"Ye Chen, all the masters in the Immeasurable Secret Realm have arrived this time, you are in a difficult situation, do you have any last words?"

Heng Wuji looked at Ye Chen as if he were looking at a dead man.

Even if Ye Chen chose to withdraw from the Immeasurable Secret Realm, with the strength of the four of them, under the all-out attack, Ye Chen would definitely not live for more than three seconds.

"Not bad, Ye Chen, even if you choose to exit the Immeasurable Secret Realm now, it's too late! The moment the white light appears, we can kill you! Fa Tianyi continued.

Ape Hong stared straight at Ye Chen and said: "Ye Chen, in fact, I still admire you very much, a silver professional has such strength, actually let our four top gold professionals besiege you, but it's a pity, you shouldn't get so many points so high-profile, if you have the next life, I hope you can learn to keep a low profile!" "

Not bad, the strength is not weak, but it's a pity that you don't know how to taoguang and raise obscurity, Ye Chen, you died unjustly!" As soon as Mo Wudao opened his mouth, he gave people an extremely warm and comfortable feeling, but it was diametrically opposed to what he said.

"Huh! Let's go together!

Ye Chen looked around, he could sense that there were still many professionals nearby, but they didn't dare to make any more moves, and even many people had begun to flee.

After all, the battle is about to end, the five masters gather, with their strength, they will not be able to pick up leaks if they continue to stay, and they may even lose their lives.

"What an arrogant brat! Everyone moved together and killed Ye Chen to divide his points! Heng

Wuji drank a snort, which made people's blood boil.


The others also shouted, urging their strongest skills to fight quickly!

The four masters blocked the void and rushed towards Ye Chen.

A terrifying battle will begin immediately!


Xuanfeng Star Domain, in the Eternal Great World.

Above the golden list in the void, the figures of Ye Chen and others actually appeared, but their faces were wrapped in fog, making it impossible to see their true appearance.

"Is this a battle to the top?"

Countless people looked at the figure above the void full of shock, how long had it been since the opening of this immeasurable secret realm to reach the peak battle!

This is one of the rules of the Immeasurable Secret Realm, and when the battle in the Secret Realm reaches its most intense, the battle image in it will be projected.

The battle of the peak also means that this battle will most likely determine the final ranking of the Infinite Secret Realm, but it usually appears on the seventh day, but I didn't expect that this time it appeared not long after it opened, and everyone widened their eyes and looked at the projection in the void.

"These five people are the top five in the current points ranking, they actually got together, no wonder they entered the peak battle so early!"

"The breath on the projection corresponds to the breath on the gold list, that is, the other four peerless geniuses in the top five are besieging Ye Chen, who is currently ranked first?"

"This... This is also too shameful! How shameless it is that a silver professional was besieged by four powerful gold professional geniuses!

"This shows that Ye Chen's strength is extremely strong, even Heng Wuji and the others must besiege to deal with Ye Chen, this is an unprecedented thing!"

"There are still such figures in the heavens and realms, even in ancient times, they have never seen it! Slash countless gold-level genius professionals with the rank of silver-level professionals! "


Countless people talked about it, this time in the immeasurable secret realm, too many strange things happened, so that everyone present was constantly broken cognition, there is no most outrageous, only more outrageous.

"Haha, Ye Chen, this little beast also has today! I want to take a good look at how this kid Ye Chen died!" The Great Elder of the Heng Family looked at the picture in the void and laughed, he couldn't wait to see Ye Chen's fall.

"Ye Chen, this little beast died quickly, to comfort my son's spirit in the sky!"

"I can't wait to rush in personally and kill Ye Chen, this little beast, even if the price is my life!"


Countless people gritted their teeth and cursed Ye Chen, expecting Ye Chen to be killed.

They are all relatives of the Heng family disciples who were killed by Ye Chen, although many people escaped, but they were still killed by Ye Chen for most of the time before they had time to escape, at this time, they couldn't wait to rush in and personally kill Ye Chen.

At this time, around the golden list, countless auras rushed, staring at the projection in the void, waiting for the result of the great battle.


In the immeasurable secret realm.

The four masters of Heng Wuji, Fa Tianyi, Ape Hong and Mo Wudao began to besiege Ye Chen, and as soon as they struck, they were their most powerful skills, and the power of the unruleable surged and thousands of gods shone.

Ye Chen stood in the very center, the surrounding void was blocked, even if he used "Shadow Escape", he could not break through this layer of rule blockade, unless Ye Chen's comprehension of the rules of space reached a certain level, otherwise he could only forcibly smash these surrounding rule chains to leave.

A shield appeared on Ye Chen's body, and at the same time, the regular chains of ice crisscrossed it.

"Storm Arrow Rain!"

All the arrows galloped towards Heng Wuji, and at this time, Heng Wuji's state could be said to be the worst among everyone, and Ye Chen naturally would not miss this opportunity.

"The legal net is restored!"

Fa Tianyi slapped a palm towards Ye Chen, and a huge legal net condensed in the palm of his hand, giving people a feeling that there was no doubt that they could escape everywhere.

Bang -

Ye Chen turned around, his body moved extremely fast, turning into an afterimage, his fist was filled with a cold and icy aura, extremely powerful, and at the same time, he combined with the rules of the wind, the speed surged, and collided with Fa Tianyi's palm in an instant.


Tianyi's legal net suddenly broke, and he was beaten out by Ye Chen, and his body was covered with frost.

"Heavenly Demon Giant Stick!"

At this moment, Ape Hong's body was full of demonic energy, a rich dark rule emerged, and a huge rod appeared in Ape Hong's hand and bombarded towards Ye Chen.

"Blade of Light!"

At the same time, a strange weapon appeared in Mo Wudao's hand, it was a dagger, but it was curved, like a twisted dragon snake, and endless light flashed on it.

Ape Hong and Mo Wudao left and right, faintly forming a yin and yang taiji, surrounding Ye Chen in the middle.

Ye Chen turned around quickly, and the Ancient Demon Bow was suspended behind him, and at the same time, his hands were covered with cold ice chains.

Boom -

Ye Chen blasted out two punches, colliding with Ape Hong's giant rod and Mo Wudao's strange dagger, shocking the two of them to retreat one after another.


sound of gold and stone clashing sounded behind Ye Chen.

Heng Wuji had already arrived behind Ye Chen, and the blood-red blade, mixed with the rich rules of the wind, bombarded Ye Chen's shield, unable to advance.

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