"No, not yet?"

Standing in the cave on the 956th floor, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, feeling the breath of the fragments of the magic whip in his body.

Since there is not, then he can't stop like this, but has to go to the next floor as soon as possible.


Without thinking, he raised his hand and threw a divine spell.

At his stage, he can control the spell as he pleases.

In just a split second, the huge Shadow Gate split into several small portals and appeared directly above the shadow Warrior's head.


The Gate of Shadows just devoured their heads, and it could kill them instantly.

Chen Xuan entered the next floor without the slightest pause.





Chen Xuan, who broke out through his own magic spell, was faster than several contracted beasts.

It only takes a second for him to enter the next level.

At such a terrifying speed, all the audience in the live broadcast room were completely stunned.

"My God, this, is this Beast Master's own skill?"

A senior Beast Master professional couldn't help questioning.

"Impossible, no, didn't you see that all the contracted beasts have completely disappeared?"

"Here, how did Beast Master become a Mage? And a Mage who can release forbidden spells?"

"No, not only the forbidden spell, but also the releaser of the forbidden spell without the slightest casting time. This is simply incredible."

"I kind of miss that Brickman from before. I hope what he said is true. This is just a good scroll, so it makes sense!"

"Is it reasonable? It is reasonable to be unreasonable, and this is in line with Xuanshen's characteristics!"

"That's right, according to Xuanshen's terrifying speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can hit a thousand floors, right?"

"It's hard, look at the time, there are still close to thirty seconds, this is thirty seconds, not three minutes.

His speed still needs to be faster. "

"No, no matter how fast you have to wait for the boss to be killed in seconds, otherwise how can you hit a thousand floors?"

"No way, why does Xuanshen want to attack a thousand floors?

He is completely free to play, okay? "

"Don't use your guesses to influence Xuanshen's progress. Even if he chooses to end now, you have no right to interfere."

"That's right, Xuanshen is invincible, he is now the god in my heart."

From the beginning of the live broadcast to the present, most of the audience in the entire live broadcast room have been completely surrendered by Chen Xuan's endless cards.

No matter what happens, they will choose to stand by Chen Xuan's side unconditionally.

And Chen Xuan's current performance did not disappoint them.

In 20 seconds, Chen Xuan has already hit the 975th floor, and there are 25 floors left before he can reach the thousand-story position.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you need to hurry up!"

Chen Xuan didn't use his own Sky Wings, because although that skill was transformed into a divine spell, due to its own level, it couldn't match the speed of the forbidden spell.


From the very beginning until now, he has been trying to use Kunpeng's forbidden wind spell to get on the road.

This forbidden spell is called Son of the Wind.

As the name suggests, as long as you have this forbidden spell, you can become the son of the wind.

So as to control the powerful wind force.

With the release of this forbidden spell, Chen Xuan was able to move quickly on the battlefield.

But, even so, it will take time for his forbidden spell to be released and killed.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't hit the thousandth floor in the last twenty seconds.

What made Chen Xuan even more anxious was that he only felt that the fragments of the whip were getting closer and closer to him.

But the closer it gets, the farther it gets.

"what to do?"

Chen Xuan kept releasing and rushing towards the next floor, but he kept thinking about how to further increase the own speed in his mind.

The wind curse has reached its peak, and there is no way to make own faster.

With his current method, if he can ignore the teleportation vortex and directly reach the next floor, he can save himself the hard work of beheading the boss.

Even if there is no harvest of merit points, at least he can get the fragments of the magic whip.

Compared with the harvest of merit points, fragments are obviously more important to Chen Xuan.

"By the way, fragments!"

Chen Xuan suddenly thought of something, only felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, and instantly realized that since he couldn't start from the skills, why not start directly from the fragments?

I can sense the existence of the fragments, and maybe I can force myself to the opponent by relying on my connection with the fragments.

That's right, that's it.

Now, Chen Xuan has no other choice.

So, while running wildly, he constantly sensed the two fragments in his body lying across the sternum of the spine.

Invisible fluctuations began to emanate from it, and began to move towards the fragment not far away.

He didn't know the method, but instinctively called for the existence of the fragment.

Respond to me!

Respond to me!


And under Chen Xuan's call, there were only the last ten seconds left in the time.

And his own level has already stood above the 988th floor.

For a moment, the hearts of all the audience couldn't help but lift up.

Can it be successful?

A thousand layers, can it be completed?

This is everyone's expectation.

Everyone wanted to see if Chen Xuan wanted to attack the last layer.

On the other side, Chen Xuan just kept sensing the fragment of his whip, constantly sensing, sensing, sensing again.

I even forgot the scene where I was breaking through.

Everything seems to be instinctive.







Seeing that there were only three seconds left in the countdown, Chen Xuan's figure could only appear on the 996th floor.







Just when Chen Xuan reached this floor, the countdown was down to the last second.

So far, Chen Xuan still hasn't found where the fragment is, but the two fragments in his body have reached an unprecedentedly strong response to that fragment.

But even so, when the countdown ends, Chen Xuan will still be sent out completely.

Once he leaves here, he can no longer enter it to find all this.

On the other side, all the audience couldn't help feeling sorry when they saw Chen Xuan staying on the 999th floor at the last second.

Sure enough, it still can't hit a thousand floors!

However, even so, they felt that Chen Xuan was capable of accomplishing a feat that no one else could accomplish at this moment. This is an epoch-making success.

But just as the last second was about to end, some viewers noticed that there was no excitement and excitement on Chen Xuan's face.

Instead, he continued to release the forbidden spell, as if he wanted to enter the next level.

Even, there was some anxiety on his face.


Why is he anxious?

Isn't it already victorious?

Is it possible that you are asking too much of yourself?

Many people couldn't help being puzzled when they saw this scene.

But on the contrary to them, Chen Xuan is releasing the curse of own at this time, and wants to take the last chance to open the vortex leading to the next level.

But he knew that he seemed to be failing.

Do you want to give up?

Is it about to fail?

At the last moment, a mysterious rune appeared in Chen Xuan's mind unconsciously.

This rune seems to form a three-character vaguely.

This is from the sanqing rune he harvested.

There are countless records about formation in it. At this moment, as if being induced, countless lights suddenly burst out.

The light penetrated Chen Xuan's body and directly penetrated the void, as if even a thousand layers of the ground could not block it.

The light shines brightly, penetrates thousands of layers, and finally at the center of the thousandth floor, it shines with the light in it.

The next moment, when the light bloomed, the fragments inside suddenly disappeared.

Chen Xuan only felt a glare in front of his eyes, and then his body was enveloped by an inexplicable force, and he disappeared from the 999th floor.

When his figure became clear again, he found that he had entered the camp space where he had entered the entrance to the crypt before.

Chen Xuan didn't have time to think about it, and his thoughts were instantly induced in his body.

I saw that the two fragments were directly inlaid on the arms like this.

That's right, this time, he actually got two fragments of the Magic Whip directly.

As soon as these two fragments entered the body, they automatically fused with the arm.

And, it begins to extend along the arms, covers the shoulder blades, ribs, and finally connects the entire sternum and spine thoroughly.


In an instant, Chen Xuan only felt that his body had undergone an unprecedented transformation.

An inexplicable divine energy spread wildly from it, washing his body.

Every inch of his flesh, bones, viscera, and even cells and particles have been baptized, sublimated, and become stronger.

Moreover, it also has a layer of special substance, divine substance.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Xuan felt that this divine substance was very powerful, even far stronger than any god he had ever seen.

It's just that this divine substance just began to diffuse along the own bones, and finally disappeared after completely spreading the arms, chest, and back.

The remaining own legs, feet, neck, and head are not nourished by divinity.

It's just an Enhancement of pure flesh.

When this state completely disappeared, Chen Xuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

"I seem to understand now."

He clenched his palm, and there was a crackling sound of popping beans between the joints, and an unprecedented sense of power filled his whole body.

"The nine fragments of the magic whip correspond to various parts of the human body."

Naruya flashed across Chen Xuan's face.

"When I absorb all the fragments, I will be able to cast the final divine body, which is not an ordinary divine body.

It is a divine body that is more powerful than the gods.

At that time, even with my own physical body, I can blow up all the gods. "

As he said that, he looked at the palm of own, although his upper body had already transformed.

But it can also erupt with power similar to that of a god, and the combat power erupted with both arms is still amazing.

In other words, if the current Chen Xuan owns both arms alone, he can instantly kill the God Shadow Warrior with one punch.

This is a qualitative improvement, very scary.

It's unimaginable, this is just four fragments. If he gets all the fragments, Chen Xuan can't imagine how much he will become.

"Jiang Shang senior has always said that this whip is coveted by the gods, so it is so."

Chen Xuan felt the surging fluctuations in his body, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

How powerful would the gods be if they could be fused by the gods?

And while he was thinking in his mind, on the other side, everyone who saw the end of the countdown was finally convinced that Xia Guo once again successfully stood in the first place.

On the other side of Sakura Country, Ito Tianyou couldn't help but grow old on his face at this moment.

"Understood! So that's how it is."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his cloudy eyes, and he finally understood why he lost to the other party.

"It turns out that I was wrong from the beginning. The guy who appeared in the live broadcast room is not a disciple at all, but the Master of Vientiane."

At this moment, even if Ito Tianyou is stupid, he has discovered the problem.

Originally, he always thought that the pictures in the live broadcast room would not deceive people.

But who would have thought that in the end Chen Xuan could cast the forbidden spell himself.

Such a change naturally reminded Ito Tianyou of the Master of Vientiane.

If there is still a problem with this, then look at the meritorious value rankings that have reached more than 8 million meritorious values? ? ?

One knew that this Chen Xuan must be the Master of Vientiane.

"Even if it wasn't, Wanxiang Yu took the initiative to use some method to temporarily occupy his body."

Ito Tianyou analyzed in his heart.

"This is likely to be the authority of his mythical mission."

On the other side, unlike Ito Tianyou, the presidents of several ninth-tier guilds couldn't help being a little silent.

"Is Chen Xuan the Master of Vientiane?"

After a while, the master of Sikong put his hands together and asked softly.

"Old monk, you have asked all the questions, do you have the answer in your heart?"

The old barbarian also frowned, "But if it's really him, how old is he? Can you believe that he can grow to such a terrifying state in such a short period of time?"

"I can't believe it!"

The principal of the Sikong courtyard nodded, "But I have to believe it."

"Is there any other means? Let that senior use Chen Xuan to display his own ability?"

"No way? If so, then what is Chen Xuan? A vessel of the gods?"

"It's also possible that those Outer Gods often select own believers to descend as own containers, just to spread miracles."

The Holy Light leader nodded.

"This possibility is not ruled out."

"If that's the case, then is the Master of Vientiane Senior a native of Xia Kingdom? Or an Outer God?"

Suddenly, the voice of the hunting god president made everyone look shocked.

Indeed, if it was an Outer God, then he appeared in Xia Kingdom and chose the vessel of this God, what exactly was he going to do?

Just when everyone was having doubts, suddenly an ethereal figure gradually solidified.

"Why don't you discuss it outside, and insist on consuming your own life in this imaginary world?"

The gentle voice sounded, making several other people look up, only to see Ming Lao appeared smiling at some time.

"Old life!"

"Hehe, I know what everyone wants to ask."

Ming Lao smiled slightly and explained, "Don't worry, Chen Xuan can't be a container of foreign gods."

"There is only one identity for him, and that is..."

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