"However, the core of this labyrinth seems to be a Taikoo Immortal Stone!"

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found some treasure!

Taikoo Immortal Stone is a kind of fairy stone naturally condensed in the Immortal Domain, which contains the rules of the Immortal Dao, which can collect the original energy of the universe to convert the Qi of the Immortal Spirit.

At the same time, it can also communicate with the immortal domain and absorb the fairy spirit qi in the immortal domain.

Generally speaking, the Taikoo Immortal Stone can be used as the energy source of the formation, and it can also assist the living beings in cultivating the Immortal Dao.

Immortal Qi has different attributes, and the same Taikoo Immortal Stone also has different attributes.

This ancient immortal stone contains abundant earth attribute fairy qi, which can continuously produce earth attribute fairy qi to maintain the operation of this labyrinth array.

That ancient fairy stone was the source of energy for this labyrinth array.

"This earth attribute taikoo immortal stone is a good thing, it can produce a large amount of earth attribute fairy qi every day, it can be used to refine various earth attribute elixirs, and it can also be used to urge a large array, which is equivalent to an inexhaustible gold mine, and it can generate income at all times!"

A smile rose at the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

Then a look appeared in Ye Chen's eyes, and at the same time, he opened a ten-fold increase in understanding.

The higher the understanding, the easier it would be to crack the formation, and with the assistance of God's insight, Ye Chen believed that this Taikoo Immortal Stone was definitely in his pocket!

Boom -

everywhere Ye Chen went, one formation after another shattered.

During this process, Ye Chen felt that his understanding of the way of formation was also constantly improving.

"This is simply the best place for me to practice the way of formation, not only can I get the Taigu Immortal Stone, but also improve my way of formation!"

Ye Chen was overjoyed in his heart.

If Ye Chen had the current formation attainment in the Heavenly Void Palace, I am afraid that he could directly crack the formation of the gate of the treasure house and take away the treasures in it.

After all, the reason why the treasure house gate can recognize the opening command is also the formation in it to judge.

If the formation attainment is extremely high, you can crack the formation of the treasure house gate without destroying the treasure house gate, directly forge the opening instruction, and swagger into the treasure house.

"With more effort, it is estimated that in another three minutes I can completely crack the entire maze array!"

According to the progress of cracking, Ye Chen secretly calculated the time it would take to crack this maze array in his heart.

At the same time that Ye Chen cracked the maze array.

Oh -

Two streamers stopped at the same time in the barren desert outside the ancient dragon's lair.

"Tang Hao, Li Yan, why did you two appear here!"

Fang Tianyu, a man in blue clothes, stood on his own sacristy ship, looking at the two people on the opposite sacristy ship, and his face couldn't help but look ugly.

Tang Hao and Li Yan are both masters in the top fifty of the points rankings, even if they fight alone, he is not the opponent of anyone, let alone face two at the same time.

This made him feel extremely stressed.

But fortunately, although he couldn't beat the two of them, at least there were many people, and there was not much problem if he wanted to escape with the help of the Holy Artifact Ship.

But in this way, his Ancient Heavenly Dragon inheritance and inheritance could only be handed over, which made him extremely unwilling.

"I thought it was, but I didn't expect that you Fang Tianyu obtained another Heavenly Dragon Order, so since that's the case, you hand over the Heavenly Dragon Order, and then roll!" Our two brothers show mercy and let you live!

Li Yan, the man in black, said loudly, his tone full of disdain.

A genius ranked more than fifty in the points ranking is not a rival for the two of them at all.

When Fang Tianyu heard this, his face became even more ugly.

Originally, he still held a trace of luck, in case he just happened to meet these two people, just find an excuse to retreat first, and finally find a chance to come back.

But I didn't expect to be directly broken by Li Yandao, and it was obvious that they also obtained the Heavenly Dragon Order before coming here.

"It's impossible, I want to escape, what can you do for me?"

Fang Tianyu said loudly.

"Find death!"

Li Yan shouted angrily, holding a long knife and slashing towards Fang Tianyu's Halloween Ship.

This long knife was his Essence Hallow, and with the rules of fire that he had reached the peak of the second order, a blazing flame knife qi slashed towards Fang Tianyu.

The sky was dyed red by this blazing flame knife qi.

Not to be outdone, Fang Tianyu appeared in his hand.

Wind Dragon Sword Qi!

Countless sword rays turned into cyan dragons, and in cooperation with his wind rules that reached the late second order, they collided towards the flame sword qi.

Roar -

The flame knife qi turned into a flame tiger, swallowed all the cyan dragons into its belly, and roared with an indomitable momentum.

Fang Tianyu swung out several swords again, but he still couldn't stop the Flame Tiger's attack, he only weakened his power a little!

Boom -

The Flame Tiger crashed into the shield of the Halloween Ship, causing a turmoil on the Halloween Ship and a rapid consumption of energy.

Fang Tianyu steadied his figure and roared, "Li Yan, I didn't expect your strength to be so strong!" But you want my Tenryu Ling, that's still delusional!

"Fang Tianyu, it seems that you don't cry if you don't see the coffin!"

Tang Hao, the man in white who had been silent at this time, also shouted loudly.

Just as Tang Hao and Li Yan were about to strike at the same time, another stream of light galloped in the void.

"It seems that I came at the right time!"

A voice came from the void.

"Zhao Qi!"

Fang Tianyu, Tang Hao, and Li Yan were shocked at the same time.

This Zhao Qi is a genius ranked twenty-fifth in the points ranking, and his strength can be described as extremely strong.

Even if Tang Hao and Li Yan joined forces, they did not dare to say that they could defeat Zhao Qi.

"Fortunately, I still have to be at the right time, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon inheritance and inheritance have not been inherited by the three of you, otherwise I will lose a lot!"

Zhao Qi's voice and urn sound came from his Halloween Ship.

You must know that as soon as he got the Heavenly Dragon Order, he used the holy crystal to rush here, his location was too far from here, but fortunately it was all worth it.

No one has been able to enter it so far, which is a great surprise for him!

At this time, Fang Tianyu, Tang Hao, and Li Yan looked at each other and seemed to have reached a consensus.

There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies.

At this moment, they decided to join forces to fight Zhao Qi!

In the current situation, it is most suitable for the four of them to explore the Ancient Heavenly Dragon's lair together, and the three of them and Zhao Qi balance each other.

Otherwise, no one would want to get the inheritance and inheritance from the ancient Heavenly Dragon's lair!

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