Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

122 (Galenga 2) Thunder Of Balance, Xia Kingdom's Division Of Forces

Liu Qing flew in the sky riding a ray of light.

This time he came out of the valley as an envoy, besides looking for Gu Pan, he also had other missions.

Bai Yujing has not been born for a long time, many people have lost their awe of them, and they have forgotten the great reputation of Bai Yujing back then.

Now Liu Qing just wants to-go to the door and re-establish their surrender to Bai Yujing.

However, just when he had just crossed a mountain, a very strong sense of threat burst out from his heart.

This is the intuition of a very strong person, Liu Qing didn't even think about it, she just disbanded Xiaguang in mid-air, and the whole person turned into a meteor and fell from the sky.

Powerful aura and energy erupted from his body, but a cold light had already come to him!

Liu Qing's pupils shrank, and the light in his hand was shining brightly. He took out a round shield from the space package, and it was blocking the incoming cold light!


The huge impact directly blasted Liu Qing into the mountain peak, and half of the mountain collapsed with a bang.

"you dare!"

Roaring, Liu Qing rushed out from the mountain gravel in a panic, holding a knife in his right hand and a shield in his left, his eyes were full of anger.

And at the far end of his line of sight, a figure covered in armor quietly emerged, it was the guardian of the Balance Academy.

Guardian 07 didn't speak, just crushed the jade in his hand, followed by a water mirror.

In the water mirror, Luo Chenyin appeared lazily, with one hand resting on the armrest of the sofa, the other leaning on his knee, holding a handful of melon seeds.

"Luo Chen sound!"

Liu Qing was shocked and furious.

He didn't expect that instead of looking for Luo Chenyin, Luo Chenyin actually came to his door. Seeing this face again, Liu Qing could only feel an unknown anger rising in his heart.

"Hehe, I knew you guys would not be able to resist going out of the valley."

Luo Chenyin's lazy look didn't change after seeing Liu Qing, he just threw the melon seeds away, and pointed to Liu Qing.

"I've been waiting for you outside for more than ten years, and you're just shrinking in Gu Bing like a tortoise.

"The first thing you do now is to find my students? Who gave you the courage? Those old men in the valley?"

"Do you know why Gu Pan is not afraid of you?"

Luo Chenyin said that he became excited, and stood up directly from his paralyzed sitting. He enlarged the picture of the water mirror to reflect the peak of the academy where he was.

At this time, above the tower-shaped building behind the main hall, black lightning was condensing. Seeing this scene, Liu Qing shrank her eyes and showed an incredible expression.

"Just for a mere student?"

"Are you actually willing to use the Thunder of Balance that has been nurtured by the Balance Academy for many years?"

Equilibrium Thunder, a unique skill possessed by the first dean of Equilibrium Academy, he left it in the academy after his death and became the symbol of Equilibrium Academy.

The Thunder of Balance possesses extremely powerful powers of destroying evil and correcting evil, and it can remotely bless those who have the academy's keepsake.

The big bow in the hand of the guardian who appeared here at this moment is the token.

"Let me tell you, you should be lucky that Gu Pan was not injured, otherwise you would have died today.

Liu Qing took out the badge token of the Awakened Association, and wanted to notify the Awakened Association to come to the rescue, but he found that the association badge could not send a signal, obviously this place has been blocked.

The guardian once again raised the big bow in his hand, this time the condensed black thunder was even bigger, and the sense of deadly threat was even more frightening, so that Liu Qing no longer had the calmness and indifference after leaving the valley.

Yinquan, half of your life is left, and I will leave the boy to come in person. "

He once said similar things, but at that time he was facing the so-called Zhu Kingdom of the Yin Dynasty, but now he said it again, how ironic it is to face the "Zhu Kingdom" of his own country

Liu Qing turned around and ran away without saying a word. He was not afraid of the guardians of the Balance Academy, but the guardians and the Thunder of Balance, he was definitely no match.

The guardian just watched Liu Qing run away desperately, the distance getting farther and farther, until the figure almost turned into a small dot and disappeared.

Originally, Luo Chen's voice in the water mirror was quite calm, but when he saw that Liu Qing was really about to disappear, he couldn't sit still.

"Hey, hey, I spent a lot of effort to send you the black thunder, so hurry up and send it!"


The guardian sneered, and let go of the bow!


The powerful blow that had been prepared for a long time directly pierced through the air, no matter how far Liu Qing escaped, she still couldn't avoid the lock of this arrow.

The terrifying shock wave directly chased after him, Liu Qing clenched his teeth tightly, with a ferocious expression on his face, turned around and raised his shield to block the arrow of the black thunder!


A huge circular shock circle exploded in the air, and Liu Qing's figure fell down like a rag, hitting the undulating mountain stream and rolling continuously.

The guardian put away the big bow, and there was a slight panting sound, and then looked to the other side of the mountain, where Chen Yongsheng's figure slowly walked out.

Looking at the posture of the other party, he has been watching here for a long time.

"Yo, the Awakened Association sits by and watches Bai Yujing's people get beaten? The Awakened Association is going to rebel."

Luo Chenyin said with a smile in the water mirror, Chen Yongsheng, the newly promoted powerhouse of the association, has been on missions for the association many times since he was promoted to heaven.

It can be said that the association is quite optimistic about the person who has the talent of a god general.

When Chen Yongsheng heard Luo Chenyin's words, he first smiled wryly as if mocking himself, and then said helplessly:

"The president said that although the Awakened Association and the national government were created by Bai Yujing at the beginning, they are not what they used to be, and the reconstruction is no longer the giant that can't stand up.

"Bai Yujing's mission should be changed. The association and the government are no longer just followers in everything."

In the water mirror, Luo Chenyin listened to what Chen Yongsheng said, and a very hearty big man appeared in his mind. That guy invited him out of the valley to be the head of the first house.

I was still waiting to see how he would face Bai Yujing's people, but I didn't expect that the other party had already made a decision.

Luo Chen said with a smile, very good.

The water mirror collapsed, and the guardian gave Chen Yongsheng a cold look, but didn't speak, and his figure disappeared between the sky and the earth. Chen Yongsheng tried his best but didn't realize how the other party disappeared.

Looking back at the place where Liu Qing fell, Chen Yongsheng also showed a cold expression on his face.

"According to the president, just use you to hang out the moths in the association."

Chen Yongsheng took out his phone and called the members of the nearby association, asking them to come to rescue Liu Qing, but he was evasive because he had important business to do and couldn't stay.

Hanging up the phone, thinking of Gu Pan who shocked the whole country and even the world not long ago, Chen Yongsheng suddenly wanted to find this young man.

The last time we met, that kid was still very young. I didn't expect such a big news to come out in a short time.

It's just that Chen Yongsheng knows that Gu Pan is now the center of the vortex, and many forces are paying attention. If he approaches Gu Pan rashly, he may be given a wrong signal by others.

After thinking about it, Chen Yongsheng gave up his plan to find Gu Pan, turned around and left.

The news of Liu Qing's attack quickly spread throughout Xia Guo's high-level people, and many people in the Awakened Association and high-level government officials were shocked by this.

Bai Yujing's valley was furious, but it is said that the president of the Awakened Association and the left-behind sword master entered the valley at the same time, and they don't know what they discussed with Bai Yujing's people.

It is said that the atmosphere in the valley was quite depressing at that time, and there were even several powerful auras locked on the president of the Awakened Association, which would erupt at any time.

In that kind of situation, even the Juggernaut cannot survive alone.

But what is surprising is that, apart from the extremely powerful aura erupted by the president of the Awakened Association, he actually reached the state of demigod without anyone knowing about it!

The Fifth Heavenly King of Xia Kingdom!

In the end, no battle broke out in the Baiyujing Valley. After the chairman of the Awakened Association left, the entire Xia State executives, the association, and the major related forces were notified.

Those who are strong in the sky are not allowed to attack the awakened ones below the sky.

This rule actually existed a long time ago, but it has not been well implemented. Now, with the chairman of the association bravely rushing to Bai Yujing, it has been passed on again.

And this move by the president of the association also officially announced that the Awakened Association will no longer be Bai Yujing's subordinate.

Although there were different opinions within the Association of the Awakened, they were temporarily suppressed because of the power of the president's new demigod.

All of this happened at the upper echelons of power in Xia Kingdom, and there was no disturbance to the outside world. It's just that there are a lot of people with a heart, and everyone silently raised their vigilance.

In such a strange atmosphere, in the Baiyujing Valley, the young people left the valley under the leadership of Elder Tie.

And the teams from the various colleges have also started to set off, and the atmosphere of the national college competition has begun to heat up. This year is destined to be the most special one. .

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