Job Transfer For All: This Alchemist Is Unscientific

094 The New Year Is Coming, Everything Is Ready (Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Wait until only the old man and the Juggernaut are left in the room.

The old man picked up the document he dropped before, read it again, and read it again after reading it.

Finally, he closed the file with emotion.

"This kid, it's incredible."

The old man looked at the Juggernaut, and the Juggernaut nodded at this time. After all, he was a little guy who dared to yell at him, and the impression was still very deep.

"You said, did he help Zhuyin Little Snake advance to the next level by his own ability?"

"Two rules, he himself has two rules."

The old man's expression was a bit unbelievable, but the opposite Juggernaut did not answer immediately, but thought carefully before nodding his head.

"I think it's true, it's no surprise what happened to that kid.

"Ha, I didn't expect that even you would recognize this kid."

The old man took off his tattered clothes, took out a new one from the small cloth bag at his waist, and put on a new one, and carefully combed his hair.

"A lot of outstanding young people have come out all of a sudden over the years, making me wonder if I'm really old."

"My lord is too thin."

The Juggernaut didn't agree with the old man's words. In his opinion, if these young people don't grow up, they will always be a blank check, and it doesn't have much practical significance.

And if they pay too much attention to protecting these people, they will lose the space and possibility of growth, and I am afraid that their achievements will be limited by then.

Which one of these generals like them didn't come out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses? Everyone has experienced moments of despair and times of wanting to die.

But in the end, they all passed that hurdle, and only then did they achieve their current status.

The old man was also used to the character of the Juggernaut, so he just smiled at this and didn't say much, instead he opened the door of Room 750.

"I went to find that guy Chen Hantan. He came back after a lot of hard work. I guess he would be surprised to see me, hahaha!"

The old man closed the door and left, leaving Juggernaut alone in the room. Looking at the blue sky outside the window, he didn't know why Gu Pan scolded him back then.

"Hmph, kid, I hope you can grow up smoothly, don't let people down."

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and the Juggernaut closed his eyes and entered the state of practice.

Due to the attack by the powerful Xia, the Yin Dynasty gathered all the high-level and prominent families in the country to find the Star Empire, hoping that the stars would support them.

But Zhongxing just wanted to say who to send to visit, when Xia Guo suddenly dispatched more than a dozen celestial powerhouses, and Buddha was among them.

These celestial powerhouses appeared neatly on the border of the Yin Dynasty Kingdom, and brought Xia Kingdom's latest response:

"As a result of Fanbang, entering Xia Kingdom privately with the intention of murdering the citizens of Xia Kingdom, he deserves death!"

"If we don't provide enough compensation, we will launch an attack directly, and we will destroy the Yin Dynasty!"

Xia Guo's tough attitude directly frightened the entire Yin Chao Kingdom, and even shocked the people of Le Zhongxing. Zhongxing hurriedly sent two powerful men from the heavens to help out.

It wasn't until this time that the stars realized that the An family hadn't come out to speak, and even An Qingqing hadn't been able to retreat since she was crushed in the First Battle of Qingshan.

Chen Yongsheng directly showed the evidence of the evil spirits and dead warriors, and the powerhouses of the Star Empire wished to overthrow the people of the Yin Chao Kingdom on the spot.

If you go to another country to do business without permission, it's fine if you don't succeed, and you will be caught off-the-shelf.

Afterwards, you yourself still didn’t know the situation, and clamored to find someone to help you maintain the situation? How can you survive this situation?

Chen (ahcg) Yongsheng directly hinted that this order came from the Heavenly King of Xia, the old man with the title Qingtian, and the two doctors of the stars shook their heads like rattles when they heard it.

One day later, at the Blue Star Joint Conference, the chairman of the council delivered a speech, stating that the Yin Dynasty Kingdom was severely punished for violating international law, and would hand over corresponding supplies to Xia Kingdom and Zhongxing Empire respectively as compensation.

As for why the conflict between Xia Kingdom and Yin Dynasty would eventually be compensated by Zhongxing, Zhongxing said that it was because Yin Dynasty deceived Zhongxing, which almost caused a huge conflict between Zhongxing and Xia.

After the two indemnities of the Gala Sea Yin Dynasty Kingdom, the entire national power directly fell to the lowest level in history, and many national benefits were directly cancelled, and the people took to the streets to protest.

However, the senior officials of the Yin Dynasty turned a blind eye, and even increased the tax, and then sent financial officers into Qingshan.

The An family did not resist, which directly led to the suppression of the voices of the rest of the people in the Yin Dynasty to the lowest point.

As for An Qingqing, it is said that the stars approached her, severely reprimanded her, and announced that the An family would be closed for five years.

This series of events is like a serial drama, and it has gained a lot of attention internationally and domestically, but most of the people of Xia Kingdom just watched the fun, and at most sneered at the Yin Chao Kingdom.

Then everyone turned their attention to the New Year's holiday. As the turn of the year, this day can be regarded as the biggest and most solemn festival in Zhen Country.

It has been several days since Gu Pan came back to the academy. Originally, he wanted to go directly to the dean as soon as he came back, but he heard from Xie Yu that the dean was beaten by an old man and left him bedridden.

The dean that Gu Pan saw in the medical building of the college was wrapped in bandages and looked like a mummy.

He was shocked that such a tough old man could beat the dean so badly, but Xie Yu mysteriously gesticulated four fingers, Gu Pan raised his brows immediately, and obediently shut up.

The Four Heavenly Kings personally came out to clean up the dean, and the dean has not been beaten to death. This face and background quality are all right.

However, Gu Pan went to thank the dean himself, but the dean just told him coldly:

"After all, it's not cool enough for others to stand out. In the end, it's better for you to end it yourself."

"Of course."

Gu Pan and the dean looked at each other, and both of them laughed heartily.

Afterwards, Gu Pan went into the laboratory and started the crazy refining work. At the same time, Xie Yu also helped him recruit the craftsman tutor from the auxiliary department of the college to help make some parts for Gu Pan.

As for the compensation needed for helping, Gu Pan directly intercepted an out-of-print lava ice crystal pipeline and gave it to the master craftsman, who accepted the material dumbfounded after learning about the situation.

In the next few days, the progress of Alchemy Puppet Knight No. 2 and No. 3 was rapid, and finally completed the overall structure before the 30th year of the year, and initially had the ability to act.

The rest of the work is actually energy attention and alchemy pattern engraving. There is no rush in this aspect. Gu Pan returned to the dormitory and took a good shower.

Afterwards, he took Xie Yu's car out of the academy and went to the City Hotel in Mingdu.

As the first business card of Mingdu, the people of Balance Academy have all received invitations from Mingdu, and the conference will be held in Mingdu.

It was Gu Pan's first time to participate, but when he appeared at the venue, the local tyrants and high-level officials in Mingdu did not despise him at all, but came to congratulate him one after another

"Hehe, this is classmate Gu Pan, Hei Rongxing."

The highest consul of Mingdu came in front of Gu Pan. This gentleman-like uncle said with a smile. Behind him, a woman who was about the same age as Gu Pan looked at Gu Pan indifferently.

Xie Yu also introduced Gu Pan to each other. As the supreme commander of Mingdu, this uncle is named Lin Shengqi, and behind her is his daughter, Lin Yaning.

Mingdu is the four capitals of Xia Kingdom, ranking only after Xiadu and Haidu, and ahead of Xidu.

Lin Shengqi is naturally also one of the top leaders of the Xia Kingdom, and the news he can get access to is beyond the reach of ordinary city governors.

Naturally, he is aware of the series of things that Gu Pan has done recently, no matter which one of these things is, it is quite an achievement for Lin Shengqi.

He saw potential in Gu Pan, considerable potential, big enough for him to come and say hello.

After such a short time, I don't know how many people in the venue were secretly staring at this side to see what Lin Shengqi and Gu Pan were talking about.

"Haha, okay, Yaning, you can learn and communicate with Gu Fen.

"Mr. Xie, let's go visit Mr. Chen and the others. We are all waiting."

Lin Shengqi said to Xie Yu that the so-called Mr. Chen and others are actually representatives of large companies rooted in Mingdu. Among them, Mr. Chen's Fengyun Group is also in the top ten in China, and it is even bigger than Li's.

Gu Pan was holding a double of orange juice in his hand, and only after Lin Shengqi and Xie Yu left did he really observe Lin Yaning.

This beauty is also quite temperamental, and Li Wan'er has her own merits.

It's just that Lin Yaning didn't study in the Balance Academy, on the contrary, she went to the Mystic Academy. Although everyone is a four-institution, the competition between Mystery and Balance has been quite fierce these years

The students of the two schools are also very hostile to each other, so Lin Yaning is quite indifferent to Gu Pan, the so-called balanced freshman number one.

Although before coming here, his father urged Lin Yaning and Gu Pan to handle the relationship well, it is natural to have a good relationship, and even if it is not good, he must be friends, at the very least, no grudges can be made.

This was the first time Lin Yaning saw her father give such orders. At that time, she and her mother were very surprised, but Lin Shengqi only explained that Gu Pan had extraordinary potential and didn't try to say anything else.

The potential is extraordinary, how many people who can enter the four courtyards have no potential?

She, Lin Yaning, was also a top ten seed student in Xuanmi sophomore year, even if Wang Zhen was in front of her, she would respectfully call her senior sister.

"Junior Gu Pan, I heard that you will participate in the finals of the National High School Competition and Alchemy Competition next year?"

Even if Lin Yaning didn't take it seriously in her heart, she still managed to save face. She picked up a glass of red wine from the passing attendant, and lightly touched Gu Pan.

"That's right, I was promoted in the preliminaries of the Alchemy Contest. For the sake of the Alchemy Department, I have to participate."

"It's the national college competition. It's a task assigned by the dean. I don't really want to participate."

Gu Pan shrugged helplessly. If he had time to participate in the college competition, why not go to retreat or go to a few more secret realms, and study a few more alchemy formulas?

No matter how fierce the national colleges and universities are, it is impossible to really let go of life and death to fight, right?

After Gu Pan experienced the ambush incidents outside the Shadow Labyrinth and Conch Mystery, he had no interest in these college-level competitions for a long time.

Lin Yaning just laughed lightly upon hearing this.

The national college competition is an honor that every college student must fight for. Gu Pan's indifferent attitude displeased her very much. .

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