
Chen shot another arrow.

This time, he added two units of shattering power.

At this time, there were still more than a hundred units of Destruction Power in his body, most of which were the Destruction Power condensed by him using the Destruction Technique during his retreat.


- A huge wound appeared again on the body of that half-saint-level ancient dragon snake.

"Roar, roar—"

With a harsh scream, the half-saint-level ancient dragon snake suddenly fell from the void, and the breath gradually disappeared.

"What, two arrows can kill a half-saint-level ancient dragon snake!"

Wang Hu looked at the half-saint-level ancient dragon snake in the distance, floating motionless on the surface of the lake, and his heart was extremely shaken.

Killing a half-saint-level ancient dragon snake with a gold-level rank, this is extremely explosive even in the entire heavens and realms!

I am afraid that this kind of achievement has rarely appeared several times in the past!

Now it really appeared in front of his eyes, what a terrifying talent!

At this time, Wang Hu's eyes looking at Ye Chen changed and became extremely respectful.

This is a big guy!

Wang Hu also didn't expect that a small gold-level professional he accidentally met turned out to be a hidden boss!

This thigh he must hold tightly!

Woo-woo -

suddenly a gust of yin wind blew in the void, and one by one the wind dragons condensed out.

At the same time, countless lakes rose up into the sky, turning into water dragons with teeth and claws.

The wind dragon and the water dragon were intertwined and roared towards Ye Chen and the two.

"Insect tricks!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly and looked at the remaining four half-saint-level ancient dragon snakes.

At this time, these four half-saint-level ancient dragon snakes had all returned to their peak state, but the decaying aura emanating from their bodies still made them look a little strong.

"Outsiders! Die! The

Half-Saint Grade Ancient Dragon Snake at the head emitted a burst of spiritual fluctuations, and Ye Chen instantly understood what it meant.

"I didn't expect this ancient dragon snake to be able to speak! It seems that it won't be long before it can evolve into an ancient dragon jiao, and its lifespan will skyrocket again!

Ye Chen was a little surprised, these ancient dragon snakes were extremely low in wisdom, but they were just instinctive to fight.

But he didn't expect that the ancient dragon snake headed by him actually mastered the ability to speak and possessed good wisdom.

It seems that it is not far from evolving into an ancient dragon jiao!

"Almighty aura!"

"Realm of God!"

Ye Chen turned on two auxiliary skills in a row.

The realm of gods is a profession-exclusive skill that Ye Chen obtained after being promoted to a gold-level professional, and at this time, it also reached the upper limit of level 200.

It can increase Ye Chen's attack power and defense power, while the enemy can be suppressed to a certain extent in the field, reducing attack power and defense power.

However, since there is no promotion rule divine skill, like the almighty aura, it can only be said that talk is better than nothing.

You must know that the rule of just one arrow condensed by the rule can reach thirty times the basic attack power of Ye Chen.

The rule of force of the third-order elementary!

The rules of space for the pinnacle of the third order!

The rule of force could make Ye Chen burst out dozens of times the attack power with every bit of strength.

The spatial stranglehold caused by the rules of space is even more powerful, and even the body of the half-saint level is like paper, easily torn.

In comparison, the increase brought by the Almighty Aura and the Divine Realm is somewhat insignificant.

However, for other mythical professionals, it is still a strong increase.

"Brother Ye, your two amplification skills are so strong! Unexpectedly, my strength has improved a lot!

Wang Hu felt the power of amplification in his body, and his eyes widened instantly.

Even a mythical auxiliary professional who focuses on learning amplification skills cannot provide such a powerful amplification power.

This shocked Wang Hu in his heart, I don't know how many secret realms Ye Chen still hidden, it seems that his hole cards have no upper limit, and he can always be constantly surprised.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Brother Wang, with these two amplification skills, your security can be greatly improved!"

Wang Hu listened to Ye Chen's words, and his heart was a little moved.

It seemed that Ye Chen had opened these two powerful amplification skills for his safety, maybe even Ye Chen would have to pay a great price to open them.

Otherwise, Ye Chen, as a gold-level professional, has a strong attack ability, could it be that the auxiliary ability is also so perverted?

At this time, Wang Hu's eyes when he looked at Ye Chen also brought a little gratitude and trust.

Ye Chen looked at Wang Hu's eyes, and he also felt that something was wrong.

How strange is Wang Hu's eyes?

Ye Chen naturally didn't know what Wang Hu was thinking, shook his head, and then focused on the ancient dragon snake in front of him.

After understanding the power of the power of destruction, Ye Chen's eyes also became serious.

Probably the power of destruction of two units can annihilate the immortal power of a half-saint-level ancient dragon snake.

That is to say, ordinary half-saint-level professionals may not even be able to withstand the power of destruction of one unit, and the geniuses among them will withstand the power of destruction of two or three units at most.

This discovery made Ye Chen's heart full of confidence.

Half-Saint level professionals are just that!

It's still a chicken and a dog!

The power of rules is not comprehended to a great extent as him!

The power of immortality is still not as good as his power of destruction!

Then what qualifications do they have to fight with themselves!


, roar—" Countless wind dragons and water dragons intertwined, emitting bursts of roars, and at the same time, countless sonic small swords galloped towards Ye Chen.

"Space strangle!"

The mana in Ye Chen's body was rapidly depleted, and countless cracks seemed to appear in the space in front of him, interlacing each other.

Boom -

All the wind and water dragons, as well as the sonic sword, exploded at the same time in the space strangulation.

While using the space to strangle, the arrow in Ye Chen's hand did not stop.

A rule arrow containing the power of three units of destruction broke through the air, and the target was the head of the half-saint-level ancient dragon snake at the head.


The half-saint-level ancient dragon snake at the head finally knew why his subordinates didn't dodge before.

There is only one reason!

That is, there is no way to dodge!

The powerful space rules directly froze the entire void, and it was impossible to move at all.

"Break it for me!"

Seeing that the regular arrow was about to shoot into his skull, the breath that shattered everything on the arrow made it feel as if its life was not long in coming, and the half-saint-level ancient dragon snake led by it suddenly roared, and at the same time the immortal power burned all over its body.

This is the life-saving secret method it has mastered, and it instantly burns a large amount of immortal power, which can make its strength skyrocket.

Break through the power of space freezing with strong power and escape!

Now it just wants to save a life, and the good man will not suffer the immediate loss!

There seemed to be a constant sound of shattering in the void, and after burning a large amount of immortal power, the half-saint-level ancient holy dragon led by it finally moved its body a little.

However, this does not save its life!


- The regular arrow slammed into the body of the half-saint-level ancient holy dragon at the head, and the powerful force erupted, directly blowing its body in two.

At the same time, the power of destruction burst out, and all the remaining immortal power was wiped out, and in an instant, there was no breath, turning into a corpse.

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