Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

022 Freshman Ceremony, Dean's Bad Taste

"Can't you register yourself?"

"Also, you came so many days early, didn't you register?"

"Then what about eating in your dormitory?"

Li Shuang felt that it was simple. Freshmen had to register with an admission letter before they could be assigned student cards, dormitories and other matters. It was not complicated like he had just made a trip back then.

"I eat and live in my brother's dormitory."


Li Shuang can't do it right now. Girls are strictly forbidden to enter the boys' dormitory. The silver-haired lady can live in it, and her big brother can only be the staff of the college.

Oh, it's a relationship account.

The silver-haired young lady stopped talking and stared straight at Li Shuang with the admission letter in her hand, making him feel hairy. In desperation, she had no choice but to take the admission letter and run errands.

When he came back, he took a bag of books and a student card. When he registered just now, he glanced at the other party's name and found that the silver-haired lady was named Emily.

Passed the things to Emily, but the other party didn't intend to take it, instead turned around and left, Li Shuang became anxious immediately.

"Ai ai ai, why don't you take your things, alas, you don't want me to help you..."

"Let me tell you, although you are beautiful, I am not a dog lick..."

The two left the mage hall one after the other. Some people in the distance noticed the movement here, but most of them didn't pay much attention to it. Only a mentor standing at the corner of the hall showed a strange expression.

The next three days were uneventful.

On September 1st, the Balance Academy finally ushered in the official opening day.

On this day, all the freshmen gathered in the large playground at the lower part of the mountain, and separated into independent teams according to their respective departments.

After Gu Pan and Li Shuang separated, they walked to the alchemy department and found that there were more than 50 freshmen in the alchemy department this year. Since they lived in an independent dormitory and had no contact with other freshmen, no one paid attention to Gu Pan at all.

On the contrary, a more enthusiastic guy came over after seeing Gu Pan and arranged a place for Gu Pan to stand.

"Hello, I'm Yang Mincheng, a first-rank alchemist, and the success rate of the first-order alchemy formula is 67%."

"We are divided into classes in the afternoon. If everyone is destined to be together, the class leader can vote for me..."

It turned out to be a canvasser, Gu Pan was a little speechless, so he talked to him perfunctorily, after all, the other party was just for better development.

It is not without reason that college life is called a small society.

This Yang Mincheng warmly greeted Gu Pan for a while, and then walked towards the other new classmates. Gu Pan felt relieved as if a fly had finally flown away from him.

He carefully observed the situation on the big playground, and found that this year, the Balance Academy might have specially approved some students to enroll, and the number was about one-tenth more than he knew.

Among them, the melee department and the distant combat department have the largest number of people, basically around 200 people, while the mage department and the alchemy department have about the same number of people, but the breeding department has nearly a hundred people this year.

If you want to say that the most famous profession in the breeding department is the beast master, a profession whose strength depends entirely on the beast you own.

Compared with these departments, the one that attracted Gu Pan's attention the most was the special department with only five people standing in the corner of the playground.

"That is the special department. It is said that the special department of the Equilibrium Academy this year is the magician profession, which is the unpopular among the unpopular."

"Those are conjurers, I said they look weird."

The students standing in front of Gu Pan chatted and obviously noticed that there were not a few people in the special department.

Gu Pan is also a little curious about the profession of conjurer. The reason why his awakening profession is judged as hidden is because of the suffix.

If you really want to say that it is rare, then the magician can definitely rank in the top ten of the human occupation rankings.

But even so, there are still five people in the special department!

Five people are the maximum number of people in various group trials or competitions. Obviously, the Balance Academy has spent a lot of effort to get these five people together.

But now it seems that the five people are not interested in communicating with each other. Although they are standing in a queue, they look like strangers waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

Gu Pan observed and observed with great interest, and soon it was nine o'clock in the morning, and the directors and deans of each department of the Equilibrium College finally appeared on the podium.

The podium is located on one side of the playground, with a height of more than three meters. Standing on it is not afraid that people behind will not see it.

This is the first time that Gu Pan has seen the dean of the Balance Academy, a handsome man with shawl and long hair, not at all the old man that Gu Pan imagined.

However, the age and appearance of professionals, especially high-level professionals, are very different. If you think that the dean is a young man, then the enemy may not even know he is dead.

"Ahem, well, the entrance ceremony for freshmen begins."

The dean's lazy voice spread throughout the playground through the loudspeaker pattern, and all the students fell silent immediately.

Gu Pan even saw many old students standing outside the playground in twos and threes looking at this side.

"Well, let's not talk nonsense. The following is the routine program for new students of the Balance Academy. Please relax your body and get ready to meet my coercion."

The dean's words passed lightly, and Gu Pan looked over with some doubts, but before he could get ready, a huge and terrifying coercion suddenly descended in the next moment!

Everything within the line of sight seems to be shrouded in a black border, and the scenery and the ground are constantly shaking.

Gu Pan even felt like he wanted to vomit and collapse.

He straightened his back with difficulty, only to find that a large group of students around him had already knelt down, and their expressions returned to normal after they fell down.

It seems that as long as they are willing to fall, they will not be targeted by this terrible coercion.

Being able to do this was of course the deliberate operation of the coercion releaser.

"This is the traditional program of the Equilibrium Academy? Damn, Teacher Xie didn't even remind me."

Gu Pan's complexion was a little dark, he tried his best to hold up his energy, and suddenly found Xie Yu standing on the podium with a smirk on his face, obviously the other party was also waiting to see this scene.

Gu Pan also understands why there are so many senior students who have nothing to do to watch the opening ceremony for freshmen.

At this moment, all the senior students outside were pointing fingers, and many of them were holding a booklet, which was exactly the same as the one Li Shuang bought, but the price was one-tenth of Li Shuang's.

"Tsk tsk, the accuracy rate of this year's intelligence is not bad, and none of the people on the rising star list above have fallen."

"Don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Dean won't stop until he overwhelms everyone to the ground."

The senior student who spoke was clearly aware of the dean's bad character, and this guy didn't have any traditional virtues of caring for the weak!

The few people who heard this recalled the scene when they were crushed and shuddered...

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