Nether Abyss World, Demon Palace.

"Lord Demon Emperor, the three main battle legions have been arranged.

As long as you give an order, we can immediately open the world channel, invade the Celestial Star World, completely destroy it, and make it the food for my Netherworld to be promoted to the middle world. "

First Elder's face was rosy at this time, and he looked extremely excited.

"Good! Finally waited for this day, today is the day when my Netherworld Abyss World is promoted to the Middle World! "

the Demon Emperor sat on the Demon Emperor's throne, and he was also excited when he heard this.

in fact, as early as hundreds of years ago, the Netherworld Abyss World had almost reached the limit of promotion.

but his strength was limited at that time, and he faced the resistance of multiple small worlds at the same time, and did not plunder too much of the world origin.

but now that he has been promoted to the quasi-saint level, he is a worthy king in this area.

no one can resist his offensive.

"Let's go, this time I will personally lead the three major legions to destroy the Star World and beat out the momentum of my Nether Abyss World!"

the Demon Emperor stood up, came to the side of the First Elder in a flash, and then patted the First Elder's shoulder, and then the two disappeared into the Demon Emperor Palace in an instant.


Nether Abyss World, World Frontier.

At this time, the three main battle legions, more than 10 million elite soldiers, gathered together.


"16"> As two streamers flashed, two figures appeared in front of all the soldiers.

is the Demon Emperor and the First Elder.

"First Legion Commander, Zi Donglai, has seen the Demon Emperor Lord and the First Elder!"

"Second Legion Commander, Blood Bull, I've seen the Demon Emperor Lord and First Elder!"

"Commander of the Third Legion, Cold Snake, has seen the Demon Emperor Lord and the First Elder!"

At the moment when the Demon Emperor and the First Elder arrived, the three legion commanders who were originally in their respective army teams also stepped forward to meet one after another.

Demon Emperor stretched out his hand to show his disrespect, and then said: "This overthrow of the Celestial Star World is the first great war in the past hundred years of my Netherworld Abyss World, are you all ready to make meritorious achievements?" "

"We have waited for too long for a day, and this time we will definitely destroy the Star World neatly, so that they can have a good look at the heroic posture of thousands of children in my Netherworld Abyss World!"

First Army commander Zidonglu said confidently.

as the commander of the first legion, he is also a member of the royal family, the actual controller of the military department, and his strength is unfathomable, and he is the third strongest in the current Netherworld Abyss World.

a hundred years of silence, this time he wants everyone to see the power of the Netherworld Abyss.

especially the star world is the most damned.

dared to join forces with the nearby small world to ambush and kill his own brother, Zi Tianwu.

in this battle, he must make the Star World fight bloody blood, he must let the entire Star World be buried for his brother.

"Okay, the three of you return to the team first, and then I will personally lead the army to push across the Star World, this battle must be clean and clean, and play the majesty of my Nether Abyss World!"


After seeing the three legion leaders return to the team, the Demon Emperor suddenly rose into the air and levitated in the void.

"Soldiers, get ready to go, are you all ready?"

"Destroy the world of the stars, and raise my demonic power!"

"Destroy the world of the stars, raise my might!"

"Destroy the world of the stars, and raise my demonic power!"


"Good! Good! Good! "

the Demon Emperor laughed loudly and said three times in a row.

followed by a wave of his hand, and a huge spatial passage appeared in front of everyone.

"All soldiers, kill with me!"

the Demon Emperor shouted violently, and the first one entered the spatial passage.

at this time, he was bold and not afraid of any intrigue.

In the face of absolute strength, all intrigues and tricks are as fragile as paper, and they can be broken at the touch of a button.

Immediately after, the First Elder and the three main battle legions also followed, methodically, stepping into the traditional passage of space one by one.

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