Ye Chen felt the change in his energy value.

Opening an hour of 10,000-fold increase in understanding consumes about 30% of the energy value.

That is to say, he can currently maintain a tenthousand-fold increase of understanding for about 3 hours at most.

However, this is a limit case.

Generally speaking, if the energy value of the professional is less than 70%, the state will begin to decline.

If the energy value is less than 50%, the state will be significantly worse than before, and the whole body attribute will decrease.

If the energy value is less than 30%, then you must stop and rest, at this time, the attributes of the whole body are only half of the peak.

In the most serious case, when the energy value is less than 10%, the professional may fall into a deep sleep.

Even if a professional with a strong will can forcibly control himself not to enter a sleeping state, but the strength of one body is not one in ten, which is extremely dangerous.

Then, Ye Chen focused his attention on the Holy Monument of Force.


Ye Chen felt his consciousness enter the chaotic space again.

Immediately after that, it appeared in a sea of the rules of force, and Ye Chen skillfully integrated his consciousness into the sea water of the rules of force.

"It turns out that this is the rule of force!"

Countless feelings appeared in Ye Chen's heart, and he instantly understood what the rule of force represented.

The rules of force are actually the control of their own power, and once the comprehension of the rules of force reaches the extreme, they will be able to completely control the power of the body.

In essence, professionals gain more control over their power with each promotion.

Silver Classmates increase their attack power by 6 for every 1 point of strength.

But for Gold Professionals, every 1 point of strength increases attack power by 8.

This is essentially a control of the rules of force, but the professional does not understand the essence of it, and cannot cohesion the rules of the stars.

As the professional's comprehension of the rules of force continues to increase, every bit of power can provide great power.

Even up to a hundredfold thousand-fold improvement.

This is the excavation and control of the professional's own strength, which is completely their own power and will not be deprived in any way.

In some forbidden places among the heavens and realms, only the power of certain rules is allowed, and even the power of rules cannot be used, and only the power of the flesh can be relied on.

At this time, the rules of force can play a great role.

Although it is also called the power of rules, it belongs to the power of special rules, which is the control of its own power without communicating the origin of the universe.

The power of ordinary rules, if it wants to play a role, it is necessary to communicate the origin of the universe in order to exert great power.

After Ye Chen understood the essence of the rules of power, he felt a new door open in front of him.

Controlling your own power and digging up the treasures of the flesh is also a road to heaven!

Time passes little by little.

Ye Chen felt that his comprehension of the rules of force was increasing, and the stars of the rules of force in the sea of knowledge gradually became stronger.

Moreover, Ye Chen felt that the rules of power seemed to be even more difficult to comprehend than the rules of space.

An hour had almost passed, and his comprehension of the rules of force was only at the peak of the first order.

If you want to break through the bottleneck of the first-order peak, there is still a long way to go.

At the very least, it is necessary to comprehend the Holy Monument of Power again in the case of a ten-fold increase in understanding, in order to have a chance to break through the bottleneck.

However, Ye Chen also found an interesting phenomenon.

At this time, his sea of knowledge was divided into two territories.

The Space Rule Stars that originally occupied the center position have moved to the center position on the left, while the Force Rule Stars occupy the right center position.

As for the other rule stars, this is all on the left, surrounding the space rule stars.

The regular stars of force are surrounded by no regular stars.

"On the left is the cosmic origin rule, and on the right is the flesh rule?"

Ye Chen had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't dwell for too long, so he continued to concentrate on comprehending the rules of strength.

He only has an hour to grasp all the time to comprehend, and he can't waste time!

Hum -

Ye Chen's consciousness quickly broke away from the ocean of rules of force and returned to the real world.

"Close the 10,000-fold increase in understanding!"

Ye Chen said silently in his heart.

After his consciousness returned to reality, Ye Chen immediately turned off the ten-fold increase in understanding.

At this time, he felt that his energy value was less than 40%, and a sense of weakness surged from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Chen obviously felt that his all attributes had dropped a lot, probably less than eighty percent of his peak.

If the energy value continues to decrease, the decline in all attributes will be even more terrifying.

Then Ye Chen took out a bottle of top-grade energy potion from his backpack and drank it.

This is the highest quality energy potion in the Star World, and once taken, it can slowly restore the energy points of the professional within an hour.

Generally speaking, an ordinary mythical-level powerhouse can recover 50% of his energy value within an hour, which is worth a lot!

However, with Ye Chen's current net worth, he can still afford it.

Other than that, just the contribution value of obtaining a million qi luck value reward can allow Ye Chen to consume it at will, and there is no need to worry about these consumption.

However, as Ye Chen's strength improved, the help of the top-level energy potion to him would gradually become less, and he must use more advanced heavenly materials and earth treasures to quickly restore his energy value.

Otherwise, Ye Chen could only rely on time to continuously restore his energy value.

However, his body is absorbing strange energy from the Origin Land of the universe all the time, and the speed of his energy recovery is also extremely terrifying.

Even without top-level energy potions, you can recover quickly within five or six hours.

You must know that the average mythical level professional, if he only relies on his own strength to restore his energy value, if he wants to recover from 40% to the peak, it will take at least two or three days.

Compared with Ye Chen, there is a huge gap!

Ye Chen's heart moved, and he put the Holy Monument of Power into the backpack space.

"Next it's time to prepare for promotion to the Diamond level professional!"

Ye Chen's thoughts kept in his mind.

There are three requirements for promotion to the Diamond level occupation.

The first is to complete the Diamond Pro promotion task.

The second is that you have reached level 100 and your current experience points are enough to upgrade to level 101.

The last one is to condense any regular star.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's heart moved, and the experience points in the experience orb continued to pour into his body.

[Log: The professional upgrade is successful! ] The current level is 72. 【

Log: The professional upgrade is successful! The current level is 73. 】


[Log: The professional upgrade is successful! ] Current level 100. Countless

white lights flashed on Ye Chen's body, and in just a short moment, his level reached the peak of a gold-level professional.

Next, he only needs to communicate with the Heavenly Dao Order and receive the Diamond Level Professional Promotion Task!

After being promoted to a gold-level professional, the soul is transformed, and there is no longer a need to go to the promotion temple as before, and receive promotion tasks through the promotion stele.

You only need to consciously communicate the order of the heavenly path, and you can directly receive the professional promotion task, which is extremely convenient!

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