"The Patriarch… died!" Ming Ren wept in sorrow. Some cultivators, as they grew old and weary, lost all ties to mundane problems and relations and only used their Clan to gather resources and cultivate.

What if a few juniors died? What if the Clan disappeared? As long as the Old cultivator lived it could all be created again.

Yet the Bright Clan's Patriarch was different. When his son died, his grandson led in his stead. When his grandson died, none of his great-grandsons were ready to lead. He assumed responsibility again and bet everything on Ming Ren's generation.

The Patriarch was the only reason the Bright Clan survived for so long. He had an upright moral character and cared about tradition and family.

Yun Lin Xue knew neither the White Clan nor the Cloud Clan took in part in the ambush. They wanted to acquire the Scripture but were not willing to go as far as to ambush the juniors and the Bright Clan's Patriarch.

Both Yun Jie and the White Clan's Patriarch respected the Bright Patriarch and the history of its clan. Distancing themselves from him was one thing, taking his life was another matter. The Bright Clan was already done for. The other clans could simply take what they wanted with little cost.

Yun Jie at that time mentioned to Yun Lin Xue that at least three Spirit Gate Cultivators participated in the ambush.

"Two of them should be from the Silver Clan. The last one… either the Sunflower Pavilion or…" Ming Ren burned with anger. This enmity won't be forgotten.

After the Patriarch's death, the Silver Clan moved to attack the Bright Clan's directly under the pretext of rebellion. During the attack, Yun Shufen came back from the Royal Academy.

Lin Xue didn't know how his sister came to know about it in advance and even made her way back in time. His father was furious. As soon as he heard Shufen went to the Bright Clan he mustered their forces and followed. Even their two Spirit Gate Cultivators were called to help.

Shufen straight away made trouble. She killed Silver Clan members left and right. In the junior generation and even some seniors, who could be her match? By that time she was already at the 3rd layer of the Spirit Realm and could contend with anyone below Spirit Gate Realm as long as they weren't top talents.

Besides, she was not alone. There's no way the Royal Academy would leave such talent unprotected. Even the Spirit Gate Cultivators from the Silver Clan didn't dare interfere too much with her for fear of drawing a sect destroying disaster.

Just as Yun Shuqing told him before, Shufen saved him at that time. Not only him but everyone remaining in the Bright Clan. If not for her, the fact that the Clan was expelled would turn out to be "wiped out" instead. Of course, the conflict didn't simply end there, as people from the Sunflower Pavilion meddled and wanted to continue the fight.

At that time, Bai Xun also returned and brought the White Clan with him, so there was no way the fight could go on without all-out hostilities. The remaining members of the Bright Clan all fled. Without most of the Elders and the Patriarch, could it even be called a Clan anymore?

The Bright Scripture was never found but that was not surprising. It was almost impossible to discern in from a common scripture. Only the Patriarch knew how to activate and some of its secrets. A few fakes would seem just as real as the real one.

Ming Ren also sighed in relief. His mother was not there at that time, although he didn't know why. There was no news about his father. The rest of the story he already knew. The Elders objected to bringing him here but Shufen didn't care, and they didn't exactly have the power to change her mind.

"Did the Cloud Clan find anything about the surviving members of the Bright Clan?" Ming Ren knew they wouldn't have given up on the scripture and there was a high chance that someone from the clan had it. Honestly, Shufen's appearance screwed even the plans from the Cloud and White Clans. If the Bright Clan was destroyed it'd be much easier to find what they were looking for.

Yun Lin Xue hesitated, "It seems someone put a bounty on them…"

The reason Lin Xue hesitated was that the Cloud Clan also put a bounty. He knew he couldn't lie to Ming Ren in the Mind Breaking Purple Could Art. They were inside his mind after all.

"You bastards… Good, good!" Ming Ren's fury reached the peak. Expelling my Clan from the Country? Trying to wipe them out? Hunting my family members? How brave of you all!

"Wait, wait, we didn't kill anyone… we only wanted information on the Scripture!" Lin Xue saw Ming Ren's expression and instantly feared for his mind.

As soon as he finished, Lin Xue's mouth stitched together. The same happened to his eyes. There was no pain but it was very frightening.

'I need to search for them, protect anyone that survived. Brother Ming Qiu, Little Lan, Elders, Mother… I need power! To find them, to kill all those bastards of the Silver Clan!' Suddenly Ming Ren thought about the demon in his dreams, and his anger subsided a bit.

There was something telling him not to lose himself at all costs.

'Father didn't come back. Did something happen to him? Is that why mother left? ...Wait, Mother could be at the Jade Clan!' His mother was a descendant of the Jade Clan in the River Province, and although he didn't know her status or life experiences and how she came to marry into the Bright Clan, he always thought it wouldn't be low. Even the Patriarch treated her respectfully.

Without other clues, that was the best place to start. He didn't remember much of the Jade Clan. He went there once but he was only four years old and they weren't especially well received. The River Province was very far from the Cloud Province and the journey full of perils.

For now, Ming Ren needed to escape from the Cloud Clan. His right hand landed in his chin and he thought about the possibilities.

His real body was still bound. With his current strength and activating the [Dragon Light Divine Body] physique he could get out, but not without making a lot of noise and possibly alerting his captors.

With his Spirit Sense, unless he was unlucky enough to meet one of the two Spirit Gate Cultivators, he should be able to avoid everyone and make it out of the Clan.

Brute force was not an option. The other option…

When Shufen taught him the [Mind Breaking Purple Cloud Art], he also learned the [Mind Controlling Purple Cloud Art]. Ming Ren should be able to use to temporarily take control of Lin Xue's body. But what about afterward?

Suddenly, a thought hit his mind, the Mind Enhancing Formation in the room. Ming Ren smile opened wide.

Although Lin Xue needed hand seals to activate his Mind Techniques, Ming Ren only needed to think about it inside this illusory space. Lin Xue's mind was already open so all he needed to do was to forcefully take control. Lin Xue couldn't even resist.

Back to reality, Ming Ren's shackles were taken down by a dazed Lin Xue. His eyes were pure white as if clouded. After he was down in the ground, Ming Ren extended his Spirit Sense and quickly analyzed the Mind Enhancing Formation.

As a middle-grade human formation, it was not difficult for Ming Ren to discover its mysteries. This somewhat simple formation was connected and drew strength from the main formation in the Cloud Clan, the [Purple Clouds Defensive Array].

What surprised him the most was that the defensive array was initial stage Earth-grade!

The background of the Cloud Clan was bigger than he thought. This formation could even resist Spirit Gate Cultivators at the middle stage, while the Bright Clan defensive formation only resisted up to Spirit Realm Peak.

However, the defensive array wasn't the only formation inside the clan. Several other formations were also arranged, such as Spirit Gathering to improve the quality of cultivation.

Ming Ren finally found something he could use. It was a peak human-grade formation called [Purple Cloud Dreamland], a powerful illusionary array technique that could send enemy attackers into a state of constant dreaming, unable to differentiate between reality and illusion. At the peak of the human-grade, it could affect even cultivators at the peak of the Spirit Realm.

Formations could be seen as incomprehensible to most people, but they had rules. The higher the level of the Formation Master the best hidden and well protected they would be. Things such as the activation method, range, effect, power, and control had to be decided before considering which formation and where to arrange it.

Ming Ren probed the formation with care so as not to trigger any hidden traps. At this level, none of them would faze him anyway. The [Purple Cloud Dreamland] activation method had long been changed to the Cloud Clan's direct lineage. Only the Patriarch, Old Ancestors, supreme elders, and top talents had access to it. Fortunately for Ming Ren, Yun Lin Xue was one of them.

It might seem stupid to let such a powerful formation be activated by anyone other than the Patriarch, but it was mainly considered the last line of defense of the clan. If the attackers made it that far and the Patriarch was the only one that could activate it, perhaps they wouldn't have the chance to activate it at all.

Even though he could activate it, Lin Xue was only at the fourth layer of the Spirit Realm, far from being capable of displaying the formation's true might. The range of the formation encompassed the entire Cloud Clan. The effect would work on everyone, but it might not be enough for someone at the half-step into the Spirit Gate Realm such as Yun Jie. While it was made for attackers, it was easy for Ming Ren's to bypass the restriction and affect the Cloud Clan entirely.

The other Spirit Gate Cultivators should be cultivating in secluded cultivation room or caves, so as long as Ming Ren avoids affecting them directly it would still take some time for them to notice.

After being activated, it didn't need anyone to control it to keep working.

Besides, the Purple Cloud clan specialized in formations and mind attacks, so it would take them less time to break free of the formation. That's where the Mind Enhancing formation came in.

Unlike the other formations that had already been connected to the Cloud Clan's bloodline, the Mind Enhancing Formation in this room was made recently, just to work as an interrogation room. The one that made it didn't care enough about restrictions, protections or traps.

Ming Ren controlled Yun Lin Xue one more time and activated the Mind Enhancing Formation to its peak, borrowing strength from the Purple Clouds Defensive Array to overcharge it. It wasn't safe, but why would Ming Ren care?

He didn't want to destroy the Cloud Clan because of Shufen, and the enmity between them didn't reach that height. This was also the reason he didn't completely cripple Lin Xue's mind. But he had no other choice right now. If something happened to Lin Xue's, he could only blame himself.

However, it still was not enough to reach the power needed to overcome Yun Jie and everyone at the same time, so Ming Ren burned Yun Lin Xue's bloodline to the maximum and even some of his Life Essence as fuel.

He then activated the Purple Cloud Dreamland and focused straight to Yun Jie first. His activation was so perfect only those around him would be able to feel the formation's power.

The reason he aimed first at Yun Jie was…

...He knew his weakness! To a mind attack, a cultivator's weakness exposed was his doom.


Yun Jie walked around inside the Cloud Clan, a smug grin on his face. He recently surpassed his daughter and became the first peak Spirit Gate Cultivator of the Cloud Clan, opening all his Gates. Moreover, each one of the Gates was extremely terrifying.

His Cloud Clan became not only the overlord of the Cloud Province but effectively ruled the Soaring Country from behind the scenes! Incomparable glory!

Even his ancestors would acknowledge the fact that he was the greatest.

As he rejoiced, one of the servants approached and proclaimed the arrival of his two very talented daughters. The number of proposals each year reached the heavens!

Of course, he rejected them all.

"Esteemed Father!" Both daughters graciously kowtowed in front of him.

"Hahaha my daughters, have you been well?" Yun Jie was extremely happy.

Shufen smiled, "Yes, father!"

She had the brightest smile in the world. Yun Jie knew this was true happiness…

...until his face twisted as he saw that young man come over.

"Father, this is our lover, Ming Ren!" Shufen said as she grabbed him by the arm, while Shuqing immediately did the same.

Yun Jie nearly died on the spot. Lover? Does that mean he is not even their husband? Could them be… concubines and not even wives? Both of them?




His face twisted in the worst possible way and he wanted to protest, but suddenly felt so small and powerless, no sound came out. Ming Ren passed each day being taken care of and taking care of his daughters inside his own Cloud Clan, like an Emperor.

It was hell!

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