JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 472

"Indeed." Yukoshita on the side nodded solemnly. She didn't seem to be surprised by Chengtaro's answer, because if it were her, she would answer like that.

Maintaining a family and a marriage is a difficult thing. If you betray the whole family because of your own selfish desires, then this person must be quite bad, and Xuexiaxue would not agree.

People like her, even if it is too difficult to die, will not easily mention divorce. It is even more nonsense to make her betray the family. People who are difficult to master will be more difficult to change once they are completely in love. Is to appear stubborn.

"..." Yuihama Yui didn't speak for a while. She seemed to be thinking of her old father who was still in the drug rehabilitation center, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"What about Sister Sanjiu? What would you do?" Yotsuba suddenly asked Sanjiu on the side. She suddenly wanted to know how her normally peaceful third sister would choose when faced with such things.

However, Sanjiu was only taken aback when he heard the words, then he tilted his head, smiled and said something that made everyone present could not help but shake:

"Ah... if my future husband betrays me... just divide him into five equal parts, together with the woman who seduce him."

"I'll give you Yotsuba's share, Yotsuba, don't worry."

"No, no...I don't want to receive such a gift at all." Yotsuba was so scared by Sanjiu's words that her face turned pale, and she didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

However, the moment Yotsuba bowed his head, he suddenly remembered something.

Wait... Sister Sanjiu's sentence... does it mean something else?

Is she simply teasing me?Are you kidding me?Or... warning me?

At this time, Yotsuba suddenly realized, but she had already been scared with a thin layer of cold sweat behind her back. She just woke up at this time, her third sister is not as simple as she thought!

Chapter 55: Sanjiu has long seen through Xuena

On the second day, the sound of waves hitting the coast awakened everyone who was sleeping. The sun on the beach rose very early, and now it is even more intensely hot. Early, the sun hits people through the windows, even if The air conditioner was turned on, and the person who took the picture felt a little hot and had to open his eyes.

"...Huh." During sleep, the loose eyebrows suddenly wrinkled again, as if they were being transported again. Just when he recovered, Cheng Taro's nerves became habitually tense, and he was able to throw in at any time. fighting.

He slept a bit badly last night. He had a bad dream. He dreamed that his arm was held down by something soft, like [Yellow Temperance], something like jelly, But it was a little heavy, he couldn't move, no matter how hard he struggled, the arm couldn't be pulled out.

However, at this time, when Chengtaro woke up slowly, he slowly recovered his senses.

...No, that's not right, why can't my arm come out?

"Ha..." Suddenly, a scent of fragrant wind came from Chengta Lang's cold face. With a trace of heat, Cheng Taro opened his eyes suddenly, but he was facing the beautiful sleeping face of the country. .

I have to say that it was so exciting early in the morning, and Cheng Taro couldn't stand it. At this moment, his heartbeat stopped suddenly.

Of course, soon, Cheng Taro's breathing returned to normal, and his heartbeat stabilized. The horrified eyes at the beginning slowly turned cold, and then slowly became helpless.

Right across from Chengtaro, Bai Shangfuxue, who was transformed into a human form, was sleeping soundly, sleeping on this big bed big enough for three people to roll over. Her slim body was so easy, I saw that she took away Chengtaro's side In the same quilt, I slept very peacefully.

Even Chengtaro saw the corner of the fox's mouth, and the crystal clear drops of water slowly flowed down, hitting the arm of Chengtaro that became a pillow of Fuxue without knowing when.

The corner of his mouth twitched a little, Cheng Taro looked at the sleeping Zhengxiang little fox, and after a long while, he still failed to make the determination to wake her up.

"——[Platinum Star. World]."

With the sound of the gears of time gradually stopping, everything in the world stopped moving again...



Breaking two eggs into the frying pan with one hand, there was no unnaturalness in the whole process. Yukino under the snow was busy in the kitchen on the first floor, wearing an apron. Seeing her calm appearance, it was obvious that she was already familiar with such things. Very handy.

But the other figure seemed a little uncomfortable. Nakano Sanjiu was hurriedly cutting frozen bacon while holding another pot of boiling water, putting a tablespoon of salt in it, and then realized. Finding that he had been unhelpful, he made a burst of hurried sounds like small animals.

"...I'll come." Hearing this sound almost exactly the same as when Yuihama Yui made a mistake, Yukoshita Yukino knew what had happened even if he didn't look back. He rolled his eyes helplessly, and then took it. The kitchen knife in Sanjiu's hand single-mindedly cut up the bacon.

"Student Xuexia...very amazing." Sanjiu was taken away from her job, but she didn't feel embarrassed. She quickly recovered her peace. She smiled like a quiet literary girl, slow Said slowly.

"Nothing, living alone, just used to it."

This is nothing to show off for Xuexia, who has a high self-esteem. She is different from Sanjiu who has four other sisters. Although Xueno has other brothers and sisters, she doesn’t care at all, although her father treats her very much. Good, but she was also fed up with the pressure of her mother and sister at home, and moved out by herself. These life skills, a life skill that advocates perfection in everything, are fundamentally necessary abilities.

"...In addition, Mr. Black Bear, can you not hide and listen quietly? If you have this leisure, it is better to help me beat the little hand."


The wooden sliding door was slowly opened, revealing the figure of Jotaro leaning on the side of the kitchen door, looking at the quiet smile of Sanjiu on the side, and the Yukoshita Yukino who turned unwillingly, Dressed neatly, he said dullly:

"Intuition is very keen."

"No, it's not instinct. Mr. Black Bear's figure is too burly. From the sound of the wooden stairs, I knew it must be you."


Facing Yukino’s way of speaking that it was a stab, Jotaro said that he was used to it, and didn’t want to spend any more words. It would be better to say that if Yukino didn’t stab him one day, he might even wonder if she was caught again. Pretend.

"Good morning, Chengtaro-san."

"Yeah." After a brief greeting with Sanjiu, looking at the busy Xuexia, he also slowly screwed up the black sleeves, "What am I going to do."

"Chopping bacon, washing vegetables, simple basic tasks that even chimpanzees can master."

With that said, Xue Nao also temporarily put aside his work, turned and walked towards the outside and said: "I'm going to show the plate, you and Sanjiu will do this first."

With the sound of the sliding door, there were only Mikaku and Jotaro left in the kitchen. Yukino went outside and set the plate alone.

"...I'm sorry, Chengtaro-san, Yukoshita"

"...I know that woman better than you, it's okay, I'm used to it."

Interrupting Sanjiu's overly empathetic behavior, Jotaro said that he didn't take it to heart. If he took it to heart every time he talked to this woman, Yukino Yukoshita would still be standing here. It is estimated that it would be two days away. Going to the hospital, but Jotaro is not the one who does things to women, nor the one who has little belly.

"The relationship between you two is very good." Sanjiu was slightly stagnant when he heard the words, but soon asked without any malicious intent. While cleaning the vegetables, he asked Chengtaro:

"Yukishita-classmate doesn't seem to have many friends at ordinary times. It seems that she spends more time with Chengtaro-classmate."

"……she is my friend."

It is hard to hear the meaning of the sentence that Mikao asked. Jotaro cut the frozen bacon and replied slowly:

"Although she has a bad temper and character, she is very upright and righteous, and treats others as sincere. She is a trustworthy woman."

Yukoshita Yukino is a "new" friend to Chengtaro. A friend of this character has never been in contact with Chengtaro before.Whether it is the serious and somewhat reckless Abdel, or the sometimes unreliable but extremely righteous Polunaev, or the old man, the Huajingyuan, although their personalities are very different, they are all gregarious, not particularly mavericks. .

But Xuexiaxue is not the same. She is quite independent. She has not experienced the baptism of battle, but she has a sense of elegance and refinement that ordinary people don't have, but her temper is unexpectedly uncomfortable.

Chengtaro had always thought that he and this woman were incompatible types, but after experiencing so many things, Chengtaro had to admit that in this world, Yukoshita Yukino, except for his family, The top three important people.

"...Why did you ask her suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I just think that if Chengtaro-san just now, Yukoshita-san would be very happy if he knew."

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