Bailikong's power is scary even to the instructor.

Inside and outside the martial arts arena, only Chen Long and Chen Hantan, the great instructors of the melee department, can maintain a state of attention, and the other instructors have more or less retreated a certain distance.

Chen Hantan's eyes were not focused on Bailikong, as Bailikong's eruption of such a powerful aura was beyond his imagination.

In his era, Bailikong was a well-established seed for the heavenly position, and there was absolutely no problem in advancing to the heavenly position.

Chen Hantan focused on Gu Pan.

No one knows what level Gu Pan's strength will reach after advancing through the ranks in a way that triggers huge changes in the celestial phenomena with the Tianzhen technique.

It is conservatively estimated that the output value of Bailikong's attack is at least three million or more. With such a terrifying attack power, if Gu Pan is not careful, it is possible to be killed directly.

Just what is Gu Pan doing on the red gemstone on his forehead?

Not only Chen Hantan noticed this scene, Chen Long and Baili Kong were equally puzzled, but Xie Yu from the Alchemy Department was trembling slightly at this time.

There was a bold idea in his mind, although he wanted to say something impossible, but when did Gu Pan make sense?

"The Gate of Truth, the Philosopher's Stone..."

Xie Yu murmured, because of the howling wind caused by Bailikong's power, no one heard the words he muttered.

At this time, with the activation of Gu Pan, the red gemstone on his forehead, which was not much bigger than a grain of rice, suddenly disintegrated into countless light spots.

This spot of light——was absorbed into his body, and his originally calm aura also skyrocketed.

A huge formation appeared behind him.

The formation pattern was affected by the mysterious force 07, and it began to distort into the shape of a gate. The gate was closed, and there seemed to be something terrible behind the gate, and everyone was terrified.

Gu Pan activates all his skills one after another, and grants elements, alchemy fog, life enhancement, energy transformation, microscopic induction, and arcane torrent!

Nine magic beads formed a ring and spun in front of him, and the pattern of the arcane torrent combined directly with it, and a colorful glow burst out from Gu Pan's body, tearing apart the black sea covered by Bailikong.

The entire fighting arena instantly formed a confrontation between black and rainbow.

Bailikong laughed, he felt the power of Gu Pan's blow, especially the illusory gate, even though he was always fearless and could not control his heart palpitations.

"Student! Come!"

Bailikong's sword and sword combined, and the huge black sea turned violently. Chen Long directly activated the energy of the protective shield of the fighting arena to the maximum. The next moment, the fighting arena sent out a terrifying vibration!

At this time, Gu Pan's face hidden under the puppet's helmet also showed a smile, and the door behind him opened a crack so small that it was almost imperceptible.


The black sea that filled the sky was directly shattered, and Bailikong's figure appeared in front of everyone again.

Chen Hantan's pupils shrank. At that moment just now, he clearly felt an extremely terrifying power, which was not something that a professional with rank four or five could emit.

It is impossible even for the powerful in the sky to have such power.

The dean, who was far away on the central main peak, stood up from his wheelchair, his expression was quite serious, his lips parted slightly, as if he had been shocked by something.

"What did this brat do again..."

The dean looked in the direction of the academy's martial arts arena, and after thinking about it for a while, he still soared into the sky and headed straight for the martial arts arena!

"Almighty is omniscient!"

"Truth, within my range!"

Gu Pan stretched out his hand and pushed forward, a terrifying shock wave erupted directly from the arcane torrent circle, passed through nine magic beads and turned into nine rainbow dragons, rushing towards the


The strongest blows of the two sides finally collided, and the energy barrier of the entire fighting arena instantly bulged, all voices were lost at this moment, and the weak student fainted without even making a sound.

A terrible crack was torn open in the sky of the mountain peak where the Equilibrium Academy was located, and a phantom of chaos and void could be vaguely seen.

Bailikong's body continued to burst into scars, and the blood was evaporated immediately after spurting out. The knife and sword screamed in unison. As for the toad gold, it had already been blown away to nowhere.

But Bailikong was still advancing, he gritted his teeth and kept pressing down his sword, cutting through Gu Pan's torrent attack with difficulty!

Below, Gu Pan's magic bead made a vigorous sound, as if the bowstring was snapped, and cracks were clearly visible on the shell of the magic bead.

"Gah, this Baili senior is really strong!"

Gu Pan gritted his teeth and stared at the sky, Bailikong stubbornly and firmly cut through the torrent, and at one point

This is already Gu Pan's strongest attack at present, no matter how strong it is, it needs to use the starlight of destiny.

Do you want to use it?

A starburst appeared above Gu Pan's head. The moment the starburst appeared, even Chen Hantan couldn't help but his hairs exploded. Bailikong even shrank his pupils. The two sensed the danger at the same time.

"That's enough, kid! You want to tear down the academy!?"

Suddenly a figure descended from the sky, and the dean came riding the wind with a black line on his face, with his hands open, a magic circle the size of a disc appeared on each side.

A golden crown full of luxury appeared on top of his head, and one after another golden magic circles emerged behind him, forcibly pushing away the Black Sea of ​​Bailikong and the rainbow light of Gu Pan, forming a three-legged situation.

Supreme Mage!

The eighth-rank big heavenly powerhouse!

The strength shown by Mr. Dean at this moment made many people who could persist exclaimed. They knew that the dean was very strong, but they didn't expect that the dean turned out to be the rank eight great heaven!

Gu Pan was even more amazed, the dean is a great heaven, so the person who can beat the dean into a wheelchair is a demigod king?


The illusory door that originally opened a gap behind Gu Pan was directly suppressed and closed by the dean's magic power, and the momentum began to decline inevitably.

And Bailikong's domineering sea was also continuously shrunk by the dean's oppression, and he was locked in mid-air and unable to move.

At this time, the dean's eyes were filled with golden light, he scanned the surrounding circle, and snorted coldly:

"Today's matter must not be rumored, the law prohibits!"

A mysterious force radiated out in a ring shape, instantly washing away all the people present, only Gu Pan, a few people who were not affected, and everyone else felt that runes were generated in their minds.

They passed out in an instant, and most of the memories about today were blocked in their minds.

At this time, Bailikong's offensive finally came to an end, and he was pushed out of the arena by the dean who was powerless, and then he looked down at Gu Pan.

"Dean, who should take the position of chief general?"

"What the hell, you kid already has this strength, why worry about the position of a general!"

The dean's face darkened, and he reached out to suppress Gu Pan's arcane torrent directly, but found that Gu Pan was still outputting continuously.

At this moment, even the dean was shocked. How could Gu Pan still hold on to such a terrible shock?

"I heard that the master of the academy can get a chance to go to the academy's secret vault to select rewards!"

The dean can't laugh or cry, love you kid for this thing?

Thinking that this kid Gu Pan never took an unusual path, the dean wanted to suppress Gu Pan, so he clapped his hands together, and the magic circle all over the sky shone faintly, like a sea of ​​stars.

The supreme mage is one of the three demigod paths of the mage system. The pre-occupation of the supreme dharma god, Gu Pan's arcane torrent was immediately suppressed and continued to collapse.

"If you can stop my blow, you can choose from the secret library of the academy!"

"it is good!"

Gu Pan's eyes lit up, and the dean suddenly felt that he had made a big mistake, and he became a little nervous!

The next moment, the starlight above Gu Pan's head fell, and the arcane torrent that was about to disappear suddenly expanded again!

The nine magic beads fell directly into the core of the nine nodes of the pattern pattern, forming a pattern within the pattern.

Seeing Gu Pan staring at him, the dean felt a chill, and a warning sign appeared, he didn't dare to let Gu Pan continue to accumulate energy, and directly sent out a magic attack.

Supreme Mage Skill, All Heavens Star Pendant!

Even if the power is controlled, the energy morning star all over the sky still looks quite terrifying, the ground of the fighting arena immediately began to shatter, and even the protective shield exploded.

Fortunately, the dean had enough energy left to pull up a barrier to protect the fighting arena.

Below, Gu Pan's left hand rests on his right elbow, and the stone house is aimed at Dean Luo Chen like a cannonball.

Super·energy conversion, guiding the extraction of reserve power.

Ultra-microcosmic sensing, distorting the arcane torrent and guiding the confluence. 160 Ultra·Arcane Torrent, energy gathering, infinite compression.

The rules of force and the rules of darkness merged, and the nine magic beads began to rotate according to a certain mysterious law in the magic circle, and the area where Gu Pan was located directly formed a maelstrom-like phenomenon.

Bailikong, who was supported by Chen Long outside the arena, stared at Gu Pan's attack, his face was filled with shock that couldn't be concealed, the blow that Gu Pan was preparing at this time was even stronger than before!

Although the mysterious door was gone, Gu Pan still improved his attack.

If this is added to the phantom of the gate...

No wonder the dean said that the college will be demolished...

"Drill! It's a man's romance! Break it for me!!"

Gu Pan roared loudly, his right fist exploded with a huge torque, and a colorful shock wave sprayed out in a spiral, directly opposing Mr. Dean's Star Pendant!

The entire Kinkou Academy trembled slightly at this moment, and the solid magic circles buried in various places in the academy started to operate spontaneously, and the elders of the academy who had been practicing painstakingly in various hidden areas and ignoring foreign affairs all rushed out.

They were shocked to see what happened in the fighting arena, and watched the dean personally fight a student, and it seemed that they were evenly matched!

"Fuck, how long have I been in retreat?"

"Why is that a big guy with a tender face, isn't he a student?"

The dean couldn't laugh anymore, Chen Hantan in the distance had a playful expression on his face, and had already hid outside the martial arts arena.

Anyone who fights against Gu Pan will definitely suffer if they don't pay attention at all times.

Chen Hantan didn't understand this truth until he was ashamed at the beginning.

This young man has no scientific reason at all.

In Mingdu, there was a beeping alarm sound from the energy detection tower. The person in charge of recording did not dare to neglect, and quickly downloaded the record and sent it to the corresponding person in charge.

At this moment, an unknown number of people in the land of Xia Kingdom got the information about the shocking energy fluctuation in the Equilibrium Academy in the outskirts of Mingdu.

Bai Yujing.

The woman patted her forehead helplessly, thinking in her heart that next time she must kill herself in Mingdu, if she doesn't break that guy's leg, the matter will never end!.

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