Whether the mastermind's goal behind this incident was either the Clan's or the City Lord's, Ming Ren didn't exactly have anything to do with it. He really couldn't care less if the Cloud, White, and Silver Clans had heavy losses, but this way of doing things didn't please him either.

The ones that suffered the most were loose cultivators or those from the lower ranked clans, and these types of clans would also think of this type of event as an opportunity to temper their members and even try their luck at getting some good monster cores, so of course, they'd send a few teams over.

Although Ming Ren's knowledge and exceptional Cultivation Law meant he would be able to deal with the consequences of being exposed to this place's harmful spirit energy and baleful aura, he couldn't just wait for everything to pass. Lin Qiang and the rest would not be as lucky as him.

"Senior, can you locate the Beast Tamer…?" If the Tamer was taken out everything would be much easier. However, there was still a good chance he was at least peak of the Spirit Sea Realm.

"He is not within the forest. Besides, it wouldn't matter. This type of command lasts until the tamed beast's death. They're disposable."

Jana didn't sound worried not pitied their lives. Not all Spirit Beasts shared blood and ties, and tamed beasts gave their lives and souls to their tamer. Sacrificing themselves for him was a way of fulfilling their wishes.

Taking out the tamer was not an option. Ming Ren carefully examined the things he obtained before by looting cultivator's and spirit beasts corpses: several monster cores, several low-ranked pills for injury recovery and qi replenishing, a few low-ranked traps made for Spirit Beasts, and low-quality silver needles.

The traps were too weak to be of any use in a large scale battle. The rest didn't have any use in this situation. Ming Ren sighed. With useless tools, improving their strength seemed to be the best course of action available. No matter how many Spirit Beasts were there, unless one extremely high ranked was among their ranks, the cultivator's from the clans would be able to fight and eventually defeat them.

However, their losses would not be small.

Ming Ren decided to break through from the inside the moment the other groups started their attack. But first their odds of survival needed to be improved. With a small and almost imperceptible flash, the Bright Eyes technique activated.

'What fierce Eye Technique!' Jana couldn't help but inwardly praise.

Ming Ren scanned the unconscious group and then sighed. Aside from Lin Qiang and Elder Lin Dong, the rest was fairly ordinary. With this place's special requirements, having them breakthrough inside was nearly the same as hurting their cultivation path prematurely.

Elder Lin Dong and Lin Qiang were different. The elder had wood as a True Element, making this place have a beneficial effect instead of a harmful one. The young woman had a [Supreme Beast God's Blessing].

Although her body looked very ordinary and only by reaching the peak of the Body Tempering Realm her True Elements and Rare Energies would be known, once the blessing awakened no amount of harmful Spirit Energy or baleful aura could suppress its magnificence.

Suddenly, Ming Ren had a thought.

"Senior Jana, if you're willing to trust this Junior, this might be yet another opportunity for your Sacred Tree Clan!"

"An opportunity?" Jana asked with interest.

"As long as senior is willing to share your bloodlines with these two, the odds of your clan being saved would rise once again. Even if I, Ming Ren, am I unable to do it, that girl certainly would be able to do so!" Although Ming Ren asked like it was a small favor, the truth of the matter was very different.

Spirit Beasts were extremely proud creatures. Sharing their bloodlines was a great honor, but more than that, it signified trust, acceptance, and its willingness to take the other party as kin. A connection of both body and soul. How could it be shared so easily?

Jana stayed quiet, pondering for a while. Deep in thought, it struggled inside. In all of her existence, she never shared her bloodlines with anyone before. Now, not only this youth but two more human younglings?

By this point, however, Jana was utterly convinced Ming Ren was uncommon, and this weighted heavily in its decision, "Very well, but I need an explanation. You should know this matter is not to be taken lightly."

Ming Ren didn't beat around the bushes, "That girl… is a Spiritual beast Oracle!"

"...Impossible!" Jana's eyes shone brightly and they rested on Lin Qiang, "Beast God's Blessing!"

This type of Divine Power was not easy to notice, but once it knew what to look for finding became much easier.

"...How is this possible? On this lower plane… and such a high-grade blessing…" Jana had seen many Spiritual Beast Oracles before and even fought a few. Although they were extremely rare, in the upper realms they banded together and formed an organization.

This girl's blessing was enough to be treated as a treasure even there. As long as she went to the upper realms she would gain tremendous power!

Jana's eyes stared at Ming Ren, wondering what kind of heaven-defying secret this youth had to be able to spot even a Spiritual Beast Oracle. At the same time, it decided not to let go of this opportunity.

As for Lin Dong, it didn't really matter. Having found a Spiritual Beast Oracle, what was another human in the mix? Hell, even if Ming Ren asked it to pass its bloodline to the entire Bright Clan it would still be worth it!

"Very well!" Jana tried to hide its power as much as possible, and at the same time obscure its veil even more so as not to hurt those humans.

Since Jana agreed to it, Ming Ren wanted to wake up Elder Lin Dong and Lin Qiang. The elder opened his eyes first, his body still tattered and torn.

"...Is this the underworld...? W-where? I'm sure I died…" Elder Lin Dong felt weak and feeble.

"Heh, Elder, it was not your time yet!" Ming Ren teased, tossing a few Pills over, "Take them! It won't heal completely, but you'll feel much better!"

"...Benefactor…?" Lin Dong wasn't fully aware of the situation, but now that his benefactor was here, he could only guess he was saved somehow. After taking the pills, he sat to circulate his Qi internally and help the medicine take effect.

Lin Qiang woke up next. All she could remember was going in that small space and then feeling extremely tired before suddenly passing out.

"Where is this?"

"This... " Ming Ren scratched his head looking for the best answer, "A senior's place of rest. We came in uninvited, but he kindly forgave us."

Both Lin Qiang and Lin Dong frowned. They never heard of any senior residing in the Wandering Wood before.

Ming Ren then explained the current situation to them.

"Heavens! So someone is behind this? How could that be!" Elder Lin Dong said.

Lin Qiang gazed at Ming Ren, "...Do you have a plan? Is that senior going to help us?"

Elder Lin Dong looked expectantly, but Ming Ren shook his head.

"We can't depend on senior's direct help. We need to get out by ourselves. As soon as help comes, we'll also rush out from here."

Elder Lin Dong nodded, "I don't know about the other clans, but as long as Little Fu is here the Patriarch will definitely come. He cannot meet his demise here! We must break out and warn them. I also need to pass everything on to the clan!"

Lin Qiang looked at him without understanding, and the Elder took time to explain it to her properly. In any case, she was not only the future of the Forest Clan but also favored by Ming Ren. If anything were to happen to him again, Lin Qiang would be able to pass on everything to the Clan.

The more she heard, the more Lin Qiang's eyes widened in surprise. Improving Cultivation Laws? Creating Heaven-Grade Martial Techniques? Is this a dream?

Suddenly Ming Ren felt a little shy and scratched his head timidly, "hehehe."

"But…" Lin Qiang looked around. Elder Lin Dong, their strongest, was hurt. The rest would be able to fight Body Tempering Realm Spirit Beasts but were powerless in front of stronger ones. Aside from running and hiding there wasn't much they could do, "... there's no way we can pass through these beasts."

Elder Lin Dong knew what she was thinking about, and he looked to Ming Ren, hoping this young benefactor could produce a miracle.

"That's why… we need to power up!" Ming Ren said with confidence.

Power Up? How can it be this easy!

"Benefactor, although this place is full of Spirit Energy and even with the improved Cultivation Law, to suddenly improve so much to make a difference…" Elder Lin Dong couldn't help but say.

"Don't worry. First, pass on the Law and techniques to Miss Lin," Ming Ren said.

The Elder didn't hesitate and taught her everything. Lin Qiang immediately sat to cultivate and practice the improved Law.

Ming Ren activated the Bright Eyes and took a good look at the particularities of her constitution. The green-haired young woman, with her clear eyes and long legs, was extremely alluring, and even Ming Ren felt a little nervous when looking at her so much.

He took his hand in front of his mouth and crossed his arms, saying after a while, "Good!"

Ming Ren then used his Spirit Sense to pass the [One With The Wood] Cultivation Law tailored exactly for her body. Not only that, but he modified it so as to take the most advantage of this place's Spirit Energy and Jana's blood.

Next, he did the same for Lin Dong.

"Now, to open your meridians!" With a set of silver needles in his head, Ming Ren solved a few problems on their constitution, helping their channels to open up better. Every little help counted. Now, the hard part came…

"Senior, it's your turn now," Ming Ren said out loud, and Lin Qiang and Lin Dong looked extremely anxious to meet this senior.

From seemingly out of nowhere, a veiled figure with many eyes appeared, and at that moment both of them felt their souls about to melt away and their minds ready to go crazy. Somehow, even with Jana restraining its powers, it felt as they could drop dead at any moment.

"T-This…" Elder Lin Dong would fall to the ground if he wasn't sitting cross-legged.

Lin Qian stood there in a daze.

"Humans, be grateful. This one is willing to form a pact with you!" Jana tried not to scare them out of their wits.

Both Lin Qiang and Elder Lin Dong trembled. To form a pact with such majestic Spirit Beast?

They could tell the beast was doing its best to stay hidden. If its power was still capable of crushing their souls easily, just what realm was this Spirit Beast at?

Elder Lin Dong looked at Ming Ren and instantly knew. All of this was another opportunity he provided. If not, by his poor talent, how could that being even be interested in him?

With this, his eyes shone with determination!

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