
Ye Chen gasped, he never expected that the thousands of meters high snow mountain in front of him turned out to be a powerful Origin Demon Beast.

And it was also a powerful Frost Saint Dragon.

You must know that every holy dragon is at least a great sage-level strength after it becomes an adult, it is born with the power of rules, and its body is strong, and it is a top-notch existence in the entire heavens and realms.

Moreover, the Frost Saint Dragon in the "Immeasurable Secret Realm" is different from the Frost Saint Dragon in the outside world, the former has been transformed into an Origin Demon Beast after the transformation of the "Infinite Secret Realm", I am afraid that it is stronger in strength!

Under the probe of "Divine Insight", the attributes of this Frost Saint Dragon appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

"What a powerful attribute!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although this Frost Saint Dragon is only in the growth stage, and the rank is only a master, the grade has reached the king level, and its attributes are amazingly strong, and even the comprehension of the rules of ice has reached the peak of the second order.

"If I kill this Frost Saint Dragon, my point ranking will definitely change incredible, this is a great miracle, and I will definitely get unimaginable points!

Moreover, after killing the Frost Saint Dragon, I will also obtain a large number of ice rule perceptions, and this massive perception can allow me to directly break through the bottleneck of ice rules, even if I reach the peak of the first order of rule perception, it is not impossible!

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly!

Killing this Frost Saint Dragon can definitely skyrocket his strength and points!

Even facing this Frost Saint Dragon with Ye Chen's strength is extremely dangerous, but the wealth is in danger, and it is over!

If he let others know Ye Chen's thoughts, I am afraid that he would mock him for not measuring his strength and thinking crazy about points!

Generally speaking, in the face of such a powerful Origin Demon Beast, it is basically necessary to unite all the ranked geniuses in the secret realm to attack together to have a certain hope of success.

If you want to rely on your own strength and face such a powerful Origin Demon Beast independently, even the True God Heir may not have such strength!

Ye Chen was suspended in the distant void, exuding a powerful aura all over his body, and then turned on the "Shadow Escape" skill and disappeared into the void.

Then Ye Chen flew extremely fast in the void, getting closer and closer to the snowy mountain formed by the Frost Saint Dragon.

At this time, he was in the stealth state of "shadow escape", flying quietly in the void, without setting off a wave, and the frost holy dragon in the distance was still asleep.

Soon, the Frost Saint Dragon entered Ye Chen's attack range.

"Power of the Abyss!"

"Starlight Power!"

Two powerful buff skills appeared on Ye Chen's body, and endless abyss aura and starlight power surrounded him, like an abyss demon god who controlled the stars.

The ancient demon bow in Ye Chen's hand was pulled into a full moon, the golden arrow was constantly jumping with the power of thunder, the powerful thunder rule was attached to the arrow, and a powerful aura of destruction was constantly brewing.

"Shadowless Divine Arrow!"


thunder arrow suddenly disappeared from Ye Chen's eyes, seemingly shattering the space, and appeared behind the Frost Saint Dragon in the next instant.

Roar -

At the moment when the arrow appeared from the void, a huge roar sounded.

The Frost Saint Dragon seemed to feel the dangerous aura, and immediately woke up from its slumber, countless ice and snow collapsed, huge wings were spread, and there were countless ice and snow patterns on it.

The terrifying holy dragon coercion descended instantly, countless ice rules formed countless chains, and the surrounding space seemed to be completely frozen under this powerful ice rule.

However, all this still could not stop the attack of the "Shadowless Divine Arrow", and countless chains were completely shattered under the destructive aura of the Thunder Arrow, and this ice chain could not cause any hindrance to this Thunder Arrow at all.

Boom -

The thunder arrow bombarded the junction between the left wing and the back of the Frost Saint Dragon, and countless thunder flashed and emitted a huge explosion.

Countless azure dragon scales shattered and fell to the ground one after another, and the golden holy dragon blood was also spilled on the ground, and even a lot of holy dragon blood was directly evaporated.

A huge hole appeared behind the Frost Saint Dragon, and thunder constantly jumped on it, which was the rule of thunder attached to it, like a bone appendage.

As long as these thunder rules are not erased, then the wound will never heal and will continue to hurt it.


The Frost Saint Dragon roared up to the sky, its voice was very harsh and sharp, and endless anger gushed out.

The powerful sound wave shocked, and countless Origin Demon Beasts around exploded one after another, and no Origin Demon Beast could survive under this powerful sound wave.

The Frost Saint Dragon spread its wings and instantly soared into the air, covering the sky.

Ye Chen felt that the Frost Saint Dragon's gaze was as hot as the sun, and even if it was hundreds of miles away, he could feel its anger, and a pair of azure dragon pupils stared at him deadly, locking his figure firmly.

"Human, you are looking for death, I have completely locked you, don't think about escaping from me!"

The Frost Saint Dragon stared at the human beings in front of him, and bursts of spiritual fluctuations were transmitted in the void.

For the human being in front of him, it can't wait to pluck it out and torture it well.

That arrow just now hurt so much!


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised a smile, and the huge holy wings behind him shook, not retreating!

Although his maximum attack range can reach hundreds of kilometers, with the strength of the Frost Saint Dragon, arrows shot at this distance can easily be knocked away or dodged.

Now all he had to do was control the attack distance to the point where the Frost Saint Dragon could not hide.

The Frost Saint Dragon looked at the human figure in front of him and instantly became angry.

A small silver professional actually provoked himself again and again, this is completely looking for death!

Countless ice chains in the void condensed, sealing the void layer by layer in a radius of a hundred miles.

This is what it wants this human being in front of him to taste its power!

Ye Chen also felt his figure condense, his movement speed dropped greatly, and then countless frost spears bombarded him.

"Sancai Divine Arrow!"

"Storm Arrow Rain!"

Not to be outdone, Ye Chen also galloped towards the Frost Saint Dragon.

Ye Chen blessed the rules of the wind on his body, constantly dodging the frost spear that bombarded him, even though this was constantly bombarded by the frost spear on Ye Chen's shield.

However, Ye Chen did not take these Frost Spear attacks to heart, knowing that his shield value was terrifying, and with his attack on the Frost Saint Dragon, the shield value continued to rise.

Boom -

the arrows in Ye Chen's hand kept coming, even if most of the arrows were resisted by the ice rules of the Frost Saint Dragon, they did not cause any damage.

But how fast Ye Chen's attack was, even if only thirty percent of the arrows caused damage to the Frost Saint Dragon, it would be a terrifying injury.

Every three damage inflicted on the Frost Saint Dragon can cause one damage that ignores defense, even the strong body of the Frost Saint Dragon cannot resist.

The Frost Saint Dragon's health is constantly decreasing.

On the other hand, Ye Chen, half of the shield value was not broken, and the final outcome was obvious.

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