"You... You actually killed the young lord! You're finished, the Wuji God Clan won't let you go!"

A golden armored guard saw Chen Mu explode in an instant, and the protective treasures and life-saving cards all lost their effect, and directly turned into brilliant fireworks, and their jaws were almost dropped in shock.

Their young master, Chen Mu, was a peerless genius in the top one thousand of the points rankings.

There were also talisman treasures and life-saving cards given by the patriarch of the Wuji God Clan, but they all lost their effect under this person's arrow.

Unexpectedly, it was directly killed by an arrow in an instant, even the Ten Thousand Star Dragon, who was the first in the points ranking, could not do it!

"Brothers, he actually killed the young lord, we fought with him!"

The other Golden Armor Guard was dumbfounded and drank loudly.

They are Chen Mu's guards, now that the young master is dead, even if they escape now, the future is doomed to death, it is better to let go now.

In case this teenager used some forbidden technique, now is the time to be weak, and they can kill him as a crime, maybe they can save a life.

Boom -

a few more regular arrows erupted, and all the golden armor guards died instantly.


That's impossible!

Ye Chen's heart moved, and the rules of the third-order arrow and the spatial rules of the third-order peak instantly broke out, since they were so loyal, they were directly sent to accompany Chen Mu.

They couldn't figure it out until death, obviously it was just a forcibly conscripted gold-level cannon fodder, but why was it so powerful.

Kill them all in an instant!

If there is a next life, they hope that their eyes can be brightened a little and they will not kick the iron plate again!

Just after Ye Chen cleanly killed Chen Mu and several Golden Armor Guards, the remaining Wuji Wei instantly lost their fighting intent and fled towards the fog.

However, Ye Chen would not give them this opportunity, countless golden arrows continued to break through the air, and a famous Wujiwei continued to fall, and there was no breath in his body.

After a while, all the professionals present were left with Wang Hu.

The other professionals fled into the fog, and Ye Chen didn't bother to care about them.

As for killing them to get points, Ye Chen still gave up the idea.

After all, there is no deep hatred between them, even if you kill them all, you can't get any points, which is not as good as a fraction of Chen Mu's points.

He targets those geniuses at the top of the points leaderboard!

As for those more than two thousand Wuji Wei, they were all Ye Chen's enemies, and naturally all of them were killed by Ye Chen.

Even Wujiwei, who escaped into the mist, was at a glance under Ye Chen's divine insight, and all of them died.

"Brother Ye, you... How is your strength so so... Such perverts!

Wang Hu came to Ye Chen's side, looked shocked, and stammered.

He looked at Ye Chen like he was looking at a monster.

It is obviously only a gold-level professional, but he can kill Chen Mu in one blow.

He also saw the light of three protective treasures on Chen Mu's body, but it had no effect, and it exploded directly from the inside, turning into countless fragments.

What a horror!

You must know that geniuses of their level are in addition to the powerful talisman treasures given by their elders.

It also has a powerful life-saving hole card, even if it is fatally damaged, it can save a life, and even quickly recover its state, Jedi counter-kill!

But now, what did he see?

Ye Chen directly killed Chen Mu with one arrow, and the protective treasures and life-saving cards were all as if they did not exist, and they died in an instant!

This is really terrifying!

He couldn't understand what kind of power it was!

He vaguely felt that even under this kind of power, he had no power to fight back!

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's not worth mentioning, it's just a little bit stronger than Chen Mu!"

Wang Hu was instantly stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to be such a person!

What does it mean to be a little stronger?

It's a hundred million points stronger!

Directly killed Chen Mu with one arrow, and this may not be the limit of this arrow, but Chen Mu is too weak to reflect the strength of this arrow!

Ye Chen continued: "Brother Wang, let's explore this treasure hiding place together, the Tianji God Race is good at deduction, and must also know the formation method extremely well!" "

The entrance to the Treasure Land has countless killing arrays, although Ye Chen can use the Divine Insight to detect the formations and weaknesses of these formations.

However, if you want to completely destroy these formations, you do not rely entirely on brute force, but you need to master some formation knowledge.

For Ye Chen, his knowledge of the formation can be said to have mastered seven tricks and six tips, but he doesn't know anything!

"Ye Chen, you can ask the right person about this, I can be a formation genius of this generation of the Tianji God Clan!"

Wang Hu was not at all surprised that Ye Chen revealed his identity as a Tianji Divine Race when he opened his mouth.

Since Ye Chen knew that he was Wang Hu on the points ranking, he could naturally learn the identity of his Tianji Divine Race through other channels.

However, Wang Hu thought wrong, Ye Chen did not need to know his information through other channels, under the talent of God's insight, even Ye Chen knew exactly what color underwear he wore.

"Brother Wang, there are many powerful ferocious beasts hidden in this lake, you follow me, let's kill it!"

Ye Chen faced the lake and felt that some of its breath seemed to be about to move.

Wang Hu said excitedly: "Good! Let's get in! This treasure hiding place is estimated to give us a great surprise! Then

the two men stretched their wings behind their backs and flew towards the center of the lake.


Nine hundred and seventy-one primary heavenly battlefield, Wuji City.

At this time, the city lord of Wuji City and several deputy city lords were drinking and having fun in the city lord's mansion, but they did not expect that suddenly a deputy city lord exclaimed, as if he had discovered something strange.

"It's not good, the name of the young master suddenly disappeared on the points leaderboard!"

"What? The name of the young master actually disappeared in the points leaderboard? Wouldn't that be... It represents the fall of the Young Lord! "

The young lord has fallen, this can be a big thing, hurry up and notify the clan elder."

The Wuji City City Lord and several deputy City Lords instantly panicked.

Chen Mu was the youngest son of the Patriarch of the Wuji God Clan, and he was also the son of a generation of holy girls in the Primordial Holy Land, and now he had actually fallen, which would definitely cause a huge tremor in the entire Heavenly Battlefield.

Although the strength of the Wuji God Race is not at the top in the entire Nine Hundred and Seventy-One Primary Heavens Battlefield, the Primordial Holy Land is a great force spanning multiple star domains.

Now that the sons of a generation of saints in the Primordial Holy Land have fallen, I am afraid that even they will be implicated.

This is simply a scourge!

"Everyone is always keeping an eye on the points leaderboard, and if someone changes abnormally, report it quickly! The young master has fallen in the Heavenly Dragon Ruins, and if he is killed by other professionals, then his points will inevitably rise sharply after he comes out!

There is also to check all the Wujiwei who entered the Heavenly Dragon Ruins with the Young Lord to see if anyone is still alive and see if they can get any effective information! The

City Lord of Wuji City turned livid and gave two orders in a row.

At the same time, one after another information was transmitted to the Wuji God Race.

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