Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

084 Entering The Secret Realm, Unknown Threat

A converted yacht speeds ahead in the sea.

A golden sword is depicted on both sides of the boat, with the word "gold" written on it.

The professionals of the Golden Legion were checking supplies and equipment on the deck, and they looked towards the direction of the cabin from time to time. The atmosphere in the cabin was quite weird.

Gu Pan was still sitting alone on one side, while the other alchemists were on the other side without embarrassment, without communicating with each other.

Of the originally scheduled ten people, Liu Tang was directly absent from the action because he was fainted by Gu Pan's anger, and even withdrew with Liu Tang's two attendants.

So there are only six people present. As for Li Wan'er, she is sitting on the sofa in front, and Zhang Zhenhe is beside her, introducing her the situation of the team dispatched this time.

It's just that the two of them had to look at Gu Pan from time to time, which made the chatting emotionally incoherent.

Zhang Zhenhe didn't want to look at it, but the problem was that Li Wan'er would glance over there while chatting, making him habitually follow suit.

Li Wan'er obviously had an idea about Gu Pan. If the national alchemist, who is not yet eighteen years old, can be drawn into the Li Group, it will definitely boost the momentum of the Li Group.

Zhang Zhenhe didn't know what Li Wan'er was thinking, and thought that this young lady from the third generation of the Li family had taken a fancy to Gu Pan. After all, Gu Pan was young and talented, and both of them were alchemists, so maybe they were right for each other?

Zhang Zhenhe, who had lost his mind, had even worse feelings towards Gu Pan, who was not a genius back then, and he was also a spoiled child who graduated from Zhongfeng Academy.

But after so many years of wandering around, he has long recognized the fact that, except for some real geniuses, the others are nothing more than ordinary people.

If there is no force to rely on, then it is nothing.

At this time, the door of the cabin was opened with a bang, and a tall woman in a tight leather jacket walked in, with a thin sword on her waist, and a sky-high footstep.

As the 047 peaks are piled up, Gu Pan is amazed to see it. I don't know what will happen to this woman when she fights?

At this time, Li Wan'er happened to look at Gu Pan again, seeing that he was staring straight at the woman who came in, she frowned immediately.

She looked at the woman for a while, and seeing that the other party was indeed well-funded, she became even more angry.

Miss Li is good at everything, but she is quite frank.

Zhang Zhenhe noticed this scene, and couldn't help but feel happy. Yang Xiao is the captain of the team dispatched this time, and he can also be ranked among the top five in the Golden Battle Group.

It's just that although this woman is very strong, Zhang Zhenhe values ​​family capital more, so he has never been interested in this thorny rose.

Immediately, he stood up, stretched out his hand and gestured in a circle, introducing Yang Xiaolai to everyone.

"This is the captain of the seventh team in this operation, Yang Xiao, a five-rank swift swordsman, whose strength is stable and ranks among the top five in the Golden Battle Group.

"Hehe, thank you bosses for your appreciation. This operation in the secret realm is under my command. I hope you will cooperate."

Yang Xiao's temperament is quite charming, and he also has a lazy feeling when speaking, which made several alchemists swallow their saliva.

Gu Pan is very calm. With rich experience in his previous life, he directly entered the sage mode.

Zhang Zhenhe over there also——introduced the situation of other people to Yang Xiao. When Gu Pan was introduced, Yang Xiao couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

The sixteen-year-old national alchemist, if she hadn't known that Li Wan'er was the real important target this time, she would have thought they came here to protect Gu Pan.

Yang Xiao stretched out his slender and fair hands, and looked at Gu Pan's young man.

"National Alchemist, hello."

(ahcg) The tone is quite provocative, this is Yang Xiao's habit, she likes playing with those men like this the most, watching them show various faces in front of her.


Gu Pan got up and shook hands with Yang Xiao. He was calm in his sage state. Due to years of martial arts practice, Yang Xiao's hands were not smooth. On the contrary, if he felt them carefully, he could feel some calluses.

Yang Xiao didn't know what she was thinking, and even scratched Gu Pan's palm, but Gu Pan's calm expression made her feel a little frustrated.

It's good not to know women! It must be a chick!

Yang Xiao complained fiercely in his heart. Then he let go of Gu Pan's hand and turned towards Li Wan'er.

As a result, Li Wan'er also showed no change in expression towards Yang Xiao, which made Zhang Zhenhe secretly happy, his guess was indeed correct, Yang Xiao's teasing behavior might not make Gu Pan safe all the way.

What Yang Xiao likes most is to conquer those men who pretend to be calm towards her.

The closer Yang Xiao was to Gu Pan, the more displeased Li Wan'er was, and the more opportunities Zhang Zhenhe had, a good combo, Zhang Zhenhe not only gave himself a thumbs up.

Gu Pan didn't know that there were so many inner dramas in just such an introduction. He looked at his watch, and it was already half past two in the afternoon.

It will take more than an hour from the coast to the artificial island where the Conch Secret Realm is located. During this period, there is basically nothing to do, so he simply closed his eyes and took a small nap

Yang Xiao has been observing Gu Pan since she came in. When she found that Gu Pan closed his eyes, she felt that this kid must be pretending, otherwise it would be impossible to turn a blind eye to her.

In the wild thoughts of everyone, the yacht soon arrived at the destination of the trip.

An artificial island built of steel structure and concrete, because the conch secret land is not fixed, but will be moved to a nautical mile after a certain period of time.

The artificial island responsible for guarding has also been built with the ability to move, and is responsible for positioning after moving in the Conch Secret Realm.

Over the years, everyone has also figured out the law of the Conch Secret Realm, which basically moves in a circle, and it will not exceed one nautical mile in circles.

Gu Pan walked out of the cabin with everyone, and what he saw head-on was an island full of tough guys.

After the ship docked at the pier of the artificial island, the group was inspected by the garrison troops, and they were released to the island after their identities were verified.

Gu Pan made a rough estimate of this artificial island, which is about 10,000 square meters. In addition to the camp of the garrison troops, there are also various facilities and stores on it, which are dedicated to serving the coming training teams.

Of course, there are also accommodations here, but they are all standard six-person rooms, and one night's stay costs 100,000 yuan. If there is no important matter, almost no one will choose to stay here overnight.

After Gu Pan and the others landed on the island and waited for a while, another special large ship came to meet them. This was the transport ship of the garrison troops responsible for sending them into the spiral vortex.

Apart from the transport ship, there is no other way to summon the entrance to the secret realm. This is because Xia Guo specially modified the rules of the conch secret realm.

The transport ship came to a place on the sea after driving for about ten minutes. An army officer walked to the bow of the ship and operated it with the scepter in his hand for a while, and a huge vortex emerged.

"Okay, you can go in, we will always follow near the entrance of the vortex, and you can see us directly after you come out."

The officer said to Gu Pan and others that the members of the Golden Battle Group have been in the Conch Secret Realm several times, and everyone is very calm.

It was the first time for Li Wan'er and the other alchemists to come, so they were inevitably a little nervous at this time.

This kind of vortex entrance opened on the sea looks like the devouring vortex in the story, and it takes a little courage for people to jump in directly.

The seventh team of the Yellow Turban Group consisted of fifteen people, five of whom jumped in first, and were responsible for going to the opposite side to prepare for defense.

And Zhang Zhenhe walked towards Li Wan'er, ready to take Li Wan'er into the secret realm, who would have thought that when Gu Pan saw the people from the Gold Group enter, he would walk directly to the side of the boat and jump in after him.

The people on the boat didn't react, and then Li Wan'er seemed to be encouraged, and she also gritted her teeth and jumped in. Zhang Zhenhe watched Li Wan'er's back disappear into the vortex with a dark face.

Yang Xiao stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, giggled coquettishly, twisted his hips and entered the vortex.

Mingdu, in a resort twenty miles away from the mountain where the Balance Academy is located.

A group of people were sitting in the garden without talking to each other, as if they were waiting for something. After a long time, a man came in from outside the garden.

"Found it, Gu Pan is not in the academy."

"Xiba? It's almost Chinese New Year, where did this kid go?"

"It is said that I went to Fengcheng, and I should not come back until a week later."

"Fengcheng? Then let's go directly there. It's better to do it in Fengcheng than in Mingdu."

The leading man stood up, the tattoo on his wrist was exposed when the cuffs of his clothes were pulled, and a red dragon could be vaguely seen.

The red dragon pattern is the symbol of Anjia in the Yin Dynasty, and this group of people is obviously from Anjia!

After they left, a security guard in charge of the hotel lazily picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Report, the Bangbangs have left, suspected of going to Fengcheng to conspire against Gu Pan."

After the security reported, he hummed twice and hung up the phone. He picked up his thermos cup and took a sip.

"Hehe, this group of awesome people thought they were unaware."

In the Equilibrium Academy, the female secretary who was more beautiful than Yang Xiao left the office again with a flushed face. The dean put on a coat, put his hand on the glass window, and said to the balcony outside the window:

"Next time you want to find me, please come in through the main entrance, thank you."

A voice suddenly came from the apparently empty terrace:


The dean rubbed his brows, and asked angrily:

"What the hell is going on? If this goes on like this, sooner or later I won't do it!"

"There is a group of people from the Yin Dynasty who are looking for Gu Pan, suspected to be the dead soldiers sent by the An family.

"How is the strength?"

"All members have four ranks, and the team leader has five ranks. There are seven people in total."

The dean laughed after hearing this, and with a flick of his hands, he swung his coat away, facing the wind openly.

"You send people to follow, as long as Gu boy is not in danger, even if he is disabled, don't shoot.

However, the voice on the terrace did not resound, only the slight voice from the wind responded to him:


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