JOJOs who are doing things daily

JOJOs Who Make Things Everyday Chapter 553

"... Isn't this bad?" The cold female voice seemed a little embarrassed.However, when another figure heard this from his companion, he said naturally:

"Although it's not so good, isn't it even worse for JOJO to be with a girl we don't know?"

"Xiaoxue, you also want to know, Isshiki sauce seems to have to ask JOJO alone."

"..." After hearing this, the girl was silent for a long time, and the girl said more at the end, letting the girl pull her palm, and followed the two people to be careful not to be found.

She only feels like a detective wife who has accepted a strange commission to investigate the truth of her husband’s extramarital affairs, but such a wonderful idea only stayed in her mind for less than a few seconds, and she was left behind. Up.

However, just behind the back of the two of them leaving, the two of them did not feel it. A secret and extremely safe figure followed behind the two women, without a trace of disharmony from beginning to end, as if one An ordinary girl shopping.

He didn't make any disguise, he just put on a pair of plain glasses, but he twisted the hair of one end silently and hid it under the brim of his hat.

However, Chengtaro, who was walking in the forefront, was dealing with Isshiki's conversation, but he looked behind him from the corner of the eye, and a slight smile appeared on his plain face.

Chapter 138: This is my escape route

"Where do the seniors go to play?"

"...I don't have any hobbies, but I go to the library often."

Jotaro temporarily ignored the two figures who followed him, and thought he hadn’t found them, and focused on dealing with the same color. Compared with the one who is a little unsure of him now, he already knows the bottom two people behind. , It's much easier to deal with in comparison.

"But dating isn't suitable for going to the library..." Isshiki's answer surprised Isshiki. She originally thought that the physique of Chengtaro should be the sports place the most, but she did not expect it to be a literature department. .

Could it be... this outfit actually looks very strong, but the inside is really empty?There was a smirk on the corner of Isshiki's mouth, and he was a bit bad guessing in his heart.

"In that case, there is really no way, then let me show the way for seniors."

Yi Huei Yu walked a few steps faster, and under Cheng Taro's sight, she slowly walked under a bulletin board. Cheng Taro took a closer look and found that it was a list of movies.

Watching a movie...That's right, if you want to say "date", this seems to be a point of no escape.

Jotaro's interest in watching movies is really average, but he really likes some cowboys and action movies. However, he glanced at the list and found that they were all subjects that he was not interested in. He was immediately wiped out. .

"What kind of movies do seniors like?" Ichiba originally wanted to choose one by himself, but when he thought that there was another one by his side, he gave the initiative to Chengtaro.

"No, I..."

However, Chengtaro originally wanted to say that he didn't particularly like it, but the next second, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the two figures with his back against him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. At that time, he changed his mind.

"...Just choose the one that can be played at the earliest. I don't want to waste too much time waiting."

"Ah, the next movie will start in half an hour!"

After listening to Chengtaro's words, he glanced at it with a single glance, and he exhaled at first, hurriedly pulled Chengtaro's sleeve, and rushed towards the ticket office.

And the moment the two rushed away, the two figures also immediately followed.

"Excuse me, please give me two tickets for the movie that will start soon!"

Isse pulled Jotaro hurriedly to the ticket office, and smiled at the conductor's sister.

"Okay." The conductor looked at the two people in front of him, chuckled lightly, and didn't say anything. After printing the two tickets, he handed them to the two people:

"The place next to it, please put it away."

"Thank you." Isshiki accepted the two tickets with a smile, pulled the sleeve of Chengtaro who had been silent behind him, and smiled:

"Senior, let's go in."

"...You go buy some drinks." After a short silence, Jotaro said to Yishi faintly: "I'll go to the bathroom to smoke a cigarette."

"The smoking room is in the most remote place." The conductor heard this, pointing in one direction and smiling.

"Yeah." Cheng Taro nodded, without lowering his head for half a minute, and said slowly: "I'll meet in there in a while."

With that said, Chengtaro walked inward with a stride, leaving him looking at his burly back, slowly disappearing from her perspective.

"Really, is there a man who asks girls to pay? Although I pulled him out..."

Isshiki seemed to be quite dissatisfied with Chengtaro's reaction, but now that it is useless to complain, although a little reluctant, she still obediently bought a drink.

The drinks vending machine seems to be a bit far's troublesome.

But at the moment Ise was walking away, two figures sprang out from somewhere. Before the conductor could react, the two people in front of her who were wearing peaked caps, sunglasses and masks came to her. In front of him, one of them hurriedly said to her:

"I want tickets for the two people just now in a broadcasting hall, and I want to sit behind them."


For a while, such a weird but inexplicable scene with a sense of sight made the conductor girl finally feel a little confused.


Those two...Forget it, don't hide anymore, everyone knows who you are.

Yukino and Yubihama quickly found a place to sit in the studio. It seems that this is not a very popular movie. Although it is a day off, there are still a few places in the cinema. It hasn't started playing yet, so the interior is still very bright.

"...Isn't it too suspicious not to take off your hat like this?" Yukino finally found something wrong, and she followed after her brain heated up, and now she started to regret it.

"Suspicious is better than seeing through." On the side, Yubihama seemed a little helpless because of Yukino's hesitation. She looked at the big screen in front of her with her sunglasses and said slowly:

"Moreover, it's okay if I was discovered, we just want to know what Isshiki-chan commissioned JOJO alone, and we can explain it after seeing through.

"...I really envy you for being so calm."

At this moment, Yui Hihama called Yui Yui on the phone at the beginning, and Yukoshita Yukino, dressed so strangely, secretly regretted that he had made such a choice. If he was discovered by Jotaro, wouldn’t she be quite Embarrassing.

I don't care about that guy very much, why did I agree to it when my brain got hot.

However, this sentence is somewhat convincing for Xueno herself, perhaps even she herself would feel guilty.

……It's just that, as a minister, you can't let the members face the commission alone, um, that's it.After changing the direction, Xue Nai found a reason for herself, and seemed to be able to convince herself a little bit.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, where did JOJO go?" Yubihama asked suspiciously when he looked around but didn't see Jotaro's figure.Xue Nai on the side was slightly stagnant when he heard the words, and replied guessingly:

"He should have gone smoking. If no one is watching him, he may not be able to hold on for an hour."

"Really." Yukino's determined voice made Yubihama put aside his guesswork for a while, because he settled down.

However, Yuihama Yui looked at the time displayed on his mobile phone, but felt that something was wrong.

It will start in 18 minutes...Why don't JOJO and Isshiki-chan appear yet?


But at this moment, when Isshiki was walking back with two bottles of canned drinks, he was taken aback by a burly figure and froze in place.

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