An hour later.

"Speed, speed up!"

The Golden Armor Guards constantly drove away these tens of thousands of professional cannon fodder.

At this time, less than 10,000 of the original tens of thousands of professionals remained, and almost twenty percent of the professionals were killed because their speed was too slow.

Soon a huge fog appeared in front of everyone.

Visibility in the fog is extremely limited, and you can only see things within hundreds of meters of the surrounding area.

At this time, Chen Mu was waiting for everyone to arrive before the fog.

Soon, Chen Mu took out a golden treasure map in his hand.

I saw Chen Mu pouring spiritual power into the golden treasure map, and then the golden treasure map was a golden light masterpiece, suspended in the air, turning into a compass.

As soon as Chen Mu beckoned, a golden compass appeared in his hand.

"Everyone follow me, don't be left behind, if anyone wants to take advantage of the chaos to escape, there is no amnesty for killing!"

Chen Mu gulped.

Then follow the guidance of the golden compass towards the mist.

Half an hour later.

A lake with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and in the middle of that lake, a huge lonely peak towered.

In this vast lake, the water ripples, the inky black lake appears bottomless, and there seem to be countless powerful auras lurking in it.

The lone peak in the middle of the lake reached thousands of zhang, and the whole body was blood-red, and no vegetation grew on it, like a blood-colored giant sword.

The light in Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and countless information continued to appear in his mind.

"The entrance to the Treasure Land is actually under this blood-colored peak, and there are indeed countless killing arrays outside the entrance, and all of its array eyes must be destroyed to make it ineffective!"

Ye Chen seriously looked at the entrance of that treasure hiding place, and secretly sighed in his heart.

If it weren't for Chen Mu's guidance on the treasure map, it would be a fool's dream to find this place.

However, under that blood-colored peak, there is only an entrance.

The real treasure hiding place is still hidden in the gap between the space, and only through this entrance can you enter the real treasure hiding place.

"However, there are also countless powerful ferocious beasts hidden in this lake, which seem to be the descendants of ferocious beasts specially raised by the owners of this place."

Ye Chen turned his gaze and also found a powerful ferocious beast hidden in the lake.

Countless years have passed, and the fierce beasts that were originally bred here have died one after another, leaving only some descendants with low strength.

If the ancient ferocious beasts of that year were still alive, I am afraid that these people would not even be able to fill their teeth.

"But how did this Heavenly Dragon Ruins be destroyed? All powerful beings turned into flying ash!

Ye Chen thought secretly in his heart.

You must know that the Ancient Heavenly Dragon is so powerful and has so many followers, but all of them disappeared without a trace, leaving only a decaying Heavenly Dragon relic.

"Brother Wang, do you know how this Heavenly Dragon Ruins were formed?"

Ye Chen said to Wang Hu.

Wang Hu, as a peerless genius of the Tianji God Race, knows many unknown secrets, which is why Ye Chen asked Wang Hu.

When Wang Hu heard Ye Chen's transmission, he immediately became interested, which was his strength.

"I've probably heard of it, I'm not sure if it's true, but the probability of it is very high!" Wang Hu said to Ye Chen.

After a pause, Wang Hu continued to transmit the voice: "It is said that the Ancient Heavenly Dragon was the favorite junior who killed a true god-level powerhouse, and then was killed by that true god-level powerhouse through countless time and space, and even all his followers were wiped out, and no one could survive!" "


Ye Chen gasped.

What a terrifying existence it was for a Great Emperor-level powerhouse to be killed by a True God-level powerhouse through countless time and space, and even his followers were annihilated together!

"This... That's too strong! If you don't even see your face, you can be killed in countless times and spaces? Ye Chen said to Wang Hu in shock.

Wang Hu also explained: "You must know that this Heavenly Dragon Ruins are hidden in the depths of time and space, and no one has discovered its coordinates until now, and can only enter it through the teleportation array randomly generated by the Heavenly Dao Order.

But the Ancient Heavenly Dragon died in his lair like this, and only a true god-level powerhouse who was proficient in the power of cause and effect could kill him in countless times and spaces with one thought!

"The power of the True God level is so majestic, it is unimaginable!"

Ye Chen's first contact with true god-level information at this time opened his eyes and shocked him.

After the Half-Saint level, there was a huge gap in each step.

But Ye Chen didn't expect that the gap between the Great Emperor level and the True God level was so huge.

This is really terrifying!

It was said that when the exotic universe invaded, even the true god-level powerhouses were destroyed countless times, what a cruel scene it was, Ye Chen could not imagine.

"True god-level, huh? One day I can also step on that supreme top and overlook everything!

Ye Chen clenched his fists, and a fighting intent rose in his eyes!

In life, if you don't live a wonderful life, then come to the world in vain!

"There seem to be many powerful ferocious beasts hidden at the bottom of this lake, send a team of professionals to explore the way!"

Chen Mu stood by the lake and looked quietly, and then gave an order to the golden armored guard behind him.


Then a golden-armored guard behind Chen Mu walked towards the professional cannon fodder of less than 10,000 people.

After hearing Chen Mu's order, many professionals prayed silently, hoping not to call themselves.

"I hope it's not me, the first batch of professionals who went to the temptation definitely died the worst, I hope God bless me and let me live!"

"What to do, Lord Jin Kai is coming towards us, I'm so nervous!"

"Fortunately, Lord Jin Kai passed by me, it seems that we can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being!"

"Yes, now this wave of temptation is completely sending to death, there will be no other situation at all, looking at the bottomless lake, my legs trembled, and I felt that there were countless peerless fierce beasts inside!"

Many professionals continue to pray to heaven, hoping that they will escape.

There are also people who have escaped and are breathing air and feeling the beauty of being alive.

Soon, the footsteps of the Golden Armor Guard stopped in front of Ye Chen.

"Boy, just you and these dozen people next to you, first go across the lake and see if there is any danger! With your gold-level strength, it seems that there is a bit of luck to live until now, and it is most appropriate for you to go to the temptation! The

Golden Armor Guard said lightly to Ye Chen.

At this time, the dozen or so professionals around Ye Chen heard the words of the Golden Armor Guard, and their faces instantly turned livid, their eyes were full of hatred, and they stared directly at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes were also quite speechless when he looked at these dozen people.

Persimmons pick soft pinch, right?!

It is clear that the people who let them send to death are in front of them, but they only dare to hate themselves!

This is strength!

Without strength, even if it is not your own problem, you will be hated!

Case...... Then die them all!

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