Lin Mo didn't speak, and tentatively attacked Bruno.


Lin Mo looked at Bruno who used the iron, and hurriedly collected some strength, he only punched two punches and immediately retreated.

After blocking these two punches, Bruno said, "What a powerless fist

" "Lan Foot"

As Bruno raised his leg to attack, an air blade tore through the air and went straight to Lin Mo's chest.

Lin Mo, who jumped up to dodge the air blade attack, began to accumulate strength, this seed clone could only use this kind of attack once, so he would show weakness first, so that Bruno would underestimate his strength, so that he could kill with one blow.

Just as Bruno withdrew his leg, Lin Mo's attack with his left hand had already reached Bruno's chest.


is really as Lin Mo thought, Bruno used iron, and he is really confident that the iron block, if you don't die, who will die.

Lin Mo raised his right hand and used all his strength to attack Bruno's head.


Mo's fist gathered terrifying power, tore through the air with extreme speed, and hit Bruno's head hard, directly knocking him back into the carriage in front.

Sanji looked at the mysterious person in front of him in shock, he knew how strong Bruno was, the person in front of him actually knocked Bruno away with one punch, and the strength of the punch made the carriage crack, this blow was too terrifying.

Lin Mo's doppelganger glanced at Sanji and Usopp, and found that neither of them was in danger of life, so he left the carriage directly, he couldn't reveal his identity yet, the task had not been completed, and there could be no accidents.

Lu Qi looked at Bruno who fell to the ground in front of him, he was no longer breathing, his head was already deformed, it seemed that the power of the attack was quite terrifying, I am afraid that he would lose a lot in terms

of strength? Lu Qi frowned and said, "Someone actually killed Bruno, the strength is very strong."

Kaku was also surprised and said, "The two people in the carriage just now shouldn't have such a strong force, it seems that there are others there."

Luch looked at Frankie and said, "Is there anyone else with you?" Frankie

shook his head and said, "I don't know!

Lu Qi glanced at Lin Mo and said, "Are there such powerful people in the Straw Hats?" Lin Mo

said, "You have seen all of them, do you think any of them can do it?"

Lu Qi said, "Hurry back to your seat, Nicole Robin!

Lin Mo didn't speak, and walked silently towards the carriage between them.

Frankie saw Lin Mo walk into the carriage and said, "Hey, wait for me." Frankie, who ignored CP9, chased after him.

"Is it okay to keep the two of them together?" said

Lucie, "and they're on Justice Island, and they don't have a chance to escape."

Then Luci returned to his seat, and Bruno's death didn't matter to him.

Robin wakes up on the other side and finds himself on the Merry with Sound Bay in front of him.

Robin picked up Yinbei and started playing, and Lin Mo's voice sounded inside, "Robin, I know you have a lot of questions, I know your past, and I also know why you help the government." You don't want to trouble us, I'm afraid that the Demon Slayer Order will hurt us......

" "But you mean something different to me, I must keep you by my side, no matter what the price is! "

I'm pretending to be you now, I want you to know that the Demon Slayer Order is not terrible, and what the people of the World Government say is not credible, and Luffy and they won't give up your ......" "

Robin, I can't do without you, if you approve of me, follow the Merry to the Justice Island to pick me up, if you don't want to come, it's okay, tell the Merry that she will send you back to the Water Capital." She has a soul. We'll figure it out for ourselves. "

Robin, I really hope that when the Merry arrives on Justice Island, you'll show up and tell me in person that you'll stay.

"Finally, I'm saying a word, I'm very domineering, if you leave secretly, no matter where you chase you, I'll chase you back!" Robin

was stunned after hearing this, and his mind was messed up, although Lin Mo usually took care of her a little more, but he didn't feel that Lin Mo meant anything else to her? Why did he suddenly confess to himself! And he was so domineering? And wasn't he engaged to Princess Weiwei?

Robin opened the video phone bug next to him and saw the exact same version of himself in it.

At this time, Robin suddenly thought, "If Lin Mo wants to become exactly like others, he has to wrap this person's whole body, so isn't it that his own body has been touched all over his body by that guy, and he knows what size!"

Thinking of this, Robin's cold temperament couldn't help but blush, and muttered in a low voice, "I must fix that guy when he comes back, I didn't see that he was so attentive, and he didn't marry Weiwei yet, so he began to pursue himself! If you don't teach him a lesson, I don't know how many women there will be in the future! But I am so much older than him...... Ah, what am I talking about! I don't plan to say yes to him yet!"

On the other side, the Frankie family, who were separated from the Rockete-Man sea train, met Sanji and Usopp, and soon the Rocketeer, who was knocked off by Henggang, also returned.

Luffy looked at the masked Usopp with a puzzled expression and said, "Who are you?"

Usopp said seriously, "I'm Usopp's friend, the sniper king of Sniper Island, and I've been entrusted by him to help everyone!"

Luffy and Chopper's eyes began to glow.

Luffy said excitedly, "Eng...... Hero! I saw you wearing a cape, and I felt like this! It's so cool! It's the first time I've seen

a hero!" Chopper also had the same expression as Luffy, and said, "That's it, it's a hero who wears a cape!"

The Frankie family and the boatmen next to him looked at Luffy and Chopper suspiciously, and they couldn't recognize it.

Chopper took out a small notebook and asked Usopp to sign it, and after getting the signature, he said, "Where is this sniper island

......?" Heart.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Sanji said, "Miss Nami, and the fools other than Miss Nami, please listen to me, CP9 has caught Sister Robin's weakness, even if we break into the enemy camp and meet Sister Robin, she may not come back with us, so ......

" Luffy suddenly yelled "What is that kind of thing!

Chopper's brain circuit seemed to be synchronized with Luffy at this time

, and when Luffy shouted, he also cooperated and shouted, "Woo!" Luffy shouted again, "Robin, that guy!" Nami punched Luffy directly in the head, and said angrily, "What are you talking about!" Luffy

said confidently, "Isn't that so? Why did you refuse us to save her?"

Nami said, "Robin

is worried that after she is rescued, we will be in danger!"

Luffy said loudly, "That's not all about this, if you don't save Robin, she'll be killed!I can't let him die, so I must save her

!" At this time, Barry said, "Everyone come here!"

After finding that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Barry took out a hand-drawn map and said. I've been here here before, and I've drawn it from memory, the general topography of Justice Island, with the Gate of Justice at the back. If we can't get Nicole Robin and Frankie back before we get through the gates of justice, we won't have a chance.

Luffy didn't understand and said, "Why? No matter where Robin is taken, we just need to chase it until we get it back."

Nami said, "Didn't you say it before, through the Gate of Justice, there is either the Navy Headquarters or the Deep Sea Prison in front of us, and with our strength, there is no way to rescue Robin from those two places." "

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