"Is it finally over?"

Ye Chen felt the prompt in his mind, a smile rose at the corner of his mouth, and the Infinite Secret Realm trial was finally over.

Thinking that he could not only get the reward of the first place in the Infinite Secret Realm, but also get the reward of the eleven-star gold-level promotion task.

And after being promoted to the gold level, it can unlock new features of the 10,000-fold increase system.

All this made Ye Chen full of expectations.

Obtaining the first place in the Immeasurable Secret Realm can forge a supreme foundation.

The eleven-star gold-level promotion task was even more unheard of, and even Ye Chen's "Xuanfeng Star Domain Forum" had not found relevant information.

It seems that the highest is nine stars, and even ten stars have never heard of it.

There was no doubt that Ye Chen had broken through the shackles of truth and reached a supreme forbidden realm.

As for the new function of the 10,000-fold amplification system, Ye Chen was even more looking forward to it.

It can be said that his strength today is completely inseparable from the help of the 10,000-fold increase system.

Without the experience increase of the 10,000-fold increase system, it would be impossible for him to upgrade all of his skills to the terrifying level 200.

Without these high-level skills, he wouldn't be able to get terrifying rewards every time he promoted the profession.

The advantages of professionals are accumulated little by little.

The strong Hengqiang is exactly this truth!

Only when the strength is strong can we win more resources, and with more resources, the strength will naturally be stronger, which is a snowball process!


"Congratulations on winning the first place in the Immeasurable Secret Realm Trial, the trial reward has been distributed..." Without

waiting long, another prompt sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

Then a colorful light mass and a golden light mass descended from the sky and appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stretched out his left hand and touched the golden light mass on the left.


golden light mass turned into a golden streamer, instantly merging into Ye Chen's eyebrows, and a message appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

"Fusion top qi luck light group to get one million qi luck value!"

Ye Chen felt the prompt in his mind, and his eyes widened instantly, it turned out to be a million qi luck value.

You must know that there are only two requirements for him to unlock the second layer of Yi's bloodline.

One is to be promoted to a golden professional, this is very simple, Ye Chen can complete it immediately.

The other is that his own qi luck value reaches 100,000, which means that after obtaining this million qi luck value, Ye Chen can immediately unlock the second layer of Yi's bloodline.

Thinking that he could unlock the second layer of Yi's bloodline right away, the excitement in Ye Chen's eyes couldn't stop stopping.

The all-powerful power unlocked by the first layer of the Yi Bloodline has greatly improved Ye Chen's comprehensive strength, so how much will Ye Chen's strength be improved after the second layer is unlocked?

Ye Chen couldn't wait to go out and promote the Golden Professional.

Ye Chen contained his excitement, he knew that although the million qi luck value was very strong, it was not enough to say that he could forge a supreme foundation.

Then, the result is obvious, and what can forge the supreme foundation is the seemingly ordinary colorful light group in front of you.

Ye Chen continued to stretch out his left hand to touch the colorful light mass on the right.

Oh -

the colorful light cluster turned into a colorful streamer, which merged into Ye Chen's eyebrows.

At the moment when the colorful light mass merged into Ye Chen's eyebrows, Ye Chen felt that an extremely wonderful change seemed to appear all over his body, and the whole person exuded dazzling colorful light.

Ye Chen felt as if he was in a warm embrace, and the cells, flesh and blood of his whole body were cheering.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Chen felt a prompt appear in his mind.

"Merge the source of life, and all professional talents will be upgraded by one level!"

Ye Chen suddenly felt that his brain was down, and he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

All professional talents to the next level?

Ye Chen has three SSS-level talents and four S-level talents, all of which can be upgraded to one level!

What a horror!

At this time, Ye Chen finally understood what it means to cast a supreme foundation, and all professional talents are upgraded by one order, which is called casting a supreme foundation!

Ye Chen had long learned about professional talent through the "Xuanfeng Star Domain Forum".

For most races, SSS-level talent is already the peak, even the races in the big world.

Only a small number of rare races can have more than SSS level or above talent, those rare races are the darlings of the universe, the number is very small, and the birth rate is also extremely low.

Only these rare races have the possibility of appearing professionals with talents above SSS level!

It should be noted that even rare races are only likely to appear talents above SSS level.

In fact, even rare races take countless years to give birth to a professional who surpasses SSS-level talent.

Once a peerless genius of this level appears, he will definitely be one of the peak figures of the heavens and realms in the future.

Ye Chen never expected that the reward for the first place in the Immeasurable Secret Realm was so rich, which made him feel a little unreal.

God-level talent above SSS level, he has three at once!

What a horror!

"Could it be because I pushed countless gold professionals at the rank of silver professionals, and the points I obtained exceeded the second place by more than ten times, making the immeasurable secret realm end early?"

Ye Chen secretly guessed in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen quickly opened his attribute panel and checked the latest talent attributes.

[God's Heart (God Level): Final damage increases by 1000% and can break the upper limit of skill level, but the experience required to increase skill level is increased to ten times.

At the same time, you can use a large amount of experience points to infer rule divine skills, and upgrade ordinary skills to regular divine skills.

In the process of derivation, you can also comprehend the power of rules corresponding to the rule divine skill, and the higher the understanding, the less experience points required for deducing are consumed. 】


"This... That's too strong!

Ye Chen looked at the Divine Heart skill that had been promoted to a god-level talent, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart.

The first is that the final damage increase has been increased from 200% to 1000%, a full 4 times increase, which is terrifying.

Then there is the God Heart talent after being promoted to the god level, which can deduce the rule divine skill, deduce the ordinary skill into the rule divine skill, and in the process, you can also comprehend the rule power corresponding to the rule divine skill.

Although it is said that the experience points required for derivation are linked to understanding, if the understanding of the professional is not good, even those who consume more experience cannot deduce success.

But Ye Chen thought that his understanding was not low, and his performance in the Immeasurable Secret Realm had already said everything.

The level of comprehension of the rules of ice has reached the peak of the first order, even if it is because of killing the Frost Saint Dragon to obtain a huge amount of rule perception.

However, if an ordinary professional can reach the level of comprehension in the late stage of the first order, it is already considered to be an excellent understanding.

The god-level Divine Heart talent really satisfied Ye Chen so much that he couldn't be more satisfied.

The gap between SSS-level talent and god-level talent is too big, and there is no comparison at all.

However, Ye Chen also knew that the gap between SSS-level talents themselves was also extremely large, but even the strongest SSS-level talents still had a big gap compared to god-level talents.

It can be said that with god-level talent, it is easy to become a great emperor in the future, and even the possibility of promoting to a true god is extremely likely.

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