"There are less than three thousand gold-level abyss monsters in the end, and the first ring of my gold-level promotion task can be completed!"

At this time, Ye Chen had already arrived in the depths of the plain, killing more than 30,000 abyss monsters along the way.

Ye Chen looked around, there were two abyss monster tribes not far away, as long as he cleaned up these two abyss monster tribes, he could return to the "Star World"!

Suddenly, the space in front of Ye Chen was distorted, and more than a dozen figures appeared in front of his eyes.

Under the probe of "Divine Insight", the attribute information of these dozen figures appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

A young man at the head, wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, exuded a noble temperament in his every move, and his strength was at the peak of the gold level.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen powerful guards wearing various professional equipment, and the strength of each guard has reached the peak of the diamond level, and their momentum is like one, and it is a tacit understanding cultivated by years of cooperation.

Ye Chen quickly retreated in a few flashes, widening the distance between him and these dozen figures.

At the same time, this group of people also discovered Ye Chen's existence, and more than a dozen guards immediately formed a military formation, guarding around the young man in gorgeous brocade clothes, staring at Ye Chen with guarded eyes.

"His Royal Highness the Seventeenth Prince, this person in front of him looks like a visitor from a foreign land, he has a feeling of being out of place, and he is full of anger, and he must have slaughtered countless abyss monsters not long ago!"

A tall guard in armor whispered beside the young man in a gorgeous brocade robe.

"I know, the reason why we appear here is probably also the arrangement of the will of the world, hoping that we will kill this exotic visitor in front of us!"

The seventeenth prince also understood all this in front of him in an instant.

Normally, after they teleport out of the secret realm, they will appear where they were when they entered.

But now they appear in a strange place, and there is a foreign visitor in front of them, all this goes without saying, it must be the arrangement of the will of the world!

"Interesting! I can't even see through his attributes, this piece is a gold-level abyss monster, and it is estimated that this person's strength is no more than gold-level at most! The

seventeenth prince looked at Ye Chen, his eyes full of teasing, as if he saw a fun toy.

He possessed extremely high-quality exploration treasures, and even a king-level powerhouse did not have any secrets in front of his eyes.

But this exotic visitor in front of him is obviously low in strength, but it can prevent his detection, which makes him feel very interesting!

It shows that the person in front of him is not small, but the strong dragon does not press the ground snake, and when it comes to his territory, even if it is a dragon, it has to be coiled, and if it is a tiger, it must lie down.

The seventeenth prince pointed at Ye Chen: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to stop my exploration, I am the seventeenth prince of the 'Netherworld Abyss World', if I hand over all the treasures on your body, I can consider taking you as my slave!"

"Boy, return immediately, don't mistake yourself!"

"Yes, the seventeenth prince is merciful and willing to accept you as a slave, this is your great opportunity!"

The two guards behind the seventeenth prince also shouted one after another.

"Seventeenth Prince?"

Ye Chen pondered the name in his heart.

He basically didn't know much about the "Netherworld Abyss World", and naturally he didn't know what the "Seventeenth Prince" represented.

However, Ye Chen did not panic at all when he saw this situation, he already knew the information of the group of people in front of him, at least if he wanted to escape, no one could stay!

"Want my treasure? And take me as a slave? Then it depends on whether you have this ability!

As Ye Chen spoke, he suddenly struck, and the rain of arrows in the sky shot towards the seventeenth prince.

Up to level 200, Tempest Arrow Rain deals 600% attack damage per arrow, and can shoot 80 arrows at once, with high bleeding, poisoning, and burning damage.

But the most important thing is to inflict 10 seconds of silence on enemies and a 200% reduction in movement speed.

"It's not good, this kid is a big move as soon as he makes a move!"

The seventeenth prince saw that Ye Chen suddenly shot out 80 arrows, each of which had great power on it, and he could feel the sharpness on it from a distance, and it seemed to have an momentum that shattered everything.

"Xuanwu Demon Armor Array!"

The leader of the guards beside the seventeenth prince roared, and a giant shield that was one person tall appeared in his hand, blocking the seventeenth prince's body.

At the same time, all the guards lit up with an earthy yellow light, like a whole, forming a triangular-like formation.

As for the seventeenth prince, a book exuding a rich dark aura appeared in front of him, chanting words in his mouth, as if he was chanting something.

Boom -

The arrows continue to bombard the giant shield led by the guards, although the power of the rules attached to the giant shield has reduced most of the power of the arrows, but the huge impact still makes the guards constantly retreat, and the hard ground also steps on deep pits.

At the same time, with the blessing of the "Xuanwu Demon Armor Array", the damage received by all guards can be shared with each other, and they also have a high amount of damage reduction.

But despite this, all the guards suffered a lot of damage.

The assist in the back row hurries to use healing skills to recover, while various buffs are continuously released.

After Ye Chen unleashed the "Storm Arrow Rain", he immediately opened the distance with a "shadow escape", and at the same time, the "Shadowless Divine Arrow" in his hand began to charge its power.

Although it is said that "shadow escape" can make Ye Chen enter a stealth state, the professionals on the other side are not weak.

A round of dark golden sun appeared in the void, exuding a rich rule power, countless dark golden rays burst out, and everything in its path could not be hidden.

Ye Chen's figure was forced to appear under the dark golden light.

In the process of Ye Chen's accumulating power, seven or eight long-range skills galloped towards Ye Chen.

"Roar of the Wind!"

"Arrow of Destruction!"

"Blazing Flames!"


Ye Chen ignored these skills, he could sense that the power of these skills was not strong, and even the shield on his body could not be broken!

Boom -

the arrow of the razer suddenly appeared on the chest of the guard leader, and this arrow that cut through the void even gave him no time to react, and pierced his chest, and then the additional damage of "Shadow Escape" broke out.

Under this huge amount of damage, even if all the guards shared the damage with each other, all of them still only had a drop of blood left.

The remaining drop of blood is not enough damage from the "Shadowless Divine Arrow", and the "Shadowless Divine Arrow" has punched out all their life-saving skills and entered an invincible state!

Of course, this invincible state is also relatively speaking, if it is a half-saint-level powerhouse, even if there is an invincible skill, it must be directly destroyed.

However, even if it is invincible, it can only be delayed for a short time, and after being hit by the "Shadowless Divine Arrow" of the thunder attribute, all the guards entered a paralyzed state and were unable to return to the sky.

But at this moment, the seventeenth prince finally stopped chanting.

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