"Ye Chen actually soared directly to the first place, and even the points far exceeded Heng Wuji!"

Fa Tianyi, who was dressed in white and victorious, also lost his former indifference, and his brows furrowed.

Although Heng Wuji's points far exceeded him, he didn't care, he knew that Heng Wuji was not his opponent, as long as he found an opportunity, it would not be difficult to kill Heng Wuji!

In his opinion, Heng Wuji is his migrant worker, and everything he does is to make him a wedding dress, and his heart is naturally indifferent.

However, Ye Chen's strength made him feel seriously threatened.

If he let others know what Fa Tianyi thought, I am afraid that they would not be able to believe it.

It was a joke that a silver professional could make Fa Tianyi, who was born with a law body, feel seriously threatened.

But, that's what it is!

Fa Tian's eyes were solemn, and he knew that Ye Chen might be his strongest opponent in the Immeasurable Secret Realm this time!

As for Heng Wuji, but relying on the power of many people, it can't be on the table!

"But now Ye Chen should be the end of the strong crossbow, can't let him recover, must quickly find Ye Chen's traces!"

A flash of essence flashed in Fa Tian's eyes.

He admitted that Ye Chen was very strong, but Ye Chen's current state was definitely not much better!

He must find Ye Chen as soon as possible and plunder his points, otherwise when he recovers, he will be another difficult opponent!

For a moment, countless professionals who participated in the trial were looking for Ye Chen.

They all had the same idea as Fa Tianyi.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

This is the only rule in the world of professionals!


In the midst of ancient snow-capped mountains.

Ye Chen felt that there seemed to be countless wills that were deducing him, locating his location, and obtaining his information.

But he was forever in a fog, and all the probes could only feel a fog, and could not obtain any effective information at all.

"All eyeing me?"

A few thoughts flashed in Ye Chen's heart, and he quickly understood what had happened.

It's nothing more than that everyone thinks that they have fallen into the end of a strong crossbow, and they want to find themselves and see if they can pick up the leaks and pick up this huge amount of points for nothing.

"Then I'll play with you and see how many pounds and taels you all have!"

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth raised a slight curve.

Since this group of people wants to covet their own points, then leave their lives here!

Ye Chen's momentum soared into the sky, and even if he was tens of thousands of miles away, he could feel this majestic momentum.

With Ye Chen's strength now, if it is placed in the "Celestial Star World", ordinary mythical powerhouses are not his opponents.

Many mythical-level powerhouses did not even have as high a perception of the power of rules as Ye Chen.

In addition to the power of rules, the basic strength of one body is far inferior to Ye Chen, who has "all-round power" and a level 200 skill.

It can be said that Ye Chen can crush them except for the rank inferior to them.

Of course, facing some of the top mythical powerhouses in the "Star World", Ye Chen is not his opponent, but it is absolutely impossible for them to take Ye Chen at will.

It can be said that with Ye Chen's current strength, he is completely worthy of his status as a member of the "Heavenly Dragon Hall", rather than simply because of talent.

Especially after Ye Chen finishes the trial of the "Immeasurable Secret Realm" and is promoted to a gold-level profession, I am afraid that this dragon country can compare with his strength, or even not at all!

Ye Chen maintained a powerful aura and crossed the void.

Everywhere he went, countless arrows galloped out, and the streamers turned into Origin Demon Beasts continued to merge into Ye Chen's body.

The reason why Ye Chen maintained such a powerful aura was also so that those who were looking for him could find him as soon as possible.

He couldn't wait to see what confidence that group of people had to dare to come and find him.


"What a powerful aura!"

At this time, tens of thousands of miles away from Ye Chen, a burly giant man wearing star armor, with countless nebulae floating in his eyes, stars floating in it, and a sea of stars seemed to be behind his body.

There are countless stars moving in the sea of stars, which seem to have great power.

This person is none other than Ara Yu, who is currently the fourth in the points ranking.

"Isn't this Ye Chen already at the end of the crossbow? Why is there such a powerful aura, it seems that there are no injuries, is it pretending? Ara

Yu used his Star God Eye to urge to the extreme, thinking of thoroughly seeing Ye Chen's details.

However, he still found nothing, he could only sense Ye Chen's powerful aura, and the breath on his body was extremely terrifying, like a young son of gods and demons, and his body contained terrifying power.

"I'll pass Ye Chen's position out first, and let the others try Ye Chen's strength first!"

Ara Yu's heart moved, and he posted Ye Chen's location in the "Heavens and Worlds Forum", and then quietly followed behind Ye Chen.

At the same time, Ye Chen also sensed Ara Yu's breath, but he did not pay attention to Ara Yu, but let Ara Yu follow him.

Ye Chen knew that Ara Yu did not dare to make a move on himself, and he would inevitably pass the news out, and his purpose was exactly that, now he only needed to quietly wait for the fish to take the bait.

"Young Lord, Ara Yu, who is the fourth in the points ranking, posted Ye Chen's position in the 'Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Forum', and there seems to be something tricky in this!"

Heng Wuji listened to the report of his subordinates and fell deeply into deep thought.

Could it be that Ye Chen still had great strength, so that Ara Yu found him but did not dare to make a move, but instead passed the news out, wanting others to try Ye Chen's strength, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman?

"Ara Yu is really naïve!"

A sneer flashed at the corner of Heng Wuji's mouth.

With the strength of Ara Yu, who is qualified to sit on the benefits of the fisherman, but it is just a wedding dress for others!

"Gather all the Heng family disciples to go to the Ancient Snow Mountain and kill Ye Chen!"

Heng Wuji's order was immediately transmitted to all the Heng family disciples, and at the same time, he stepped on the void and rushed towards the location of the ancient snow mountain.

He believed that even if Ye Chen was not the end of the strong crossbow, his strength was definitely not as good as before, and with his strength, he could definitely easily suppress it!

As for Ara Yu wanting to reap the benefits of the fisherman, it was just a big joke, he wanted to kill Ye Chen and Ara Yu all at once!

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