"At my current speed, it will take at least more than an hour to reach the location of the Ancient Heavenly Dragon's Lair."

Ye Chen felt the distance from the location of the Ancient Heavenly Dragon's lair, and secretly calculated the time of arrival in his heart.

This road is far away, and Ye Chen must constantly use the Celestial Crystal to restore his mana in order to ensure that he arrives at the Ancient Heavenly Dragon's Lair in more than an hour.

However, in order to prevent others from getting ahead, Ye Chen could only maintain such a high-intensity flight.

"It's better to take advantage of this time to look at the contents of the records in the secrets of the heavens and realms, increase your knowledge, and improve your vision!"

Ye Chen made up his mind in his heart, and a jade book appeared in front of him.

With Ye Chen's current strength, it is extremely easy to use two things, or even three or four uses, as long as it is not an extremely laborious thing in comprehending the rules, he can basically separate different consciousnesses at the same time to do different things.

Some emperor-level powerhouses, it is extremely normal to use everything and use everything, and they can control countless weapons to attack the enemy with a single thought, and one person is an army, which is extremely terrifying!

Ye Chen first opened the module of "History of the Heavens" and quickly flipped through it.

The first thing that catches your eye is the memorabilia of the heavens and the origin of the heavens.

Ye Chen was mesmerized to see it, feeling that a new door was opening to him, and his insight continued to grow.

Half an hour later.

Ye Chen closed the jade book, constantly digesting the knowledge he had just learned in his mind.

The heavens and realms are divided into five eras, namely primeval, ancient, ancient, medieval, and near.

The Archean era refers to 500 years ago to 1,000 years ago, and an epoch is equivalent to 1296 million years.

In the primeval era, countless beings in the heavens and realms were born, the cultivation system sprouted, and ten thousand ways were born.

Ancient times refer to the 100th to 500th years ago.

In ancient times, the most prosperous era of the heavens and realms, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures can be seen everywhere, the vitality is sufficient, ten thousand ways contend, and a hundred flowers are blooming.

Antiquity refers to the pre-fiftieth to hundred-age pre-100 epochs.

The Middle Ages refers to the pre-one-era to the fifties.

In ancient times and the Middle Ages, resources began to gradually deplete, and there were continuous inheritances that dissipated in the river of time, and ten thousand ways were exhausted, and there was no longer the scenery of the past.

Near antiquity refers to the most recent era.

The end of each era represents a war that sweeps the heavens and worlds, and countless creatures and the world are destroyed.

The sign of entering the ancient era is that the foreign universe has invaded, countless worlds have been destroyed, and the strong have fallen.

Even the Universe Origin was hit hard, resulting in incomplete rules of the Heavenly Dao, and it was no longer able to carry powerhouses above the Great Emperor level.

In ancient times, ten thousand ways contended, among which the immortal way, martial arts, demon way, divine way, demon way, dragon way... The cultivation avenue can be described as extremely powerful and has incredible power.

As for the popular professional avenue today, in ancient times, it was only moderately lower, and only poorly qualified beings could cultivate.

However, in recent ancient times, the origin of the universe was damaged, the rules of the heavenly path were incomplete, and the originally low-average professional avenue, due to the low threshold, was easy to cultivate, but it became the mainstream of the heavens and realms.

This is also the arrangement of the Heavenly Dao Order.

The stronger the strength of the creatures in the heavens and realms, the stronger the Cosmic Origin will become, and the Cosmic Origin damaged in the Great War will be restored faster.

Although it is said that the strength of the creatures of the cultivation professional avenue is relatively weak, the upper limit is not high.

However, in recent times, resources were scarce, and the rules of the Heavenly Dao were incomplete, even if they consumed countless resources and forcibly cultivated the Ancient Cultivation Dao, they could not cultivate to a high and profound level.

This is the torrent of the times, and no living creature can stop it!

Relying on the professional avenue, a large number of strong people can be cultivated in a short period of time, the power of the heavens and realms can be enhanced, and the origin of the universe can be restored as soon as possible.

However, with the continuous restoration of the origin of the universe and the completion of the rules of the Heavenly Dao, other cultivation avenues will also rise again.

"Could it be that the two ancient secret techniques provided by my Yizhi Bloodline are other cultivation avenues?"

Ye Chen had some speculation in his heart.

Other skills can be upgraded using experience points, but the "Destruction Technique" and "Heaven and Earth Oven" provided by Yi's bloodline cannot be upgraded using experience points, and they need to be constantly used to improve their skill proficiency.

This conflicts with the low threshold and easy cultivation characteristics of the professional avenue.

To improve these skills, you must rely on water grinding, slowly improve, steady and steady, and spend a lot of time.

Of course, the strength of these two skills is undoubted.

The power of destruction condensed by the "Art of Destruction" was the biggest hole card for Ye Chen to cross the challenge.

The "Heaven and Earth Oven" can improve Ye Chen's efficiency in absorbing the Origin Energy of the Universe, which can greatly improve Ye Chen's recovery ability, as well as greatly improve the experience point absorption efficiency and the growth rate of four-dimensional attributes.

Perhaps these two skills originated from other cultivation avenues.

"In ancient times, those who practiced martial arts, immortal dao, divine dao, and demon dao... I am afraid that the creatures of the top cultivation avenue can kill hundreds of powerhouses of the same level of the cultivation professional avenue with just one punch!

Ye Chen imagined the scene of ten thousand ways contending in ancient times, and he couldn't help but yearn for it.

"However, according to the records in the jade book, many powerful geniuses in the Middle Ages self-proclaimed themselves in the divine source, waiting for the rules of the Heavenly Dao to be completed, and then revived again and swept the heavens!"

Ye Chen's thoughts kept in his heart.

Prosperity will decline, otherwise Tai Tai come!

Once the rules of the Heavenly Dao are completed, the entire Heavens and Realms will undergo incredible changes, even reaching the point of ancient times.

Countless heavenly treasures were born out of thin air, and there were countless opportunities.

Once this opportunity is seized, I am afraid that it is possible to become a supreme existence above the true god level!

However, at that time, the geniuses of these cultivation professional avenues in the ancient era could not keep up with the times, and if they wanted to rise again, they had to cultivate other avenues in order to win a glimmer of opportunity in this great era.

"Sure enough, these Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms are far more exciting than I imagined ten times, a hundred times!"

Ye Chen was extremely excited.

At the same time, he also planted a seed in his heart, a seed to become a truly strong man!

The upper limit of the professional avenue is too low, and if you want to become a true powerhouse, you must cultivate those top cultivation avenues, and even fuse multiple cultivation avenues to create a more powerful cultivation avenue.

Ye Chen believed that he had the help of the Ten Thousand Times Amplification System, and if he could obtain some inheritance of the Ancient Cultivation Dao, he would definitely be able to play a great role.

Even in this resource-scarce ancient era, a truly invincible road was blazed!

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