"No matter how many secrets are hidden in this Yizhi bloodline, when my strength is strong, all this will naturally come out!"

Ye Chen muttered in his mouth, his face was resolute, and his eyes were full of desire to become stronger.

Among the heavens and realms, the fist is the last word.

After killing Wan Xinglong, he knew that there must be countless strong people in the outside world looking for him now, wanting to kill him and sell the favor of the Primordial Saint Lord.

But he doesn't regret it!

Since Wan Xinglong came to the door by himself, he must be prepared to die.

It is so cruel in the heavens and realms, all the strong people have corpses on their hands, and they all rise up with the blood of countless professionals.

The strong must compete!

The resources in the heavens and realms are limited, everyone wants to become a strong person, if they don't fight, how can they become the figure standing at the peak.

At this time, Ye Chen's heart was full of urgency, although he had the cover of God's destiny, but over time, his information would inevitably be exposed.

Never underestimate anyone and be careful in everything.

"As long as my strength is strong enough, even if I offend the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms? Who dares to say anything to me?

Ye Chen clenched his fists, and the desire to become stronger in his heart continued to grow.

Then Ye Chen converged his emotions, and now there was still a lot of time before the settlement of the Primary Heavens Battlefield, and he was ready to take advantage of this time to create three Origin Hallows.

First, he was going to build a longbow.

The second thing is that he is going to build an arrow.

As for the last one, he was ready to create a pair of boots.

Needless to say, the longbow is Ye Chen's main weapon, and once he has a powerful Origin Hallows longbow, Ye Chen's attack will also be greatly improved.

As for the second piece of equipment, arrows, Ye Chen thought so.

Although facing some weak enemies, arrows condensed using the power of rules can penetrate their armor and body at will.

However, in the face of those powerful enemies, a Origin Hallows arrow is very important, which can greatly improve Ye Chen's armor-breaking and attack ability, causing massive damage.

As for the third piece of equipment, a pair of boots, it could naturally greatly improve Ye Chen's ability to escape.

In the face of some invincible powerhouses, Ye Chen naturally did not have to confront other people's families.

Ye Chen was ready to create a pair of boots containing countless spatial formations, and with the power of his spatial rules, even an ordinary quasi-emperor-level powerhouse might not see Ye Chen's exhaust.

As for the armor responsible for defense, Ye Chen was ready to put it on the fourth priority.

After all, his own spatial rules are extremely high, and he will not confront powerful enemies head-on, and the Origin Hallows responsible for defense does not have much effect on him.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen did not directly start to create the Origin Hallows, but took out the "Secrets of the Heavens and Worlds" that Wang Hu gave him.

He was ready to comprehend all the knowledge related to the formation and forging above.

Although the book "Secrets of the Heavens and Worlds" was only an enlightenment book for the Tianji God Race, it was enough for Ye Chen now.

It's not too much of a problem to create at least one inferior Honmei Hallows.

Although Ye Chen's rank was only gold-level, his basic strength had reached five hundred times that of ordinary mythical-level professionals, and refining a lower-grade Essence Hallow could be said to have no pressure.

Generally speaking, only half-saint-level professionals can refine the inferior Origin Hallows.

Just like Wang Hu, although he has the Origin Hallows, his Origin Hallows has not actually reached the level of the Lower Grade Hallows, but it is only about ten times stronger than ordinary mythical mortal weapons.

A fully refined Lower Grade Origin Hallows is at least hundreds of times stronger than an ordinary mythical mortal weapon, and a powerful Lower Grade Origin Hallows can reach thousands of times.

The gap between the two is like a barrier.

Ye Chen opened the 10,000-fold increase in understanding, constantly comprehending the knowledge in the "Secrets of the Heavens and Worlds".

Countless inspirations have come to his mind, and he can even touch the bypass.

All problems will be solved in front of him, and there will be no obstacles.

A day later, Ye Chen was satisfied with the "Secrets of the Heavens and Worlds" into the backpack space.

During this day, all of Ye Chen's energy was comprehending the formation and forging knowledge in the "Secrets of the Heavens and Worlds", and once his energy decreased, he would take an energy pill.

The energy pill harvested in the Heavenly Dragon Ruins was enough for him to squander for a while.

"I want to burn countless spatial arrays among the three Origin Hallows, and once the power of my spatial rules breaks through to the fourth order, I am afraid that the burned spatial arrays will be even more powerful!"

Ye Chen digested the formation knowledge in his mind and muttered in his mouth.

The higher the degree of comprehension of space rules, the higher the level of the space array that can be burned, and the greater the power it will naturally cause.

Whether it is space teleportation, space strangling, or space blockade, it can exert stronger power.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen summoned the Space Sacred Monument of the backpack space.

This was the first time he had comprehended the power of rules after awakening the body of the Dao, and coupled with the enhancement of his soul, Ye Chen's heart was full of expectation.

I don't know how far I can comprehend the power of space rules this time.

Ye Chen focused his attention on the space stele, and his consciousness entered the sea of space rules.

Ye Chen could obviously feel that his fit with the space rules of the ocean was higher, and after his consciousness was integrated into the sea, he did not have the feeling of estrangement in the past.

Instead, there was a feeling of blending water and milk, and he was already completely part of the ocean of space rules.

Ye Chen's consciousness was immersed in the ocean of space rules, and his comprehension of space rules also rose like a rocket.

The speed of comprehension was so fast that Ye Chen couldn't believe it, it almost made him feel as if he was living in a dream.

An hour later, Ye Chen opened his eyes again.

At this time, the joy in his eyes was about to overflow, and the effect of this comprehension was really good.

At this time, his level of comprehension of the rules of space had actually increased from the peak of the third order to the peak of the fifth order in one breath, and Ye Chen couldn't imagine it, and once wondered if he felt wrong.

Phew -

but after repeated confirmation, Ye Chen also exhaled a long breath, this speed of comprehension was too exciting.

"It's worthy of the body of the avenue! The speed of comprehending the rules is simply amazing!

Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

You must know that the comprehension of the rules of space becomes more difficult and difficult to comprehend later, but in Ye Chen's hands, it is less than the time it takes him to comprehend the first three orders.

Although this is not entirely the credit of the body of the Dao, it is related to Ye Chen's breakthrough in the level of will and the strengthening of his soul.

But the body of the Great Avenue is definitely the greatest credit in it!

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