Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 80 Shocking Changes, Joyful Alien Gods!

Hu Mingli, whose attributes had been tripled again, didn't waste an iota of time.

He didn't go to explain anything to Wang Zhongshan either.

He kept waving the wind spirit long sword in his hand, and he unleashed a large number of high-explosive and high-frequency attack skills.

The blood streak above Yin Jiu's head, like flowing water, decayed crazily.

Luo Cheng saw this.

He also took the opportunity to release Life Disintegration and Dark Breath, destroying Yin Da's blood emperor with nearly a million points.

However, his little damage can only be said to hasten Yin Jiu's death a little.

Under Hu Mingli's crazy attack.

The duration of absolute fear has just reached the eighth second.

Yin Jiu's blood volume was completely emptied by him.


"Huh? Why isn't he dead yet?!"

After Yin Jiu's blood bar was emptied, Hu Mingli, who was in a state of boiling life, did not stop attacking immediately.

But, to his surprise.

Although Yin Jiu's blood bar looked like it had been completely emptied by his "Nine Eight Seven".

However, in his mind, there was no prompt to kill the Yin team.

Even, his subsequent attacks all seemed to fall into the empty space.

It didn't affect Yin Jiu's body at all.

"It's a passively triggered life-saving skill!"

"Luo Cheng, get out of here!"

As a mage, Wang Lanshan's thoughts are obviously faster than Mingli's.

When seeing Yin Jiu's state.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Hear his cry.

Luo Cheng, who was standing behind the two of them, did not dare to neglect, and took out a small split space teleportation talisman, which was about to be crushed.


"where do you want to go?"

Just when the small cracked space shifting talisman was about to shatter.

Luo Cheng's wrist suddenly felt a particularly cold touch.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he saw a pair of eyes full of fear and horror, as well as... monstrous murderous intent!

"Luo Cheng!"

"Heart Sword Slash!"

Wang Zhongshan and Hu Mingli, who noticed the abnormality, reacted quickly.

However, it doesn't matter whether it is the bloody magic ball issued by Wang Zhongshan.

Or it was cast by Hu Mingli, a powerful skill that can ignore any defense of the opponent and directly attack the enemy's original true spirit.

None of them could cause half a point of damage to Yin Jiu.

"Your ability is very strong and weird, but... in the face of absolute power, all skills are just a clown's carnival."

Looking at the second-order human being in front of him, he brought boundless fear to himself, and almost killed him.

After Yin Jiu left these words, she resolutely raised the dagger in her hand.


The terrifying energy containing the meaning of destruction was cut out from his dagger.

Luo Cheng in front of him, and even Xiao Hei under Luo Cheng's crotch, were all cut into pieces by his knife.


"Death to the wicked!!"

Seeing that the genius of the human race with huge potential and unlimited future died in front of him, "Hu Mingli suddenly exploded with a power that he had never exploded in his life.

He rushed directly in front of Yin Jiu, and slashed at him frantically.

Wang Chongshan, who stayed in the same place, also had his eyes tearing apart, and kept waving the blood jade staff in his hand.

Countless magical skills that contain the power of filth and blood are constantly shot out from the staff.

Just a moment.

The entire battlefield was covered by smoke, dust and blood stained by his magic.

"Hmph! Since you two want to die too, I'll make it happen for you!"

After killing Luo Cheng, Yin Jiu's spirit instantly relaxed a lot.

According to the promise of God of Styx.

As long as he kills this human being who is only at the second level.

The God of Styx will use his supernatural powers to revive him in the kingdom of Styx, and endow him with a demigod-level power!

In this way, even if his current state is very poor.

There is a possibility of death at any time.

He won't feel nervous anymore.


When his life-saving skills ended, although he used the skills, he recovered some blood for himself.

However, in the face of Hu Mingli's crazy attack whose full attributes have been strengthened three times.

Although he is not afraid, he must temporarily avoid its edge.

As for Wang Chongshan...

This human skill is really too weird.

Although this person couldn't resist his attack, he could turn into a sea of ​​blood and avoid a lot of damage from his attack.

With Hu Mingli interfering from the side.

He also has no chance to kill Wang Chongshan.


As far as he is concerned, even if he can't kill the two humans in front of him, his mission has been completed.

at the same time.

The meeting place of alien gods.

"Hahaha, good! Good!"

"It's finally dead. If such a human being grows up..."

"Yeah, the ability of this human race is really weird!"

"The law of curse, the law of death, the law of spirit, the law of darkness, the power of these freeze-frame laws that even we can't control, will appear collectively on a second-order creature. It's really..."


"Phew! No matter what, this human being has already been killed by Yin Jiu of my Yinming Clan.

I have explained that after killing this human just now, Yin Jiu deliberately smashed his soul, so that even if the strongest of the human race came, he would definitely not be able to revive him!

Looking at the open space covered by dust and blood...

God Styx finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The ability of this human with only the second-order life class is too weird.

Even the ninth-level powerhouse under his command almost fell into this person's way.

Fortunately, Yin Jiu has the innate skills of the Yinming clan, the body protection of the Yinming clan, and is immune to the damage of the two seventh-order human races in critical moments.

Then, he woke up again at a critical moment, and then killed the second-order human being.

If the situation is reversed, the ones sent are strong men from other races.

Perhaps, the result will be different.

"This Yin Jiu is indeed not weak, especially the last Yin Ming body, it is really the only life-saving magic skill!"

"Yes, thanks to God Styx's persistence and generosity.

If he hadn't decisively dispatched ten ninth-level Yinming warriors to forcefully break through the passage between the two worlds, our operation this time might have come back in vain.

"Well, Lord Styx, when Yin Jiu is reborn, you can bring him to my Burning Spirit Realm, and I can give him a chance."

"The same is true for me in the Misty God Realm."

"Hahaha, since the matter here is over, I will go back to retreat first, the scars left by the law of the great way are really irresistible.

After a few small talk and flattery.

A group of alien gods chose to leave one after another.

As Wu Jiangshen said, if the scars of the Dao in their bodies are not suppressed and dealt with quickly, it is likely to bring them indelible and permanent damage.

In that case, the loss outweighs the gain.


Just when several gods got up, they were about to cut through the space and leave this place.

Below, the holographic image of Tianhai City suddenly shattered without warning.


Seeing this scene, all the alien gods turned their attention to the ancient god Burning Spirit.

"A strong man from the race has arrived, and he discovered my spying."


"It doesn't matter, anyway, that weird human race is dead, and Yin Jiu is already ready to be resurrected after death."

"That's right, let's take care of ourselves first."

After hearing the explanation from Burning Spirit Ancient God.

All the alien gods didn't take this matter to heart.

This time, although they all suffered serious injuries, they also lost many low-level battle kings.

But, for them, as long as the 'variable' of Luo Cheng can be wiped out.

The price they paid was nothing.

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