"Quickly send someone to investigate, who is this Ye Chen? Check at all costs, I will let all those related to him be buried with him! The

Primordial Saint Lord forcibly endured his killing intent and said to a figure in the void.

Although he couldn't deduce Ye Chen's information, it showed that the forces behind this person must be not small.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to cultivate such a strong genius!

But in these hundreds of star domains, the Primordial Holy Land is a well-deserved king, and it is absolutely unbearable for someone to bully his head.

"I don't know if I've been silent for too long, and someone has started not to put me in their eyes!"

The Primordial Saint Lord muttered.

At this time, his face was quite normal, but those who knew him well knew that he was angry to the extreme.

It's just the calm before the storm.


Infinity World, in an antique courtyard.

"Husband, Elder Xie just sent the news that Wan Xinglong has located Ye Chen's location, and he is about to start, Mu'er's great revenge can finally be repaid!"

Ye Yicheng sat in the pavilion of the courtyard and said to Chen Yudao with great excitement.

Chen Yu was also overjoyed when he heard this, and the sadness on his face couldn't help but dilute a little.

Chen Yu held Ye Yicheng's hand tightly and said happily: "Yingcheng, this can be said to be the best news I have heard recently, thinking that Ye Chen is about to die at the hands of Wanxinglong, I can't control my happiness."

Ye Yicheng also cried with joy: "Yes, since Mu'er's death, I have not been so happy, but the only pity is that I can't personally kill Ye Chen, I haven't been able to torture him properly, let alone kill all the people related to him!"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand to wipe Ye Yicheng's tears, and said distressedly: "Maybe Wan Xinglong will pry out this information from Ye Chen's little beast's mouth, and then we will let everyone related to him be buried with Mu'er, just one Ye Chen I am not willing to do!"

Ye Yicheng gritted his teeth and said, "Husband, I wish that time would pass faster now!" I want to hear the news of Ye Chen's little beast's death right away!

Chen Yu hugged Ye Yicheng into his arms, gently patted Ye Yicheng's back, and whispered: "The strength of Wan Xinglong is beyond doubt, killing Ye Chen is not easy, let's just wait here quietly for news."

At this moment, Ye Yicheng felt the news coming from the friend panel, and immediately broke free from Chen Yu's arms, sat up straight, and his eyes bloomed with surprise.

Ye Yicheng's heart moved, opened the friends panel, and found that it was indeed Elder Xie's message.

"Husband, it's news from Elder Xie!" Ye Yicheng said in surprise.

Chen Yu's eyes were also overjoyed when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "You project the information of the friend panel, and we will share this joyful moment together!" "


When Ye Yicheng heard this, he also nodded and agreed.

Then a friend panel appeared in the void, and the first one was Elder Xie.

At this time, there was a red three in the upper right corner of Elder Xie's avatar, which represented the three unread messages.

Ye Yicheng endured his excitement and trembled and opened the chat box with Elder Xie.

[Ye Yicheng, you're going to kill me! ] 【

Wan Xinglong died at Ye Chen's hands! 】 Your son really died unjustly! I'm really going to be killed by you right now!" [

If the Holy Lord knew that Wan Xinglong found Ye Chen because of the two of us, we would definitely not have a good time! ] The sky is really going to collapse now, and I will really be killed by you! Chen

Yu and Ye Yicheng looked at the subtitles on the chat panel in the void, and the whole person was petrified.

After endless silence, Chen Yu finally came to his senses and shouted, "No! That's impossible! How could Ye Chen's little beast's strength be so strong that he could actually kill the Ten Thousand Star Dragon!

Ye Yicheng also sobered up under Chen Yu's violent drinking, and at this time, her face was bloodless, and she couldn't believe the fact in front of her.

You must know that Wan Xinglong is the first place in the points ranking!

In this primary heavenly battlefield is the supreme god, but now... God fell?

She couldn't believe that Ye Chen, this little beast, had such a powerful strength, and she instantly felt that the sky seemed to be collapsing!

Ye Yicheng said with a pale face: "The Ten Thousand Star Dragon is dead, I can't imagine the anger of the Primordial Saint Lord!"

Chen Yu's face was also solemn, and his heart was like pressing a boulder, extremely depressed.

Although he is the patriarch of the Wuji God Clan, the Wuji God Clan is not his final say, and it is the ancestor of the clan who is really in charge.

Under the wrath of the Holy Lord in the beginning, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot be escaped!

"Ye Chen!" Chen Yu said little by little.

This name is already his greatest enemy!

In his life, there are almost no enemies, and all those who offend him will hardly live a second!

He has always been the kind of genius who can turn over against the wind when he has a vengeance, but now he has suffered a big loss in Ye Chen's hands!

"Ye Chen! Don't let me find you, or I will absolutely torture you to the end of your life, so that you can't survive or die!"

Ye Yicheng was full of killing intent, his tone was cold, and he exuded a bone-chilling chill.

Chen Yu said in an icy tone: "Allure, we will add another tenfold reward!" Under the heavy reward there will be a brave man! I don't believe that this Ye Chen appeared out of thin air, and no one knows his bottom line!

"Husband, even if I pay a big price, I will find Ye Chen, this little beast, I will torture all the people related to him to death in front of him, and I will let him feel this pain ten times a hundredfold!"

The killing intent in Ye Yicheng's eyes almost condensed into substance.


At the same time, in the battlefield of the primary heavens.

Ye Chen was constantly flickering in the void, and at this time, there was another fragment of the True Dragon Order in his hand, which was the reward given by the Heavenly Dao Order after killing the Ten Thousand Star Dragon and his younger brother.

Now that he had used two fragments of the True Dragon Order, from the size point of view, it should be only the last fragment to collect a whole True Dragon Order.

"There are still a few days left before the settlement of the Primary Heavens Battlefield, I might as well find a place to cultivate in these few days!"

After Ye Chen put another True Dragon Order fragment into his backpack, he began to think about the arrangements for the next few days.

He is now the first place in the points ranking, the points are far more than the second place, even if he does nothing, he can firmly win the first place settlement ranking!

"However, it seems that the genius coordinates on the Primary Heavens Battlefield Leaderboard are easy to discover!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Chen's heart.

Wan Xinglong can find him in such a short time, this must be the rule of the primary heavenly battlefield.

After all, his Divine Destiny Talent is not a decoration, and no one can find his position through deduction, which must be the Heavenly Dao Order exposing his position.

Everyone was under the supervision of the Heavenly Dao Order, and only the Heavenly Dao Order could know his location in real time.

"I don't know if there is a way to block this kind of sniffing!" Ye Chen muttered.

In the next few days, he wanted to practice with peace of mind, and if someone always came to disturb him, it would also be a very annoying thing!

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