Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

008 Return Of The Gods, Rectify The Mysterious Name

In the southern border of Xia Kingdom, there are twelve divine generals, the mighty general Xiao Guanshen.

In the Western Regions of Xia Kingdom, Zhao Weisheng, the twelve god generals, the god of death.

Xia Guodonghai, the twelve generals, the boxing king Mo Ao, and the fire god Liu Enqi.

In one day, Xia Guo welcomed back the four generals, some of them returned after completing their missions, and some of them returned after receiving a notice. The relevant information had already been passed on to the corresponding people.

Among them, King of Fighters Mo Ao and God of Fire Liu Enqi immediately flew towards the arena of the college competition, and General Necromancer went to the Awakened Association.

However, the giant general went directly to the northern valley, and the high-level forces in the entire Xia Kingdom became undercurrents in an instant.

It's just that none of this will hinder the continuation of the National College Competition.

The battle in the competition area is getting more and more intense, because the unusual growth rate of the demons has greatly exceeded the expectations of the students.

Even the organizers have noticed that something is wrong, but since Ye Chen and others did not convey new instructions from the high-level, everyone can only keep an eye on the students more frequently.

After receiving the distress signal, the rescue time was shortened as soon as possible, but even so, casualties were born soon.

Xin Che from Tianming Academy was the first, but not long after, there were second and third ones. Until one day passed, the number had risen to four, seven, five, three, and more than ten casualties.

People who have been watching the live broadcast couldn't bear it anymore. Many people rushed to the official website of the Awakened Association or called the association directly, and even found the national agency.

They questioned whether it was really necessary to be so strict in this competition, knowing that only the best students from each college could participate.

They obviously can have a better stage, even if they die on the battlefield fighting natural disasters, it is more valuable than dying in the internal competition.

But both the national agency and the Association of the Awakened remained silent on this.

Those who have good things went to look up similar foreign events, and found that the casualties in the events just held by Zhongxing, Rosa and other countries this year were as high as 30%.

Now the people of Xia Kingdom finally began to realize that there was a problem.

In this atmosphere, the teams that performed well in the national competition gained more attention.

Only at this time did people realize that Bai Yujing, a team they had never heard of before, had reached a range of ten kilometers near the maze, and began to face off against the demons.

The alliance between the Special Academy of the Military Department and Haidu University was also quite successful. They were the second echelon in terms of progress after Bai Yujing.

The situation in the second division was similar to that of the fourth division. The Chongfeng Academy went back to recruit teams from other academies after making a forcible breakthrough to no avail, and organized a large force.

But it is a pity that the Chongfeng Academy reacted a little late, and nearly half of the teams in the second division have been eliminated.

In contrast, the Balance Academy, which decided to gather its team early in the morning, played very well. They almost marched towards the maze.

By this stage, they had assembled nineteen teams, almost half more than the heavy strikers.

They wiped out all the monster clusters in the entire fourth division, and no one could resist or stop them from advancing.

Even the progress of the Balance Academy is faster than Bai Yujing's alliance with the military and Haidu.

Due to the change of mood, the people of Xia Kingdom have different evaluations of the Balance Academy. After all, you are strong because you are strong, but if you bring other people, it shows that you are the leader.

When unknown threats and worries shrouded their hearts, people's optimism towards the Balance Academy became more direct. On the data list, the support rate of Balance was once high.

By the dawn of the next day, the support rate of the Balanced Academy was already number one, far surpassing the second-placed Chongfeng by more than ten percentage points.

Here, Gu Pan's personal support rate surpassed that of Bailikong for the first time, because of his big explosion, the estimates of Gu Pan's strength were also raised in various markets and lists

Among them, the comment from the Awakened Association is: It cannot be calculated by common sense.

In human terms, this kid is unscientific.

In the outlying camp, Elder Tie looked at the big screen expressionlessly, dismissing the approach of balance and heavy front.

In his opinion, the method of balance and heavy front is meaningless, what can be done after pulling together these teams, if you are not able to reach the maze alone, you are not strong enough.

Even if you come to the maze with a large army and enter the second round, you will still be defeated in the second round.

good reputation?

Ha ha.

Elder Tie shook his head. Many years of history told him that reputation is too easy to manipulate.

"Roar! Fight to the death!"

The roar of the demon general resounded through the sky, and with the gate of the maze as the center, the entire area was shrouded in a sea of ​​chaotic air. This group of demons actually transformed the area.

This place is already infinitely close to the territory of natural disasters. Human beings will be suppressed here, and the demons are equivalent to fighting at home.

Si Tianyu was holding a big sword. This was the first time he had made a move since the start of the match. With the wide opening and closing moves, the sword light surged and the energy exploded. Almost no demons could walk in front of him for a round.

The speed of Bai Yujing's team was not advancing fast, but it was stable and continuous. As the leader, Si Tianyu was extremely powerful. He could defeat the demon people with only basic skills throughout the whole process.

And Yuan Jingyun and others in the rear also contributed their own strengths, each of them possessed the strength of leading generals in other colleges.

But even so, the demon generals are still fighting to the death, and they are even increasing the power of extracting the maze to create an even more terrifying natural disaster field.

The situation in the third division is the same. Almost all the students of Haidu University have switched to the heavy artillery mode. However, the fierce artillery fire has never been able to open a breakthrough in the tide of demons.

There are too many demons, and the level of the demons here is too high, it is no longer a simple thing to break through.

There is a reason for the organizer's rules to let everyone eliminate the demons outside. The magic circle buried underground will stimulate the corresponding energy according to the number of demons eliminated by the students.

This energy can offset the power brought by the labyrinth. Although the magic generals discovered and destroyed part of the magic circle, as long as the tactics are executed properly [at least there will not be so many national troops here.

Li Min sensed his own mistakes, but it was too late to go back and lead the other academy teams, not to mention how many were eliminated, just go back and come back, this time can't afford to delay.

Right now, we can only grit our teeth and continue to charge, and then hope that other teams will follow up from behind, so that we can make more breakthroughs.

The battles in the first, second, and third divisions were all quite fierce, but when it came to the fourth division, the scenes became quite strange.

The number of demon army here is not only far less than that of the other three divisions, but even the academy's firepower is much stronger than other divisions.

Especially Gu Pan, he completely turned into a bomb maniac, and asked other people in the large army to give him all the materials, and he refined them into alchemy bombs, and then bombarded them with projection stones continuously.

This coquettish operation made the army of demons miserable, the ability to cast the projection stone was simply elusive, and the power of Gu Pan's alchemy bomb was abnormally strong.

Often after the bombing is over, the large troops will focus on attacking that side, and a single charge can disintegrate an army of demons.

At this moment, the gate of the labyrinth seemed to feel the threat, and suddenly the mist froze, and two demons exuding an evil aura were teleported out.

The demon general who was in charge of sitting here was about to see what was going on, but was directly swallowed by the demon man. After the crunching sound, the figure of the demon man became even taller.

The scarlet eyes looked towards the direction of the large army, and finally landed on Gu Pan.

The two demons looked at each other, and rushed to kill Gu Pan.

However, there was a man standing in front of them, with long hair fluttering, black arrogance soaring to the sky like a tsunami, with a sword in his left hand and a saber in his right, Bailikong stood proudly.

"The two ends, mine."

Pointing at the two devils with a knife, Bailikong said domineeringly, Gu Pan did not refuse, if he hadn't had the help of a cheater, Bailikong would be the well-deserved No. 1 balancer.

Even the number one person in the Four Great Courts is not impossible.

When the mysterious Chen Ping and Zhang Xiaoqi occasionally mentioned Baili Kong, their tone was full of fear.

The devil was dealt with by Bai Likong, and Gu Pan naturally had to deal with the army. He turned his head and waved to Chen Ping and Zhang Xiaoqi, and they soon came to his side.

"If you want to fight for a chance to qualify, then now is the time for you to perform."

Zhang Xiaoqi's heart trembled when she heard the words. Due to Tianming's surprise attack, the Mystery Academy had reduced its staff, and its deterrent effect on other academies was greatly reduced.

Zhang Xiaoqi has been having a headache for this. If they have to compete with other academies at that time, they will inevitably have to contribute. Even if they advance to the second round, their advantages over other teams will disappear.

Right now Gu Pan actually let them play, this is giving them a chance.

As long as Xuanmi can unleash a powerful attack power here to deter everyone, then other teams may consider it when facing the second qualifying spot.

Zhang Xiaoqi nodded without saying a word, stretched out her hand and pressed Chen Ping, Chen Ping gave her all the recovery potions, and the current state of 1.2 is not much better than that of Zhang Xiaoqi.

So she decided to let Chen Ping rest first.

The mysterious female mage slowly floated up to the sky, she took out a fiery red short staff, and red arrogance began to emerge all over her body.

Skill 1, the body of flames, strengthens one's own magic defense and magic affinity.

Skill 2, the heart of Ao Neng, strengthens the connection with Ao Neng Hai, and gains energy and strength blessings.

Skill 3, heat energy absorption, strengthens fire resistance, and can absorb heat energy and transfer it to its own energy base.

Skill 4, flame jet, continuous flame jet.

Skill five, flame storm, fire magic kill skills.

Combining skills to form profound meanings, meteor fire rain!

The three-heart scepter, an artifact, reduces the caster's casting energy and strengthens the caster's spellcasting strength [enlarge the caster's casting area.

The entire sky was covered by red clouds, and Zhang Xiaoqi showed her strength as the number one mage in the Mystic Academy for the first time in front of everyone.

Red sparks almost filled the entire sky, the earth quickly became dry, and the fiery wind brought a terrible red torrent down from the sky!

All the academy teams were dumbfounded, and many people only recalled at this time, why the four courtyards are the four courtyards...

Mysterious, justify your name today!.

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