Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 389: : Affiliate to outside the world

In the vast cosmic starry sky, a huge man-made celestial body is flying slowly, slowly approaching a planet.


"Huh, resistance organization!"

With his hands folded behind his back, Hux looked at the universe ahead, his face cold and solemn: "Recharge the main cannon!"

"Yes, sir!"

The energy system of the spacecraft, controlled by the computer, began to surge towards the main gun. The front end of the Death Star is like a satellite, its main weapon artillery, a super laser cannon.


Jiang stood quietly on the spot. Since he told the news that the Death Star was approaching, the people on this planet began to flee for their lives and leave here.

And he still stayed here, came to this Star Wars world, the mana derived from the wizard system was severely suppressed by the boundless force. Then, he began to feel the force.

In a short period of time, his level of comprehension has progressed by leaps and bounds, which is completely comparable to the decades of uninterrupted practice of the Force Master who is professionally immersed in this way.

In addition, he has saved tens of billions of people and key figures, etc. At present, he can influence the world with the origins bestowed by Star Wars.

His body began to slowly vacate into the air, and then soared into the sky, the next moment he came out of the atmosphere.

The body is still captured by the gravitational force of the planet, just standing inside the atmosphere, looking into the depths of the universe, where a dead star is coming slowly. And the weapon at its front end has already begun to charge.

Looking at the boundless universe, Jiang Ning slowly stretched out his hands.

The boundless force, the ubiquitous force, began to be mobilized following his movements.

The Sea of ​​Force, which had been calm for a long time, began a riot in an instant, a riot that ordinary people could not perceive; however, this turmoil could not conceal the Force practitioners.

Whether it is Luke who lives in seclusion on a remote planet, or the supreme leader of the First Order, Snooker, at this critical moment, all look at the void with horror.

How amazing is the force that encompasses the sea of ​​force of the universe?

At the same time, the strange crystal that was penetrated into the depths of the universe by Jiang Ning also began to exert its power. The crystal clear crystal exudes immense light, sending messages outward.

At the same time, in the distant alien space, a circle radiating endless light, a small world surrounded by thick crystal walls, received this coordinate and began to approach here.

Jiang Ning's whole body, his eyes are silver and white, he bluffs his hands, as if embracing the universe.

His spiritual power, following the specially coordinated, extended into the unknown alien space.

The intangible and intangible spiritual power entered an unknown alien space, stirring the entire force sea by the way. It is like a lever, looking for a fulcrum, and then leveraging the entire universe.


"The main cannon is recharged!"

Hex smiled coldly: "Launch!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

The operator skillfully flicked the next button after another, and then, the super laser cannon on the Death Star began to release its powerful light once again.

Unrivaled power, rammed, and the meteorite floating in the void of the universe instantly turned into dust.

The dazzling light illuminates a large area of ​​stars.

So that, on other planets, you can clearly look up at the beam of light passing by in the sky.

The movement surpassing the speed of light, the terrifying laser weapon, spanned an unknown number of light years in an instant; then, the light of death instantly hit the planet Tacodana ahead and the tiny figure standing in the planet's atmosphere.


An invisible barrier firmly protected the planet behind him and the tiny figure.

The powerful laser weapon blows the atmosphere of the planet, forming a hurricane that destroys the world. The strong wind blew away Jiang Ning's combed, shoulder-length hair.

Jiang Ning didn't care.

Even a glance didn't even focus on the laser cannon that was only a few centimeters away from his body.

His eyes had already been closed, and his mind had completely entered that mysterious alien space.

In this mysterious alien space, in the center of it, there is a huge oval luminous body. Endless white light lingers in this colorful and mysterious space, and on the outside of this oval luminous body, there is a tiny crystal attached to it.

The crystal continuously emits special signals, calling the world far away.

Jiang Ning's will also broke away from his body and followed the coordinates into this strange space.

He looked at this place curiously, and then his eyes were completely attracted by the oval luminous body in this mysterious space.

He followed his coordinates, came here, and then approached this oval luminous body. After that, his hand was pressed on the crystal, and then a stronger call was sent out.


And in an unknown and indescribable void, there are huge spheres and colorful lights all over this huge and vast space.

Huge spheres, like bubbles, piled up in this vast space.

The whole space is silent.

However, a tiny sphere emitting endless light is approaching a huge bubble at an extremely fast speed along a special message coordinate.


In the unknown alien space, Jiang Ning's will feels the breath of the small world because of the connection of the soul. He could clearly feel that a part of his soul was approaching himself at an extremely fast speed.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning's will turned into a ‘stirring stick’ to penetrate into the boundless sea of ​​force, stirring the entire sea of ​​force fiercely. Not only that, but a deliberate wave radiated from the crystal attached to the huge oval luminous body. Under this fluctuation, the huge elliptical luminous body produced a deliberate change.

It did not take any action against Jiang Ning's behavior.

The boundless sea of ​​force, the omnipresent sea of ​​force, and the calm sea of ​​force set off huge waves! Immediately afterwards, an unspeakable change occurred in the entire universe.

Inside the universe, an invisible portal is slowly being opened, and the boundless sea of ​​force is slowly passing by, flowing outward along this special passage.

Immediately afterwards, a sphere emitting endless light in the endless void approached here at an extremely fast speed.

The sea of ​​force that is constantly passing is swallowed one by one by this tiny sphere, and then, with this constant passing force as a coordinate, the small world is attached to this huge boundless sphere in a stable posture. .

Constantly sucking, nourishment from the universe.

The crystal wall system symbolizing its shell began to change little by little, slowly changing its structure. The crystal-clear crystal wall continuously emits a soft light, which firmly protects the inside of the small world.

And within the small world, changes are also taking place.

With the three continents as the main body and the ocean surrounding the three continents as the supplement, the entire small world is wrapped in an invisible transparent film. Then, began to rise.

After the land and sea rise, the space left becomes an endless dark void.

And as the force and the nutrients of the big universe are constantly being absorbed by the small world, the entire dark void begins to emit a little bit of crystal light. Upon closer inspection, those are tiny meteorites.

The small world begins to perfect itself, make itself more perfect, and use the nourishment of the mature universe to perfect itself...

The sun became more mature, young and stable, and then, with the continuous inhalation of nutrients, the entire small world was undergoing earth-shaking changes. The same is true for the sun.

The huge star emitting endless light and heat was incorporated into a strange space inside the small world.

Here, there is a gate that is so huge that it is difficult to star.

As the sun entered, the door slowly opened, and then the sun slowly floated into the door.

Inside the gate, there are endless mountains like stalactites everywhere, the space is huge and vast, and there are huge mountains like stalactites.

The sun floats in the center of this mountain range.

Then, in the small world plunged into darkness, the sun's rays slowly rose again from the western sea.

The rules, the changes of the four seasons, the alternation of light and darkness, have begun to gradually improve...At the same time, the universe outside the small world is also slowly and powerfully born.


The super laser cannon stays outside the atmosphere of the planet Takodana.

This kind of change has long left the Hex and others on the Death Star feeling puzzled and shocked...The following is endless fear!

However, they didn't know exactly how this change occurred, they just kept checking the instrument. Constant analysis, with reference to comparison, tried to explain all of this.

Then, a pair of eyes opened.

With a bang, the huge super laser cannon also collapsed, turning into endless spots of light scattered in the cold universe.

Afterwards, Jiang Ning stepped out, and when he appeared the next moment, the person was already in the Death Star command module.


Jiang Ning did not answer, his eyes lit up with silver-white light, and then, Hex and all the armed forces died in an instant. The corpse was thrown into the boundless universe by Jiang Ning.

He turned around and looked at the operators and staff who were in a state of sluggishness and fear.

Leaky smile!

"Everyone, now I declare that you are my prisoners!"

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