When the national college competition was re-connected to the live broadcast, the audience in Xiaguo somehow found that the original stadium seemed to have disappeared...

"Due to the excessive damage caused during the competition, the assessment mode for the second half of this competition will be revised."

"The previous interruption of the live broadcast was due to the excessive output of the Balance Academy team."

"During the interruption period, the Balance Academy was recognized by all the other participating teams, and won the third place in this competition with an indisputable advantage.

The audience scratched their heads, and many people wondered what was going on with this horrible déjà vu?

This game is halfway through and hasn't entered the second round yet. How can the champion be decided?

Afraid there is something dark?

Because the atmosphere of the previous national competition was too enthusiastic, it seemed to be pre-prepared for some major events that were about to happen, so everyone's psychological expectations were also quite high.

The previous battle between Tianming Academy and Mystic Academy also aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, but in the blink of an eye, the champion~ came out?

Under this official broadcast, there is actually another piece of news, that is, the opponent of the Balance Academy this time, Bai Yujing's representative team, has withdrawn from the competition, and the life and death of the main player Si Tianyu is unknown

But everyone was attracted by the news that Balanced won the first place. Not many people paid attention to the so-called Bai Yujing's withdrawal at all. Only a few big shots showed serious expressions and called to ask for details.

And the supernatural Internet people also quickly got the first-hand information. After learning that Gu Pan from the Balance Academy killed Si Tianyu and turned four times to destroy the heavenly position, the entire Internet fell into an atmosphere of crazy suspicion. middle.

Even the most sensible anchor was stunned by this news.

However, based on the first-hand photos of the scene and the damage of the venue, everyone can't help but believe that it is the first time in human history to kill Tianwei with four turns!

The word Gu Pan became popular all over the Internet in an instant, and even foreign countries expressed their concern, wanting to know the specific situation, but Xia Guo quickly deleted all related photos and videos on the Internet.

Only Vice President Cheng of the Awakened Association came out to give a simple explanation on behalf of the conference.

Basically, there is only one sentence: things are true.

For a while, all the high-level professionals were shocked, and several heavenly powers from the battle group were interviewed, saying that they could not understand, and did not know the specific situation, but guessed that Gu Pan must have borrowed some means or other factors influences.

Just talking about the Gate of Truth, only Gu Pan can summon it in the whole world. Maybe it is the Gate of Truth that suppresses the powerhouse?

It has to be said that the speculation of this strong man in the sky is very close to the truth, but the general public can't understand the difference. They only know that the four-turn fiercely kills the sky, the balance academy is blown up, and Gu Pan is blown up.

Many people frantically frantically searched the official account of Aite Equilibrium Academy, wanting to get first-hand news, but the Equilibrium Academy unexpectedly kept silent, just appealing to everyone not to get too excited.

This explosive news caused the ratings of the following national competition to plummet, and no one cared about the second or third place at all.

Human Equilibrium Academy Gu Pan blew up the maze, what's better than a hammer?

At this time, many people suddenly realized that the sense of sight came from Gu Pan. This kid seems to have to flip the table every time he participates in a competition?

The national freshman competition has not reached the final stage yet, blowing up all the teams and becoming the only winner.

The final of the alchemy competition has just begun, and Oh Huo, the Gate of Truth plus the Philosopher's Stone ended the suspense ahead of time and took away the champion.

Now it's time for the national college competition, and it's blown up again.

If it weren't for the association to arrange the second and third teams, so that it is convenient for the waiting list in the Tiangong Secret Realm, I am afraid that there will be no more group arena...

In fact, even the teams from the various colleges and universities participating in the group arena didn't pay much attention. The Special Academy of the Military Department won the second place, and the Chongfeng Academy won the third place, but they were all expressionless after the simple awards ceremony. left.

This is the first time in this year that the second place has been decided in a competition. If it wasn't for taking care of the association's face, Li Min wouldn't even want to be on stage.

The only ones who are in a good mood are those college teams in the fourth competition area who followed the Balance Academy the first time. After the game, the scores of all the teams in the fourth competition area are far higher than others, except Bai Yujing, the special academy of the military department, Haidu Outside the university, the back is full of them.

Everyone got the rewards given by the association as they wished, and their favorability for the Balance Academy has also greatly increased.

As for the parties involved in the incident, Gu Pan disappeared for a period of time afterwards.

At the back of the Balance Academy, Gu Pan was resting quietly on the bed with a teacup in his hand.

No one knew that he had returned to the academy, not even Teacher Xie Yu. Opposite him, Chen Hantan and Luo Chenyin looked at him with disgust.

Gu Pan was carried back. After being unconscious at the scene, he fell into a deep sleep for more than three days before waking up, but his condition did not improve.

Chen Hantan and Luo Chenyin couldn't do anything about the injury that even King Qingtian couldn't do anything about, but judging from Gu Pan's attitude, this kid doesn't seem to care much about it?

"Boy, can you do it?"

Chen Hantan was the first to speak. To be honest, he was the one who was most stimulated by Gu Pan's four-turn attack on Tianwei, because it meant that he might not be able to defeat Gu Pan.

Tie Hena is the pinnacle of the seventh-rank small heaven, a strong man who is just short of stepping into the big heaven, not some bastard who got up by luck.

And even if it is a bastard, there is still a big gap with the high-level position!

"I have some ideas, wait for me to verify, if the guess is correct, I may be able to recover soon, if the guess is wrong, Dean, please save me a feng shui spot in the backyard."

Luo Chenyin rolled his eyes, and he didn't want to pay attention to Gu Pan, this guy, when he was in need, he would be called respectfully by phone, and when he was in a hurry, he would call out like a bastard all over the street.

He decided that Gu Pan is a scourge, and the scourge is so easy to die?

He once told Xie Yu at the beginning that some people are born with luck, and it is not surprising that anything happens to them. These people can constantly break through dangers and grow.

The problem is that the kid in front of him may be his father.

"Okay, no one here will bother you, there are still two months before the opening of the Heavenly Palace, and you are not allowed to go out during this time.

"Back then we were talking about crushing Bai Yujing's team. Who the hell made you kill someone?"

Luo Chenyin looked gloomy, and Gu Pan saw that the other party was sitting in a wheelchair again, so he was too embarrassed to refute, and only thought in his heart that the king of heaven is really ruthless!

Luo Chenyin also told Gu Pan about his coma.

At that time, everyone discovered that Si Tianyu's body was missing, and they immediately scattered to search, but in the end they still couldn't find it. It was Ye Chen, the chief officer of the Yuecheng garrison, who said something wrong.

It is suspected that Si Tianyu was snatched away by the maze master.

At that time, everyone's expressions were wonderful, especially Liu Qing, who always regarded himself as the savior and leader of Bai Yujing, and now his body was snatched away by the maze master after death?

0...seeking flowers0

The masters of the maze are the incarnation of natural disasters. They are naturally hostile to humans. Usually, there are situations where the maze escapes from the maze and appears in the present world. It is often a disaster.

At that time, Si Tianyu activated the life-protecting artifact, a large amount of life energy to protect the body. Perhaps it was because of this that the maze lord took a fancy to it and snatched Si Tianyu's body, without even forgetting his head.

As for whether to seize the body or possess the body later, it depends on what the master of the maze is capable of.

Because of this incident, the Baiyujing Valley almost exploded again, and Ye Chen from the military headquarters was ordered to be held accountable. Why did the Lord of the Labyrinth escape?

Ye Chen also had a hard time at the time and couldn't tell. The maze has always been full of mystery. Every maze master has special powers and means. But at that time, Gu Pan and Bai Yujing were fighting again, and the power in the field was used. Abuse, no way to notice.

Today's association has specially organized a team to take charge of this matter. If Si Tianyu's body and the whereabouts of the master of the maze are not found in one day, this matter will not be finished.

Even Gu Pan's place in Tiangong was almost deprived, and it was Tianwang who made the final decision, blocking Baiyu Kyoichi's idea.

In the frequent battles, Bai Yujing completely broke with the association and the state organization, just to maintain the stability of Xia Guo, the two sides did not tear each other up for the time being, but less than half of the people in the association and the organization have defected to Baiyu Kyoichi's side.

Bai Yujing directly built a city out of thin air outside the valley. Relying on deep accumulation and powerful strength, he almost reshaped the environment. This big city is regarded as the second power center of Xia Kingdom, the layered capital.

For this matter, the Four Heavenly Kings gathered together once. Among them, Qing Tianwang and Hanhai Tianwang were neutral, Baqiang Tianwang Li Mian was a firm supporter of the association, and True Long Tianwang was Baiyu Kyoichi.

In the end, the Four Heavens decided to compromise with each other and temporarily maintain their respective affairs and areas. The Twelve Gods will not be allowed to participate in this matter, and the struggle between Bai Yujing and the association will be suppressed within the designated range, and the two sides will not be able to fight to the death. is the bottom line.

Otherwise, the Four Heavenly Kings including the Twelve Gods will launch a crackdown on the party that violates the rules.

During the period, Gu Pan was especially named. For this kid, the Four Heavenly Kings were also amazed, suppressed, reluctant, no matter, this kid is very capable of tossing around.

In the end, King Qingtian ordered Gu Pan not to make a move in the country. If the injury cannot be cured, he will die if he dies. If the injury recovers, then Gu Pan can develop with peace of mind in the future, study the door of truth or alchemy, or go to study Xiaqi Market.

"Go out and fight! Otherwise, I'll pull out his skin!"

When Luo Chenyin's original words were conveyed to Gu Pan, Chen Hantan's expression was quite exciting, and Gu Pan even heard Roland Big Cat and Brother Xiaosha snickering outside.

King Qingtian saw this kid clearly.

After Luo Chenyin explained the matter, he pushed the wheelchair and left. The relevant resources during the healing period will be provided by the Equilibrium Academy. Gu Pan will make a decision with Brother Xiaosha.

And Chen Hantan also had a sense of urgency, he felt that he must return to the peak state as soon as possible, and then try to hit a higher level.

Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be crushed by Gu Pan on top of his head. Didn’t you hear that this kid is talking about the old man now, turning around four times and killing the heavenly position.

Chen Hantan felt that he had to advance to the level of a demigod to have dignity in front of Gu Pan. …

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