Journey from Konoha Chapter 98


Chapter 97 My student

Although Kagami does not plan to use Izanagi and Izanami, because these two techniques There is no need to learn, just remember the reason why it can be cast, Kagami still took a little time to memorize the two spells.

Then, Kagami took a look at other technical formulas, and there were a few more that interested him, namely Eight-Inner Gates, summon · Explosive Tag, Genjutsu · Dark Line. technique.

bite off more than one can chew, Kagami is not a Ninjutsu genius, Flying Thunder God Jutsu can't learn it, let alone so many arts, so Kagami only intends to pick one of them.

Exclude Genjutsu first. This Jutsu is a dark line. Although it is also very strong, Kagami with Mangekyo has no shortage of Genjutsu, and it is not a Genjutsu genius. There is no need to learn some overly proven Genjutsu.

Next is Eight-Inner Gates, this move, Kagami is very interested, but it takes too long to exercise, besides, Kagami with Mangekyo with eyes, Kagami with Susanoo, Eight-Inner Gates this Jutsu , the help for Kagami is not obvious. Unless the Eight-Gates is turned on, Kagami doesn't want to court death. Besides, Kagami still doesn't know if he can train to the Eight-Gates.

Finally, there is only one summon · Explosive Tag technique left. This Ninjutsu was also invented by Second Hokage Tobirama and belongs to S-Rank Forbidden Jutsu. Zhang Explosive Tag can be infinite summon out Explosive Tag Concentrate on a point for infinite continuous explosion!

The horror of this Jutsu lies in the word "infinite". To be honest, can the formidable power of Explosive Tag blow up people? If it's just one, Kagami, a weak chicken with extremely low defensive power, will not necessarily die, and maybe there will be a breath left.

Therefore, the formidable power of Explosive Tag can't be considered in Ninja World, but if you add the word "unlimited", everything will be different. In original work, Konan is 600 billion. Explosive Tag, even Obito was bombed and had to use Izanagi to survive, and if it was infinite, I'm afraid Obito would be planted in Konan's hands.

This is a Ninjutsu with formidable power that is terrifying! Unless the target is blown into pieces, it will keep summon out of Explosive Tag explosion.

The reason why this Jutsu is listed as Forbidden Jutsu is that its formidable power is too large, the duration is too long, and the range is too large. Once cast, even the caster itself will be involved in the explosion, unable to survive.

Such an infinite summon Explosive Tag explosion technique, once deployed, even the current Kagami is not sure to escape the explosion range in time. So, this Jutsu is actually a perish together art.

It was originally developed to cooperate with Impure World Reincarnation, because the body of Impure World Reincarnation is not afraid of death, so this formidable power technique, used in conjunction with Impure World Reincarnation, is an extremely terrifying technique. .

However, this Jutsu should also be able to cooperate with another technique, that is Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

Kagami's current Body Flicker Jutsu isn't sure to escape the blast range, but the Flying Thunder God Jutsu certainly can!

That's it!

Kagami chose such a technique, as long as it is learned, the problem of Kagami's low attack power will be solved, even if it is Tailed Beast, under the bombardment of [Infinite] Explosive Tag, I am afraid it will not be better. where to go.

Before studying, however, there is one more thing to do.


"En? Kagami is okay?"

Bai looked towards Kagami in confusion. Kagami just lowered his head and indulged in looking Scroll of Seals, Shiro didn't bother Kagami, and carefully guarded the surroundings by himself.

Kagami waved at White.

"Come, come and see something."


White obediently and honestly walked up to Kagami, who pointed to the Scroll of Seals 【Genjutsu ·Dark Line】on the top, speak to Shiro.

"I hope you can learn this Jutsu."

Kagami intends to let Bai learn【Genjutsu ·Dark Line】this Jutsu, Kagami with Mangekyo, there is no shortage of Genjutsu, but Bai is different, he doesn't know anything about Genjutsu at all, Kagami thinks, Genjutsu this thing, it is necessary to learn one!

Of course, Bai impossible refused Kagami's request and agreed in one breath, saying that he would definitely learn this Jutsu.

Next, the two of them started their studies here. After all, both of them have nothing to do, and the time to invade Konoha has not yet come.

Although Kagami knew that the Konoha side would definitely send someone to hunt down Kagami, and also knew that staying in one place for a long time would be discovered by Konoha. However, does Kagami have a reason to escape?

No, he is no longer the weak Kagami before, and now he is not afraid of anyone in the current Ninja World! The reason why I didn't fight Third-Kage before was because Kagami was lazy and entangled with Third-Kage and wanted to study the content on Scroll of Seals as soon as possible, so he ran away.

Now that Kagami has time to practice Ninjutsu on the Scroll of Seals, he won't waste time running away.

If Third-Kage chases after himself, Kagami at worst will throw away Third-Kage and find another place to practice again. This is not to be afraid of Third-Kage, mainly, fight with Third-Kage. Get up, Kagami doesn't have the confidence to kill Third-Kage alone. In the end, it's time-consuming and laborious, and it's not good. What's the use? Might as well throw away the Third-Kage at first and make time to practice what's on the Scroll of Seals.

Of course, if Anbu or some Jonin chase after him, Kagami doesn't have to run away, just kill him.

However, Kagami would not have imagined that soon, he would welcome that person.

Third-Kage handed a kunai to the person in front of him.

"Kakashi, this is the kunai from Kagami's legacy last night. There should be his residual smell on it."

Kakashi nodded and quickly hand seal.

“Summoning Justu!”

With a burst of smoke, a yellow puppy with a Konoha headband appears, to which Kakashi speaks.

"Pakkun, smell the strange smell on this kunai and find him!"

Pakkun saw the seriousness on Kakashi and Third-Kage's faces and knew that This time things were serious, ran to kunai and sniffed.

"I remembered, should I look for it now?"

Kakashi nods.



Pakkun replied, jumping out the window and following the scent.

Kakashi walked over to the window and was about to follow Pakkun when Third-Kage suddenly spoke up.

"Kakashi, Kagami, it's up to you, Scroll of Seals is very important. But I'm sorry for that child, please don't hurt him, just take back Scroll of Seals!"

Kakashi turned his head slightly. In his memory, the silent youngster who just reported to him came to his mind again, that guy is his student! He is the only student who has passed his exam so far, how could he be

“Sandaime sama please rest assured, that child is my student!”

Third-Kage Slightly stunned, he noticed that Kakashi's words were missing the word "Once".

"Isn't it once?"

Kakashi smiled slightly, that child is really bitter, and his life experience is so similar to him.

"Before, now, and in the future! He will always be my student! I, Hatake Kakashi's own student!"

In that child, Kakashi seemed to see In the past, the father (parents) died, Obito and Rin (Daisuke and Motoji) also died, and finally, the master (Shisui) also died.

At that time, Kakashi became the coldest killer in Anbu, and Kagami became a Missing-nin, similar experiences, different results.

But Kakashi knows that living like that is misery and wrong, this time

【I'm going to get you back on track, Kagami! As a student, you have to listen to what sensei has to say! ]

Kakashi and Kagami didn't spend much time together, but their experiences were so similar that, after Shisui's death, Kakashi was perhaps the only one who could understand Kagami's pain, and the other, It's Itachi.

Only when you understand the pain can you realize how much sadness and helplessness the defection in the eyes of most people is full of! Even, there is a huge hatred!

(end of this chapter)

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