Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 623: : Javier

At first there was a burst of brilliance, and then the beam of light soaring into the sky, and then when everything stopped temporarily, a bright light slowly appeared, first a little and then spread to the extreme. A figure came out in the bright light, gray hair, a strong suit, a sword on his back, and a scar on her face, which almost pierced her eyes.

This is a new world, different from the world she once lived in. The rulers in this world are elves, and humans are just slaves. In addition, unicorns also live here. Whether it is the environment or the unique architectural style, this place is extremely different. Xili walked out slowly, looking at the surrounding environment and an arch behind him curiously and surprised. It was carved with patterns and languages ​​that she didn't understand. Behind the arch is a cliff from which you can see the bay and the endless sea.

"here it is…"

At this moment, an unfamiliar voice came, "This is Ain El. Your place is called Ternaria."

Xili turned around and saw a strange man with pointed ears, long hairline, long hair combed to the back of his head, pale complexion and blue-white eyes. This was an elf.

"Ain El, Ternaria?"

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, Javier!" Then he introduced himself again, "My name is Crevan Espane Apo Kaomhan Maha, you can call me Ava Luck."

Ciri said politely: "Hello, Avalak." She said: "My name is Cirila Fiona Ilun Leanlun, you can call me Ciri, Jiweiai You are not my name."

Avalak shook his head, "You don't know your life experience and origins. This should be your name. As for Xili, that's just your human name."

"My life experience and origin?"

Avalak said: "That's right." He took a few steps forward, and the leader Xili, "I will take you to tour this city first, and by the way introduce you to your true origin and mission." Then, Ah Varak led Hiri to visit Tirnaria and introduced this beautiful city to it while walking. "The architectural style of elves is different from that of humans. It focuses on elegance and beauty and layout. On the contrary, the current architecture and design of humans are too much. Rough. Many strong and tall buildings are mostly used for military purposes, even in human capital cities. On the contrary, elves have no such concerns, and no one here dares to invade us."

At this moment, Xili suddenly pointed to a steeple in the distance that was obviously broken and said: "Avalak, what is that tower? Is it also a teleportation tower?"

"Ahem!" Avalak coughed and said, "It is a product of the old age. It has long been damaged and has lost its actual function. Moreover, it does not have the value of repair."

"The architectural style and style of that tower seems to be very different from yours." Xili asked him, "It's not like yours, do you have any other people?"

Avalak’s face obviously became unnatural. He said, “Well, this thing is too long ago. I was not born yet, so it’s not very clear about its origin. We have very few records about it. We only know where it is. It used to maintain a channel to another world. However, it has been damaged over time and no one has repaired it."

"Oh, so." However, she still looked at Avalak suspiciously. The latter's expression was obviously unnatural. He turned off the topic, and then introduced other things to Xili, and then transferred the topic to her, "Do you know the power of your bloodline? Jiweier!" Xili Shaking his head, "I think I have never dealt with elves, and my family has not intermarried with elves. I am just an ordinary human, oh, I have been trained as a demon hunter for several years. I came here because I evaded hunting and killing. Here."

Avalak said, "No, Javier, that's not where you really came from." He said, "You don't know yet. It comes from the mighty power in your bloodline, which is enough to make countless people covet it. Power. It allows you to travel through time and space freely without restriction." What he said surprised Xili, "Traveling through time and space?"

"That's right." Avalak said proudly: "This is the ancient power derived from the blood of Ain El. In the past records, our family can freely travel through time and space, to and from various worlds. In many worlds, there have been traces of our clan. However, for unknown reasons, we lost this power on a certain day. In order to regain this power, we studied for a long time, and finally studied the antiquity. Blood, and handed over to one person to inherit this power. But later, a human mage came here by accident, came to the land of Ain El, and came to our capital Tirnariya. He used despicable means. , Abducted our heirs, and "stolen" our blood. Then, this power flowed into the human race."

"What does that have to do with me?"

Avalak said: "You are the heir of this bloodline. The purest ancient blood flows in your body and inherits the purest power. This is the bloodline and power that humans stole from us. Now, As a successor, you need to return the blood that belongs to us back to us."

"Am I the descendant of that couple?" She opened her eyes wide and said, "Couldn't you mean that I am the descendant of the legendary couple Laura Doren!"

"Legend couple?" Avalak shook his head. "Humans are always so arrogant, thinking they know everything and understand everything. In fact, they don't understand anything, they don't understand anything. Is Laura Doren called love? That’s not. Humans and elves cannot marry. Laura Doren still chooses humans when she knows the prohibition. That’s betrayal. Doesn’t she understand that she bears the mission of the rise and fall of a family? And that? The human beings are scornful, coaxing Laura, and stealing the hope and blood of our family's revival."

"However, with us, things are not the same as what you said. The people sympathize with Laura Doren and his wife. They died miserably." Xili said: "Their love story is also sung by the world, and people sympathize with it. They are more moved by their love."

"But Laura thought she got her love, but she betrayed her relatives and people." Avalak was very excited. "She knows exactly what she is carrying and what responsibilities she bears. But, still Willful choice to be with humans. She does not understand that the imminent crisis is approaching at all times. We need to regain the power of our blood to resist this crisis. And she is still determined to go with humanity. Regardless of relatives, regardless of tribe, Just for the love she pursues. Is this love great?"

Xili didn't know what to say, she asked tentatively, "Why can't elves be with humans?"

Avalak asked her Will humans have love with livestock? "

"What do you mean?" Hiri frowned.

Aravak then took her to a special place, and then Xili saw many human beings doing hard labor under the guard of the elves, "These are all slaves of my race. They come from all the worlds, and you also have you." In the world they are in, they are slaves and serve our people. They are responsible for mining and planting."

"You..." The scene before him had a great impact on Xili. Countless human men and women were doing hard labor under the guard of the elves. They were ragged and doing heavy work, and when they were unhappy, some elves waved their whips at them.

"We elves have a long history. Our knowledge is created by us spending countless hours and experiences. Humans, they were still a group of monkeys millions of years ago. Why do we intermarry with a group of slaves, monkeys?"

Xili said unconvinced: "However, in my world, the high elves intermarried with humans and gave birth to half-elves with blood from both sides."

"High Elf!!!"

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