Toad Jin kicked his long legs, and his huge body jumped into the sky.

Lin Yiyi who stood on the top chanted in a low voice to condense the magic power, the combined skill of the Ice and Snow Emperor, the combination of freezing cold air and blizzard created a terrifying dead zone in a short time.

Large areas of demons were frozen in place, and their lives were gradually lost in the sharply lowered temperature. At this time, an alchemy bomb appeared strangely in the crowd of demons.


The violent explosion directly sent countless demons flying. Gu Pan, who stood still, pressed down on the ground with one hand, and took out various materials to refine them with the other hand.

The area where he was located turned into a pit visible to the naked eye, and a large number of earth elements were roughly condensed by him into an alchemy bomb, referred to as an earth element bomb.

"The number is not small, and they continue to gather."

Bailikong looked into the distance and said solemnly.

The first round of passing through the plains was a little more difficult than they had imagined, mainly because the number of demons was unreasonably large.

It is impossible for the Moon City garrison to imprison and suppress so many demons. Where did so many demons come from?

"It should be that some of the demon people have evolved into demonized voodoo mothers, and the source of energy should be the maze."

The power of the labyrinth is the same as that of the demon people, and it is absorbed quite smoothly. There are also relevant knowledge education in the books, and the gathering place of the demon people is generally centered on the "Eight Nine Seven" palace.

This time, the organizer created a group of wild demons!

Toad Jin trembled all over after landing. As a cold-blooded animal, Lin Yiyi's spells were too unfriendly to it.

And the introverted girl didn't know how to express her apology, it was still Chen Shiqing who was seasoned and tried to appease Ha Mo Jin's emotions.

"It can't go on like this."

Gu Pan stood up, in order to make an alchemy bomb in a more convenient way, he did not maintain a fit state, and the expression on his face was not relaxed at this time.

It has been two hours since they set off, and they have only advanced less than 50 kilometers. Including the 20 kilometers they put in, they are still more than 300 kilometers away from the destination.

But the more the demons get denser, the organizers still give too much time to the demons.

If you want to buy time to get to the gate, you must either have a stealth type skill, or an extremely fast speed skill.

Even flying pets can help, but Gu Pan doesn't have any of them.

"I think this big competition must not only test how to break through the demon crowd and reach the maze."

Gu Pan, who has always been smart, carefully recalled all the rules of this competition. In his opinion, because the demons have points, if the demons are not killed, it is impossible to suppress the altar with no one in the team.

Even if the Moon City garrison had cleaned it up first, suppressing the altar was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The Balance Academy team stopped advancing and stayed in place to guard, Bailikong pulled out the beheading knife, and Huang Qiming picked up the spear [The two will take over the tasks of Lin Yiyi, Chen Shiqing, and Hamojin.

"Gu Pan, think about it, we're going to warm up first."

Bailikong has always had a headache about these rules and other things, but Huang Qiming has no good idea. Needless to say, Lin Yiyi is a piece of wood.

Chen Shiqing still had to escort Bailikong and Huang Qiming, so he didn't have time to think.

Gu Pan simply sat down on the ground. As far as the current difficulty of the demons is concerned, it is no problem to have Baili Kong.

"There must be a way to clear the customs."

When the balance academy was in a stalemate, a large number of spectators gathered in the other three divisions to watch, and the first division had the largest number of viewers.

Because there is a team here that is advancing like a bamboo.

The speed of their charge was several times that of other competition areas. In just two hours, they had already passed half of the distance.

Moreover, the killing speed is extremely fast, and the points are constantly rising, always maintaining the forefront of the king.

Bai Yujing.

The five-person group sat on the back of a huge Spinosaurus, the huge Spinosaurus just buried its head in the charge, while the others on the dragon's back acted as a fort.

Whenever there are demons blocking the way, they will be greeted by ruthless skill washing.

Among them, various combination skills emerge in endlessly, which very well let the audience see why Bai Yujing is the first on the strong list.

Si Tianyu clasped his hands, stepped on the dragon spine with one foot, and looked into the distance as if there was no one else around, even if there were demon people who had escaped the attack of washing the ground rushing in front of him, he would not dodge.

The assassin teammate next to him easily killed the demon people who passed by.

"Ke Ke, speed up a bit more, you don't need to waste your energy, and you can have a good rest when you get to the maze."

Si Tianyu said to the back, the girl with freckles hummed, aroused energy from her hands, and used load stimulation on her pet beast.

The next moment, the Earthshaker Spinosaurus roared, the spines all over its body turned red, white smoke came out from the corner of its mouth, and the speed of the sprint was a little faster.

At the same moment, in the direction of the third competition area, the team of the Special Academy of the Military Headquarters advanced in the form of a tactical team, with five people cross-cooperating.

Although the speed is not fast, it looks pleasing and handy.

Li Min sat in the middle of the town, holding a spear in her hand and constantly giving orders. Her four teammates skillfully interspersed and cooperated, and handed over spells and combat techniques.

At this time, a giant eagle fell from the sky, a strong boy raised his arm, and the giant eagle turned into a tattoo attached to his shoulder.

"Huang Shang, what's the situation?"

Li Min asked aloud.

The boy punched out a shock wave, directly killing the demon people in front and retreating to Li Min's side.

"The teams behind are still far behind. The nearest one is Haidu University, but the number of demon people is increasing."

Apparently the boy's Giant Eagle just went to investigate the situation, Li Min couldn't help frowning slightly, she sensed that something was wrong, but couldn't make a judgment for a while.

"Have you checked the situation in other divisions?"

"I can't see clearly. There are demon people everywhere. Our next door is Division 2 and Division 4. I should have seen the team from Chongfeng Academy. They are progressing slower than us."

"Didn't you see the fourth division?"

In Li Min's mind, he thought of Gu Pan, who sometimes looks cheap, the whole Xia Kingdom became nervous because of him, but he was lucky and came to participate in the national competition.

At the beginning, he said that he had no interest in the national competition.

But the team with Gu Pan and Bai Likong, there is no reason to lag behind them.

After thinking about it, Li Minsi couldn't think of any reason, so he had to order to continue to move forward. At this time, three kilometers away, Haidu University was almost chasing after their progress.

The sea is a city of science and technology, and there are many alchemists and craftsmen. The fighting style that the locals are best at is the combination of technology and magic.

Ning Zheng, as a well-known rich second generation all over the country, is naturally equipped with extremely luxurious equipment, all of which are quasi-sacred weapons.

And the Thunder Spear in his hand is a tailor-made exclusive artifact, which can be freely switched to shelling mode and sniper mode for long-distance combat, and can be switched to Qinglonghalberd for melee combat.

At this time, son Ge Ning Zheng has already seen the traces of the military special academy team through the binoculars that come with his helmet.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, if you work harder, we can catch up with them..."

Ning Zheng waved his hand and said to his teammates behind him that thanks to Li Min and the others who cleaned up most of the demons, they had much less pressure to move forward.

At this time, a little fat man pushed away the goggles and blinked at Ning Zheng.

"Brother Zheng, are you sure we won't be beaten if we go up like this?"

The others also looked at Ning Zheng when they heard the words, and they slowly shrank their formation with gunfire in their hands.

"Hey, the number of demons is not right at first glance. They will welcome to form a team with us. Anyway, there are two places, and we don't want to compete for the third."

Ning Zheng smiled casually. He knew his team very clearly. The championship is definitely gone. Apart from brushing up his experience, he also wanted to see how the young generation of Xia Guo's future leaders are doing.

After he discussed with his father, the winner of this year will definitely be the leader of the new generation in the future. The Ning family is best at investing and doing business.

Ning Zheng came forward.

The camera returned to the fourth division, Gu Pan suddenly stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his pants, and whistled to the master of Bailikong who was fighting in front.

When the three of them heard it, they erupted in a wave, cleared a blank area and returned to their original place.

"How about it?"

Bailikong put the chopping knife into the scabbard and looked at Gu Pan.

"Senior Baili, get on the toad gold and go to the front to explore first, it's best to reach near the maze, I have an idea here.

Huang Qiming and the others were a little surprised, and actually let Bailikong go alone?

On the contrary, Bailikong smiled, he didn't think there was any problem with being alone, and he didn't ask Gu Pan why, he just jumped onto Hamojin's back.

"What are you looking for?"

"Whether there are demon generals, if so, how many, and how many types have evolved by the maze."


With a pat on Ha Toad Jin's head, Ha Toad Jin kicked hard with a croak, rushed forward with Baili Kong, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Now the five became four, Huang Qiming, Chen Shiqing, and Lin Yiyi all looked at Gu Pan, wanting to know what to do next.

Gu Pan moved his neck, which had not been moved for a long time, made a crackling sound, and stretched out his finger to the back.

"The number of demon people is more than 0.8, and we have a lot of people. Go, let's shake people!"

Huang Qiming and Chen Shiqing frowned first, then suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Gu Pan in surprise. Chen Shiqing was easy-going, and asked first:

"Do you think we can unite the other teams?"

"Why not, anyway, they are not rushing to the championship, because they all have self-knowledge.

Huang Qiming didn't expect it at first, but now he nodded silently after hearing Gu Pan's words.

Indeed, most of the teams just regard this big competition as an opportunity to practice, after all, fighting here is also a real experience.

Moreover, after the points are more, the post-match rewards will be more generous.

As for the ownership of the championship, if it wasn't for the egomaniac, everyone basically knew that it wasn't the opponents of the four schools and other schools.

Good guy, Huang Qiming thinks how long Gu Pan's head is. The other teams may be racking their brains to break through the level at this time, hoping that others will be as slow as possible.

This guy is lucky, he actually wants to go back and pull up other teams. If he really pulls up, then just this time, Gu Pan will be able to leave a bond in the hearts of those people.

Gu Pan turned around and walked back with a few people. He felt that he had vaguely found the real purpose of the first round of this competition.

"It depends on whether my guess is right."

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