Seeing a human for the first time since he came to this place, Sebastian got a little excited. But he didn't know if the human in front of him had good or bad intentions after seeing him.

The human was wearing a cloak, so he wasn't able to see if it was a man or woman. He was shorter than Sebastian.

"Who are you?" asked Sebastian as he grabbed his clothes to hide his body.

The person didn't answer his question and only stared at him. Not knowing what to do, they just stared at each other. Finally, after a few minutes of staring the person started to take off its cloak.

"My name is Asteria Lightheart."

What was under the cloak was a young woman. She looked to be in her teens. She had long blonde hair and emerald-green eyes. Her face was oval and her cheeks were light pink.

Sebastian thought that she looked very adorable. Still, he didn't let down his guard.

"What's a girl like you doing here?"

"What do you mean 'a girl like me'?!"

She got angry at him. Was he looking down just because she was a girl?

"I just meant that this forest is dangerous. And what's with the cloak? Are you trying to hide from somebody?" said Sebastian.

Hearing his question, she looked at the floor. Sebastian took this as a yes. Not wanting to bother with the girl, he started walking in a different direction. Seeing that he started walking away, she quickly shouted at him.


Stopping in his tracks, he turned around.


The words were stuck in her throat and she couldn't say what she wanted. Sebastian saw this and gave her a few seconds to speak. A couple of seconds later she finally spoke.


Sebastian nearly fell due to the shock. Did he hear correctly? A random girl he just met, asked him to marry her?

She saw the confusion on his face and tried to explain.

"N-No, wait! I-I meant just pretend to marry me!" Due to embarrassment, she started stuttering.

Sebastian got even more confused. What the hell is happening? After a couple of seconds, she finally calmed down and started to explain better.

"I'm being forced into a marriage. And I don't even like the guy my father wants me to marry. So I wondered if you could pretend to marry me so my father could give up on the other guy."

This explanation made much more sense. He started to think about it and responded with a simple: "No."

Hearing him, her face fell. "What?"

"I said no."

"Yeah, I heard you. But why did you say no?"

"Why? Because it seems troublesome. I can see that you're royalty. If I marry you that's just going to make trouble for me. Besides, you don't know anything about me. I could be a murderer for all you know."

Sebastian had a good excuse. It will only cause trouble for him if he married her. She agreed that they just met and knew nothing about each other.

"Well let me introduce myself then. My name i-"

Before she could continue, he stopped her.

"Stop! I don't need to know. I'm just going to leave."

She tried calling for him to stop, but he just ignored her. This made her upset. How dare he ignore her? No one had ever ignored her. She started stomping her foot on the ground.

Ignoring her, Sebastian left. She had trouble written all over her. He walked behind some bushes and created a portal. In a cave somewhere else a portal opened and Sebastian went through.

In the cave was a make-shift bed with a campfire next to it. Beside the wall were some meat and fruit on the floor. He took some meat and put it on a stick to grill over the campfire. After eating, he went to sleep.

The next morning when he opened his eyes, there was something in front of his face. It was the girl from yesterday. Getting scared, he stood up as fast as he could.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to convince you to marry me!"

Sebastian was left speechless. Why didn't she give up when he said no?

"I already said no. I'm not going to marry you."

"Why not!?"

"Because you're annoying. Now go away!"


Sebastian didn't know how to get the girl to leave.

"Why even me? Just find someone else," said Sebastian.


"Why not?!"

She didn't answer and just blushed. He saw this.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not!"

Sebastian got a headache talking to her. Can't she leave? Leave me, alone woman!

"Just leave already! I'm not going to marry you no matter what you say!"

When she heard this, tears started to roll down her cheeks. Sebastian didn't care that she was crying. He still had a question that needed to be answered.

"Besides, how did you find where I was?"

She wiped her tears and showed a proud expression on her face.

"That's easy! I just followed your footprints!"

"You guessed. Didn't you?"


She looked at the floor with a blush on her cheeks. He didn't want to talk to her and started to leave his cave. The girl seeing him leave followed him.

Arriving at the river, he turned around towards her.

"Are you going to watch me bathe as well?"

She once again blushed. He started to take off his clothes. When she saw him take off his clothes, she quickly covered her face with her hands.

He quickly cleaned himself. After that, he dried himself and put on his clothes. Turning towards her he said: "So how long do you intend to pester me?"

"Until you agree to marry me!"

"I told you no. Find someone else."


"Tell me why you don't want to find someone else then?!"

She started to blush and fidgeting. After a couple of seconds of silence, Sebastian had enough and said: "If you're not going to tell me, then I'm leaving!"

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his shirt. In a quiet voice, she said: "It's because you're handsome."

"What was that. I didn't hear you."

"I said it's because you're handsome!"

Now he really got annoyed.

"Just because of that?! Listen here brat! There are a lot of handsome people! Just find one and ask him to marry you! Stop bothering me!"

He started walking away. The girl was left there. Alone, on the brink of tears.

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