Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

019 Alchemy Puppet - Kamen Rider No. 1

Gu Pan's current skills that can be used directly in combat include energy surge and alchemy.

For this reason, he even transformed these two skills into formation patterns and inscribed them on his hands, and in order to have a longer fighting time, he even engraved carefully selected formation patterns on his upper body.

This part of the pattern is still in the stage of adaptation and cannot be effective for the time being, but Gu Pan is not in a hurry.

And Gu Pan's alchemy puppet was almost ready, so he even asked Master Xie Yu to help refine some core advanced materials.

According to the regulations of the academy, as long as 80% of the alchemy content is completed by Gu Pan, then the product will be recognized as the achievement of Gu Pan and can be used to participate in various assessments of the academy.

As a core energy device, Gu Pan has not yet found a suitable material.

Although there are some items that Gu Pan needs in the alchemy department's treasury, they have to be redeemed with student points. There is no school day yet, so Gu Pan has gross points.

Thinking of this, Gu Pan turned around and walked to the living room. In order to facilitate his practice, Gu Pan had already cleared out all the extra furniture in the room.

In the middle of the spacious living room, Gu Pan put his hand on his belt, grabbed the buckle with his palm and pulled it!


A burst of brilliance flashed, Gu Pan's belt and both wrists. The corresponding golden light appeared on the legs, and immediately after that, an alchemy puppet appeared in front of him!

This alchemy puppet has large insect-like compound eyes on its head, with golden horns protruding from the middle of the compound eyes, and the whole body is black, only the breastplate, wrist guards, belt, knee pads and calf plates are gold.

The shape of this puppet is very similar to a cyborg warrior he knew in his previous life, but he didn't say it.

And what Gu Pan called out was transformation, not summoning!

After the alchemy puppet appeared, it unfolded directly from the back, and the positioning points of the limbs and body were connected with the golden light on Gu Pan's body, and one person and one puppet instantly fit together.

The next moment, a puppet warrior with a very masked style appeared!


Gu Pan couldn't put it down and jumped on the spot. Combining with a magic couple is not a unique idea he created. Senior alchemists have already done related experiments.

But how to fight after merging with the Alchemist is about to be created by Gu Pan himself.

"Well, I'll call you Kamen Rider One from now on."

Naming his first puppet without any psychological burden, Gu Pan carefully felt the physical sensation after fitting.

He only officially activated this puppet today, and now he needs to determine the buffing effect of the puppet himself.

"After merging, my strength and physique have doubled several times, but my spirit has been suppressed."

Since he was not in the testing room, Gu Pan could only make a rough estimate, but it was enough for him to help his plan.

"You should go to the melee department to learn about the fighting style after combining."

"As for the usual fighting style, maybe the magic and martial arts department should be good."

It has been many years without any outstanding Mowu rookies. Although this category combines the expertise of spells and warriors, it is also very difficult, and it is easy to end up with mediocrity in both.

But for Gu Pan, there was no problem. The combat power of the alchemist itself was not even as good as that of the magic and martial arts department, so it didn't matter what was mediocre.

"It's the special department. I don't know who will be in this year's special department. I have to pay attention."

Gu Pan canceled the transformation and returned to the desk to continue making plans.

At the same time, the main hall where the special department of the Balance Academy is located also welcomed their new seed this year, a young man with purple lines on his face and his whole body wrapped in question-and-answer clothes.

It was the end of August now, and the weather was still very hot. Even though the Balance Academy was in the mountains, it was not necessary to wear a coat, but this young man didn't look uncomfortable at all.

"Is there anyone? Freshman Luo Kai is here to report."

The hall was empty at night, but after Luo Kai finished speaking, the lights in the hall suddenly turned on, and then several welcome greetings appeared on both sides.

As the most mysterious department of the Balance Academy, the supervisors of the special department have been different over the years, basically depending on which key students came to the school that year.

It can be said that other departments are recruiting their corresponding students, and are equipped with tutors of the same profession for this purpose.

However, the special department first determines the key seed students, then assigns tutors according to the seed students, and finally recruits students of related occupations.

Therefore, the recruitment work of the special department has always been the latest to end.

"Oh, here we come."

The eyes of one of the phantoms lit up, and slowly condensed into a solid body, and the last one, Yu Jie, who was wearing a leather coat, came out.

Her face and bare neck also had deep purple lines, like tattoos, which looked downright bad.

"This year is finally my turn as a magician, hehehe."

"I am your mentor, Aisha, master of six-turn spells."

Royal Sister Aisha looked at Luo Kai with eager eyes. Conjurer is a hidden profession. It is essentially one of the branches of mages, but it is self-contained, and the probability of occurrence is 1%.

The occupation similar to the conjurer is actually the alchemist, because both have the ability to play a role by engraving patterns on the body.

But the conjurer's ability in combat easily pulls the alchemist eight streets!

"Since I'm the one with the skills, I'll be the top three in the freshman contest!"

Royal Sister Aisha stepped on her leather boots and came in front of Luo Kai. The seemingly honest Luo Kai was not forced by Aisha's aura, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"My goal is to be the first among freshmen."

"Hahaha, have ambition!"

Aisha was quite satisfied with Luo Kai's answer, and reached out to pat the other person's shoulder, then she lowered her body slightly, and her red lips approached Luo Kai's ear.

"If you don't get the first place, I have a lot of torture waiting for you..."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Kai's body couldn't help shaking, and he began to regret that he didn't say something wrong...

As the opening time of colleges and universities draws closer, a large number of students begin to go to their colleges to report. The young people who have been busy for a holiday have finally bid farewell to the last happy holiday in their lives.

On an intercity bus full of students, the excited students were discussing their future life in college. They are all students of Liucheng University.

Liucheng University is a second-level university in the Central Plains of Xia Kingdom, and its strength is in the middle of the Central Plains.

These students set off after gathering at the airport near the city, and Liucheng University has specially equipped a special car to pick them up.

This is a routine arrangement every year. The driver even felt that he could drive the car back to school with his eyes closed. He also had a smile on his face listening to the lively exchanges of students behind him.

But just as the driver turned the steering wheel and rounded a big corner, a sudden vibration suddenly landed near the bus!

The entire section of the road collapsed, the bus was torn into several pieces, and everyone on board screamed.

But the next moment, dozens of monsters covered in black liquid rushed out, killing anyone they saw!

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