."

"Come on, I'm not interested."

Gu Changge waved his hand, if he really followed this approach, it would not only waste a lot of energy, but also not waste more time.

Even if he becomes a disciple of a god in the end, he is in this world and the god is in the realm of gods. He must be very busy every day, and there is no time to take him to practice.

The gain outweighs the loss. It is not as fast as his own cultivation speed in the academy. After all, he has a plug-in.

"Okay, then I wonder if you are interested in being my student?"


This time, Gu Changge was somewhat interested.

"Yes, I am not a disciple. Just like Su Meng, you can be my student. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me directly. I will also give you some guidance when I have time~[."

"Of course, I will not provide you with training resources, I will only provide you with a correct guide for upgrading your training."

"It's up to you whether you want it or not. I won't force you."

The wise man said it very casually, but he still couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in his heart after being dull for many years.

He has taught a few students, but this is the first time for someone with unlimited potential like Gu Changge. Naturally, he hopes to teach him something.

"Changge has met the teacher."

As soon as the wise man finished speaking, Gu Changge stood up immediately and bowed respectfully to him.

To be honest, even if the wise man didn't say it, he still wanted to be his student.

This person is impeccable in terms of strength, wisdom, and character.

It is true that his purpose in contacting him is definitely hope that he will be rewarded in the future, but it is precisely this that makes him feel more at ease.

After all, this is normal, and he himself is like this. It would be strange if he doesn't pursue interests. As long as he doesn't hurt him, it's a win-win situation.

If there really was someone who would do anything for his own good and pursue nothing, he would be afraid.

"Okay, okay, okay."

The wise man smiled happily. Who could not be happy to have such an outstanding student?

"Since you chose to be my student, I naturally have to give you a welcome gift.

"I'll give you this book. Read it carefully. You will benefit a lot from it if you study it thoroughly."

He picked up a mediocre book from the bookshelf and handed it to Gu Changge.

As soon as he took it, he felt a heavy feeling.

After putting the book away, Gu Changge seemed to suddenly remember something and asked.

"Teacher, on the day of the freshman assessment, it seems that someone used a smart card to record the scene in the ice and snow world. Will it spread out and cause trouble?"

The wise man was stunned for a moment, then gave him a huge critical hit, "Haha, you don't have to worry about this. Guess why Zhika's name is Zhika?"

At that moment, Gu Changge was completely confused!

Smart cards were actually invented by a wise teacher!!!

Damn, this is so much money!

Afterwards, the two talked for a long time, "The wise teacher explained to him a lot of knowledge about professionals.

This knowledge was not advanced, and even a lot of it was basic, but it made Gu Changge suddenly understand, and many of his previous confusions suddenly became clear.

It turns out that he has taken so many detours and is still like this after upgrading and changing jobs. It turns out that he can still be stronger.

Half a day passed quickly, and Gu Changge left the floating island with a smile and surprise on his face.

Although his level and attributes have not improved at this time, his combat effectiveness has increased by at least about 10%, which is really an astonishing number.

"I actually took so many detours [this teacher is really worth it."

Afterwards, he returned to his residence, where the college had assigned each new student a place to live.

Although it is not a villa, it is still an independent courtyard, with an area of ​​about 200 square meters.

Although the place is not big, it is well-equipped with everything. It is better than most houses in the magic city outside.

And this is only the most basic treatment of the theological colleges. The higher the status of the students, the better the treatment will be. I can only say that it is worthy of being a six-star college, it is really YYDS.

Coming to the special meditation room in the courtyard, Gu Changge took out the book given by the wise teacher.

The cover is dark without any logo.

As soon as I opened it, a strong sense of history hit me.

The book instantly became more than ten times larger, like a big stone floating in the air, and an elf with white light also emerged from the book.

"Hey, hello, little guy, my new master!"

The elf is very pink and tender, only the size of two palms. It is covered with soft snow-white fluff and has a pair of snow-white wings on its back.

Yes, this elf is a little white cat. .

"."This, is this a book spirit?"

The knowledge points he learned in high school immediately appeared in Gu Changge's mind. When some mysterious ancient books are infected with the breath of strong men or other powers for a long time, it is possible to give birth to elves, that is, tree spirits.

However, he had only heard of this kind of thing and had never seen it before.

Let alone Donghai Province, there is not much money for books in the whole world.

It's not that it's powerful, it's that it's rare!

The function of Shuling is similar to a catalog, which can help people quickly find any knowledge in the book, but it is much more powerful than the catalog.

"Dear handsome little master, I am your tree spirit Bai Bai. What do you want to see?"

"First introduce this book."

Until now, he still doesn't know the content of this book.

"Okay, this book records 2,387,892 kinds of wild monsters in the world, including elves, demons, goblins, goblins..."

"There are also introductions to secret realm dungeons of major maps in the thirty-nine provinces, as well as introductions to 8,972 skills and 357 professions..."

Just the introduction of the content, Xiao Shuling talked about it for almost ten minutes!

When Gu Changge finished listening, he was completely confused.

Shit, shit.

Although this book does not contain specific skills, it is just an introduction to skills, creatures, and professions, but this is exactly what he needs!

His enlightenment of all things can activate (Wang Nuozhao) the hidden attributes of all things, but in the end he knows too few things.

Let's talk about skills. Most of them just learn whatever they encounter. This will actually make his career development and combat very confusing.

Just like now, several skills he has mastered are indeed very strong after activating hidden talents, but there is no coordination between them.

His fighting method is also very simple, just throw skills and kill instantly.

It's easy to face someone who is not as strong as him, but if you encounter someone with equal strength, it will be a bit troublesome.

His goal and plan is to be an all-powerful Sanjin, but this is not to learn everything, but to learn what is useful to him and form a perfect system, so that he can exert his strongest combat effectiveness.

And this book can help him achieve this goal!

It was only then that he truly understood how valuable this book was!

If nothing else, it is at least comparable to a piece of mythical equipment.

"Huh, you must master this book as soon as possible, and then formulate a suitable upgrade route with perfect skills."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Changge suddenly felt energetic.

But just when he was about to study, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, I almost forgot, this book seems to be able to activate hidden attributes too!"

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