Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 621: : Ciri and the Unicorn

Koraz Desert!

In a huge desert in the southeast of the northern border of the mainland, a thin figure, carrying a sword, walked in the boundless desert. Hot, lack of water, lack of sufficient food, and lack of a tree that can be reassuringly trimmed and shielded from the hot rays of the sun. It has been inaccessible for thousands of years, since the original green space was turned into a desert. After a long period of time, the desert has expanded day by day without disappearing. However, there are still a few lives in this sea of ​​death, but no one is lucky enough to encounter them immediately.


Xili raised her head and glanced at the boundless sea of ​​sand, panting, now she has reached the limit in terms of energy and physical strength. Moreover, due to severe water shortages, every step she took in the desert would consume little water in her body. Besides, she is currently lost and can't find the water that needs to be replenished urgently.

"I need water... before I can drink... I will die of thirst..." Xili looked hard at the sun above her head, the hot sun was ruthlessly pouring her endless light and heat towards the desert below . She has reached her limit now, and she has no more sweat on her forehead. The dry wind and sand blowing by will take away every drop of sweat on the human body.

Therefore, Xili is now more and more thirsty, hotter and weaker, and his eyes are already blurred.

"Vesemir... Geralt... Yenapha... Triss..." She had already begun to hallucinate and saw that she was in the beautiful Kyle Morhan, surrounded by her relatives. Geralt looked at her with concern, Ye Naifah brought her food, and Triss brought her water, a very, very large amount of water.

"Water...give me water..."

Xili opened his hand to get the water in Triss's hand, only to find... "What's wrong with you? Triss, give me water!" Everyone's figures kept backing away, and then gradually disappeared, Xilida Shouted, "Don't go, don't leave me, Geralt...Yenepha..." The endless darkness flooded, and the walked figure fell into the desert.


An unconscious murmur sounded, and then a sweet feeling came, and Xili felt that her sweet lips were covered by a gust of coolness. She swallowed and sucked instinctively, and she drank bursts of clear water.


Consciousness is gradually awakening, and physical strength is gradually recovering, as the mist in front of him, then a bright light appears. Xili opened her eyes. The first thing her big eyes saw was a tuft of hair. The silver-white hair was shimmering and shimmering. Then she saw a white and beautiful fairy dancing in the moonlight. Unicorn.

"You're awake, Swallow." A soft voice sounded in Xili's heart, and Xili hurriedly asked, "Who is it?" The unicorn's eyes looked at Xili, "It's me, Swallow." Xili was puzzled. Looking at it, the unicorn at this time is in the moonlight, extremely holy and beautiful, "Are you talking to me? You saved me?"


"How can a unicorn speak?" Xili was surprised and felt incredible. The unicorn said: "Our language is taught by high elves, but we cannot speak like humans and elves. This ability to make our own voice ring in the hearts of others is called telepathy."

"High elf?" Xili realized at this moment that the unicorn that had saved her life was crawling beside her, with a hoof even on her body. The unicorn is shy and fearful of human life, but if it encounters a young virgin who has not had a relationship with a man, it will run over without hesitation, kneel in front of her, and put it on her lap. Moreover, they are very intelligent.

"Why would you save me?" Hilly asked it. The unicorn answered her without hesitation, "Do you still need a reason to save you?" The voice was extremely pure and unpretentious. At this time, Xili began to look at the unicorn that had saved her life. This is a little pony, with a distinctive coat color, neither brown nor gray. The body shape is different from that of a horse. It has a small head, a surprisingly slender neck, a slender pastern, a thick long tail, a single horn on the forehead, and at least two palms long. Beside it, there is also a small basin of clean water. It seems that the water she just drank is stored here. However, Xili was very curious about how the unicorn fed her.

"Why did you call me Swallow?" Xili was very curious, and she said: "My name is Xili, how about you?"

The unicorn said: "My name is Ivaracquax, hello Xili. Why do you call you the swallow, it is because of the blood in your body, the heir with ancient blood."

"I never knew this." Xili shook her head, saying that she didn't know this at all. Ivaracquax said, "Xiri, you will understand one day." Then it asked her, "Why did you appear in the desert? And, Geralt, who are they Yenapha? You. Parents?"

"They are my adoptive parents. As for why I appeared in the desert, I have to start from..." Xili then began to talk about the reasons why she appeared in the desert.

It turned out that when Nilfgaard invaded Sintra. Before Hiri's maternal grandmother, Carrance, asked the knights in the castle to take an oath to protect Hiri and send her out of the city, the knights took an oath and then protected Hiri from leaving the city. However, in the process of fleeing, the knight protecting Hiri was killed by the soldiers of Nilfgaard, and Hiri hid with the corpses in the alleys of the burning city. At this time, an elite squad led by Cassirer, appointed by the emperor, rescued Xili and took him out of the city. Xili then escaped from the Nilfgaard infantry team with his own wisdom, and escaped from the hands of the robbers, and then spent two weeks alone in the forest of the canal, all on his own. Later, she fled with the team of wanderers and was later adopted by the wife of a businessman, Christie Dai.

Perhaps because of the law of accident When Geralt approached Sorden, he encountered a troubled businessman Jurga asking for help. Geralt, who had learned about the Sintra massacre, Asked to have accident law in return and rescued the businessman by taking risks. On the way back home, Yurga confessed to Geralt that he would not have another child and that his wife would not be able to get pregnant. However, when he returned home, he strangely learned that his wife had adopted a girl, which was Xili, so according to the old tradition, the child belonged to Geralt.

So Geralt took Xili back to Kyle Morhan and received training in the tradition of a witcher, but did not let her accept the trial of grass. However, in addition to the trial of the grass, the skills of the Demon Hunter taught Xili all the way. In the days that followed, the witcher of Kyle Morhan discovered that Xili had magical talent, so he asked Triss to help. Later, when he was at the Magistrate Council on the island, Yenaifah led Xili to the island and wanted to arrange for Xili to receive a formal systematic study at the magic school on the island after attending the meeting.

However, a coup d'etat occurred on Sinide Island, and both Cassirer and Wigforz of Nilfgaard tried to kidnap Hilly in this coup. Geralt was severely injured in this confrontation and conflict, and was sent away by Triss. Ye Naifah was also hit by a spell, while Xili took advantage of the chaos to escape to the tall tower on the island, the Gull Tower, which was one of the twin towers left by Ain El. She walked to an abandoned portal on the tower, but when she entered, the portal was activated, and Hiri was teleported to the Kolaz Desert.

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