Xuanfeng Star Domain, Eternal World.

The Eternal Great World is the absolute overlord of the Xuanfeng Star Domain, and the entrance to the "Immeasurable Secret Realm" is in its hands.

"The 'Immeasurable Secret Realm' is about to open, you are all geniuses of the 'Eternal Great World', the first thing everyone will do after entering the 'Immeasurable Secret Realm' is to hunt the geniuses of other worlds, and then you will each compete for the ranking of the standings with your abilities!"

However, there is one point, death in the 'Immeasurable Secret Realm' is real death, please don't take it lightly, the strength of the monsters in the 'Immeasurable Secret Realm' should not be underestimated! A

majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears.

There are about a thousand people here, all of them are geniuses of the "Eternal World" and its affiliated worlds, and each of them has a breath far beyond ordinary golden professionals, and the power of rules surrounds them.

"When the time comes, everyone will enter the 'Immeasurable Secret Realm'!"

When the words fell, everyone turned into various streamers, entered the spatial vortex in front of them, and disappeared.

Then in the void, a huge golden list appeared, slowly spread, countless words began to emerge, the top few twisted golden divine texts appeared, and at a glance you could understand the meaning: "Infinite Secret Realm Points Leaderboard!" "


Heavenly Star World

True Dragon City, Heavenly Dragon Hall Station, Hidden Dragon Palace.

Ye Chen stood quietly in the main hall, waiting for the teleportation of the Heavenly Dao order.

Yesterday, he studied at the "Xuanfeng Star Domain Forum" until late at night, and although most of it was full of gossip, it was still a great increase in knowledge for Ye Chen.

Just as he had always thought that the universe and the world were conscious, but in fact there was no consciousness in the universe, but only pure order, which maintained the normal development of the entire universe.

To be precise, it is called the Heavenly Dao Order, of course, there are still many people who call it the will of the universe, in fact, the essence of the two is the same!

But the world is real and conscious, the world will can even be transformed into a human form, the world is the body of the world will, the world and the professionals in the world complement each other and achieve each other!

All this knowledge made Ye Chen exclaim wonderfully, making his understanding of the heavens and realms more profound.

Time passes little by little.

A white light enveloped Ye Chen.


Chen instantly disappeared into the hall.


Ye Chen instantly woke up from the slight dizziness of the transmission, and a pair of eyes swept the surrounding environment, as if there was endless divine light contained in it.

Surrounded by tall ancient giant trees, lush and vibrant, it is like entering an ancient world.

Ye Chen launched the "Divine Insight", and a pair of divine eyes broke through the limitations of space, and the situation in a radius of tens of thousands of miles was all reflected in his mind.

This radius of tens of thousands of miles is all ancient forests, and no other professionals have been found for the time being, but many monsters have been found!

Under the observation of "Divine Insight", Ye Chen also knew the strength of these monsters very well.

These monsters are called "Origin Monsters", and the rank is at the gold level, but their strength is extremely strong, and most of the "Origin Monsters" have comprehended the power of rules!

After killing them, you will probably get the power of the rules they have, and the rules for killing "Origin Warcraft" to gain experience points are completely different from the monsters encountered before.

After killing the "Origin Warcraft", it will gain different experience points according to its strength, and it has nothing to do with the level of the professional itself.

This made Ye Chen feel very incredible, he had not seen this information on the forum before, and he didn't know if no one circulated it, or if this was common sense, and no one cared at all.

"Let's kill an 'Origin Demon Beast' first!"

Ye Chen decisively turned on the "Wings of God" and flew towards the nearest group of "Origin Demon Beasts".

During the flight, the "God Strengthening", "God Shield" and "Almighty Aura" were all turned on.

Among them, "God Shield" is Ye Chen's last skill to rise to level 200 in the "Nether Abyss World", which can withstand the damage of strength X300, and the shield value is as high as more than ten million, making Ye Chen's survivability far beyond that of professionals of the same level.

You must know that even a genius professional has massive resources, and it is impossible to upgrade his skills like Ye Chen.

Even if you kill the "Origin Demon Beast" in the Heavens Secret Realm every day, it will take an extremely long time.

Sometimes you can't just look at the level of the professional, but the combat effectiveness between the two!

Take Ye Chen, even if he faces a hundred thousand, a million level 70 ordinary silver professionals, it is how many kills, and the two are not an order of magnitude at all!

If someone underestimated Ye Chen because of his level, then he would definitely regret it for life!

In a few breaths, a group of Origin Demon Beasts entered Ye Chen's attack range.

"Storm Arrow Rain!"

Countless golden arrows, with various auras attached to them, galloped towards a group of ape-like "Origin Demon Beasts" in front of them.

Sigh -

or countless ordinary attacks followed.


poof—the sound of countless arrows entering the body.

One by one, the "Origin Demon Beasts" fell down one after another if they cut the wheat.

In less than three seconds, all the "Origin Demon Beasts" in front of Ye Chen's eyes disappeared, turning into streams of light pouring into Ye Chen's body.

The log panel scrolls wildly.

[Log: Successfully killed the level 87 Ancient Wind Ape and gained 27.4 million experience points. 】

【Log: Successfully killed a level 91 ancient wind ape and gained 29.2 million experience points. 】

【Log: Successfully killed a level 79 ancient wind ape, gained 25.8 million experience points, and obtained a sense of the rules of trace wind. 】


The streamers turned into the corpse of the ancient wind ape frantically poured into Ye Chen's body, and at the same time, Ye Chen felt that countless feelings seemed to come out of his mind.

The lightness of the wind!

Wind Fury!


Countless feelings flooded into Ye Chen's mind like a torrent.

Boom -

Ye Chen's mind was like opening the heavens and earth, a void space appeared, and there was a star in the center, exuding a powerful wind rule aura.

"This is the rule of the wind?"

Ye Chen felt the huge stars in his mind, and at the same time felt that he seemed to be able to use the rules of wind to form a storm to destroy everything with a wave of his hand, or form a shield to resist damage!

Or bless yourself, increase speed, and all kinds of magic uses have come to mind.

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