JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 531

And while the few people were still talking about something, a weird figure that was leaving quickly passed by the three of them. Suddenly, the eyes of Jotaro and Higiya were locked on that person. , Even Xue Xia Xue Nai turned around and looked at each other with hindsight.

This person’s dress is quite weird. Although it is now approaching autumn, the weather is not very cool. However, this person ran out wearing a beige coat, and he could raise his collar for fear that others would recognize him. Out of her.

In this kind of weather, Yukino Yukoshita had known Chengtaro in her life, but now another one appeared, and she couldn't help but wonder.

However, this person obviously also noticed the gaze of the three of them, and turned around with a slight tremor.The face that couldn't be concealed even wearing sunglasses, at that moment, everyone recognized each other.

"...Hiratsuka-sensei?" X2

"Ah, it's you mother-in-law."

"Who is a mother-in-law!" Chengtaro's name is still so popular, Hiratsuka stopped disguising on the spot, and shouted angrily. However, Chengtaro was sitting there, she did not dare to use it. The fist greeted him, because Hiratsuka knew that it was all futile.

"...Are you going out to steal a supper?" Biqigu said helplessly with a pair of dead fish eyes.He could tell at a glance the whereabouts and purpose of this unscrupulous female teacher.

For dinner, everyone ate a bento provided by the hotel. To be honest, the food is not delicious. However, the teachers have to be optimistic about the students, so they are generally not allowed to go out at will, especially at nights like this.

"I, I just go out and step on it for you little rascals!"

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka was panicked at this time, and it was a bit embarrassing to be caught by his student.However, no matter how she quibbleed, she couldn't change the cold eyes that the three of them looked at her.

In the end, the furious Hiratsuka Shizuka finally abandoned all pretense and shouted in despair:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just sneaked out to have supper! What's wrong?!"

"You little rascals, don't think about it if you see it! Give me your enlightenment one by one!"

After finishing speaking, Hiratsuka came up and grabbed the bewildered Higiya Hachiman's collar, and took the shoulders of Yukino Yukino who hadn't reacted to the side, and grabbed two people and walked outside.

Ignoring the voices of the two, Hiratsuka yelled at the still sitting Jotaro: "Smelly boy! Can't you follow? Don't you want free supper?!"

"... yeah, yeah, beat the thief."

In response to this, after a moment of silence, Cheng Taro expressed helplessness, and finally chose to silently follow.

Chapter 116: The Supper That Was Not Peaceful (Seeking Recommendations and Tickets)

In the middle of the night, in a remote place in Kyoto, a small ramen restaurant is still shining with a little light.

Although the lights in the noodle shop are a bit dim, the diners are in an endless stream. At this point in time, they are also full of people. The small ramen shop, the air is filled with the simple smell of noodles and the taste of bones, and a burst The heat flow echoed with the sound of eating noodles.

In front of the counter of the ramen shop, there are a row of people who are quite eye-catching.The two men and two women, however, are quite different in their dresses. One pair still has traces of summer, while the other pair is wearing overcoats, as if entering autumn.

However, the current weather is a time when it is difficult to even wear clothes. What really attracts the eye is their uniform high looks.Looking at the back, it was as if a couple had brought their two children out for supper, but who knew that there was only one adult among the four, and the other three were classmates of the same grade.

After a while, a bowl of noodles came in front of the four.However, looking at the soup under the thick oil red sauce, Yukino's face looked a bit ugly.

Mr. Hiratsuka and Higiya are experts in ramen. They are too familiar with what kind of ramen is truly delicious; and Jotaro, although he doesn't like ramen much, his taste is a bit more important, naturally and the other two People are about the same.

Yukoshita Yukino's solid family business made her have little contact with such food, and the other three ordered ramen in thick soup. In order to conceal the embarrassment that she did not know how to eat ramen, she rarely followed But when one end came up, she felt that she was wrong.

She is a girl. Although she is naturally beautiful, she also pays special attention to her figure and appearance. Such a bowl of ramen floating with heavy oil makes her taste light and unacceptable for a while.

"I started." X2

On the other side, Higiya Hachiman and Shizuka Hiratsuka can't wait to get started.Jotaro, who was sitting next to Yukino under Yukoshita, was about to start eating, but he noticed Yukino's slightly unpleasant face.

"...Can't stand heavy oil?"

"No, it's just that I can't cope with this kind of food."

However, the arrogant Yukino, even now, is still stiff to the extreme, showing no trace of embarrassment. If he doesn't know Yuukita's person well, Cheng Taro might believe it.

She seemed to have noticed Chengtaro's slightly changed eyes, but Yukoshita Yukino grasped the slender fingers of the chopsticks a bit harder, and she suddenly felt underestimated.

Suddenly forgetting his dislike for heavy oil, Yukoshita Yukino, under Chengtaro's cold-eyed gaze, picked up a small chopstick in a gesture, holding a nearly dead end attitude, and took a big sip...

In the next second, she almost didn't vomit.

"...A glass of ice water."

Silently delivered the ice water in front of Yukoshita, Chengtaro no longer paid attention to this, and continued to look at the ramen in front of him, eating without a bite.


Suddenly, on the other side, Bi Qigu, who lowered his head to eat noodles, seemed to have discovered something different.

I only saw a young girl in orange clothes and ponytails in a location not far from him, eating ramen on a table alone, she was drinking all the noodle soup. , Took out a little money and put it on the table, and then left soon.

...A place like a ramen restaurant, girls usually don't come by themselves.Knowing the truth of this, Higiya Hachiman was already a little wary in his heart.(In Japan, girls generally don’t go to ramen restaurants by themselves. This seems to be a local characteristic, but I don’t know why.)

And... He was combing a ponytail to the right, brown hair, and orange clothes.

It feels similar to what Huajingyuan describes...very close.

"...I'll go outside and get some drinks."

Saying this, Higiya Hachiman put down his chopsticks and soup spoon, and followed silently.

On the other side, looking at the sharp expression in Higiya Hachiman's dead fish eyes, Cheng Taro already understood that he should have noticed something.

However, looking at the two girls who were unable to resist, Chengtaro was a bit unable to walk away for a while. At the moment, he could only take out his mobile phone and silently send a message to a number.


Higiya Hachiman has his hands in his pockets, and has been keeping a relatively safe distance from the shadow. He looks unprepared, but [Silver Moon] has already wrapped his body and hidden him Under the clothes.

During the day, Higiya Hachiman still remembered that his abdomen was almost knocked to the ground by an attack that seemed to tear the space. However, this time, Higiya Hachiman still chose to face it alone.

Was he afraid, of course he was afraid, but he thought about another point.

——What would happen if this attack was not greeted by his [Silver Moon] but on Chengtaro's [Platinum Star]?

[Silver’s Nigetsu] The injury reported to the body was originally very small, which is not lighter than Kegu’s tossing. If Chengtaro was attacked, Biguya Hachiman could not imagine this scene because he knew that this Once something happened, Jotaro would only be a dead end.

At present, he alone has the sufficient advantage to face her, so Biqigu will not escape this.

In life, he only promises, but in battle, he strikes hard!

It is said that the avatar will inspire and give feedback to the other side of the avatar messenger's heart. Then, [Silver Ngaiyue] is the perfect presentation of the heart of Bigiya Hachiman.

Without self, it is like fluid, no attack can hurt him; but when it comes to fighting, it is extremely difficult and sharp. Even after a little exercise, there is no shortage of the need for frontal combat. power!

At a corner, the girl's body suddenly accelerated!

Losing his vision of the girl, Biqigu Hachiman's heart sank, and he quickly summoned his stand-in, and he also followed up suddenly, he knew that the other party had found him!

However, just when he ran to the corner, he didn't find a trace, which made Biqigu who followed him slightly startled.

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