Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 119: The counterattack of the heavenly one

Remember in a second【】

The power of the thunderstorm was terrifying. Even if Su Xuan controlled the power intentionally, the dense forest by the lake still suffered unreasonable disasters. Nearly half of the trees had already turned into coke, blazing with green smoke and igniting sparks.

The breeze that wrinkled the entire Yanming Lake passed through the dense forest that was ravaged by the power of thunder, black and gray smoke hovered in the air, and there seemed to be flames surging in it.

Ye Hongyu looked at this scene, and asked earnestly: "The power of heaven and earth, the power of thunder, how did you induce the thunder? You must know that such power of heaven and earth belongs to Haotian alone."

She has been good at Zhishou since she was a child, and she can be regarded as a master of Daoist books, but in the Daoist books she has read, there has never been a mysterious method of using the human body to induce thunder, because she has never seen it before, so she was extremely shocked.

Even practitioners in the realm of knowing fate have to pay a very heavy price in the face of the threat of Thunder. The power of Thunder not only comes from Thunder itself, but also involves the most original rules of the world.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was still writing on the table, and explained: "Being able to arouse the power of thunder and knowing why to arouse the power of thunder are two different things in essence. Naturally, it takes a certain amount of time to comprehend. There are no mystical supernatural powers in the first place, and once you can see them all at a glance, you can understand them all."

The principle of using human beings to control thunder is very simple, even so simple that even an ordinary person with no cultivation base can use gold and iron to trigger thunder above the nine heavens, but the consequences of doing so must be ten thousand. The end of death and no life.

Practitioners use their own mind power to control the friction and collision of the heaven and earth vitality in the sea of ​​clouds under the blue sky, creating a favorable situation for the appearance of the thunder, and then with the help of powerful mind power, the power of the wrapped thunder falls from the sky and falls on the body. Cut out with the help of gold and iron.

No matter how advanced the cultivation base is, it is natural not to use gold and iron objects, but to directly use powerful thoughts to control the thunder and kill. But there are some truths that are really difficult to comprehend without some edification, so now Su Xuan is really grateful for the nine years of learning in his previous life.

After Ye Hongyu had read the Imperial Thunder Secret Art completely, he said, "Ordinary people may take a long time, but I am a Taoist after all, and I am crazy because of the Tao. Although I don't understand the meaning, but How difficult is it to stir up the thunder?"

The next moment, the saber in Ye Hongyu's hand came out of its sheath, drew a graceful arc under the blue sky, and came to the dense forest that had been ravaged by the power of thunder, the tip of the saber pointed straight at the ground .

Ye Hongyu is still standing on Terrace Mountain outside the Banhu Pavilion, but her thought power of knowing her fate has already touched the vitality of the world in Qingtianxia, ​​so the scene on a certain hillside behind the academy is about to be repeated in the dense forest. Appear.

Mo Shanshan, who was writing, frowned and said, "Ye Hongyu may not be able to withstand the power of thunder, and she may suffer a serious backlash."

The Daoist book that records the True Art of Yu Lei has only a few tens of pages, but only a few thousand words. Naturally, she read it again, and she knew how terrifying the power of thunder would be to people's body and mind. It is indeed extremely mysterious to wrap thunder with thought power, but if there is a slight mistake, the power of thought will backfire.

Su Xuan looked at Ye Hongyu who was holding on to the railing of the balcony with one hand, and explained to Mo Shanshan who was sitting beside him: "She is a Taoist, one of the most talented Taoists in the Taoist school, since she does it, she has full strength." Moreover, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the sky has been consumed by me just now, and it has not had time to replenish it, so she should not be in danger."

As long as one follows the records in Taoism books, how can there be any danger? But looking at Ye Hongyu who hadn't gone to the dense forest yet, Su Xuan was unavoidably worried that his senior sister would not act according to common sense.

At this time, Mo Shanshan stood up in a panic, and even the inkstone on the table fell to the ground in her panic. The black ink fell on her white skirt, but how could Mo Shanshan care about these things now? .

Under the jungle!

Dark clouds rolled in, thunder and lightning followed one after another, and then there was a strong wind all over the sky.

The dazzling thunder fell on Ye Hongyu's sword with the sound of thunder, but even the iron sword made by Zhishouguan couldn't resist the thunder that fell from the sky, the iron sword was broken inch by inch, The thought power enveloping Thunder was consumed in an instant.

On the terrace, Ye Hongyu's expression suddenly became extremely ugly, with blood continuously overflowing from the corner of her mouth, Mo Shanshan hurried forward and helped Ye Hongyu who was about to fall to the ground.

Su Xuan also walked to the railing, looked at the thunder that was out of control and raging in the dense forest, and said sullenly: "What a lunatic, how dare she control such a huge thunder?"

Compared with the Thunder controlled by Mr. Da on a certain hillside behind the academy, the Thunder controlled by Ye Hongyu is undoubtedly much larger, but his cultivation level is not enough, and he can only suffer backlash if he acts like this.

The thunder that fell from the sky to Wanjun, after raging through the dense forest, scattered and rushed into Yanming Lake, the whole Yanming Lake was plunged into thunder and lightning, thousands of peony fish in the lake, one after another It jumped out of the lake.

And Muyou, who was setting up formations in the other half of Yanming Lake, saw the lightning and thunder, and had no choice but to use the formations that had just been set up, and a misty clear light rose from the bottom of the lake, blocking the lake full of thunder.

At this moment, Yanming Lake, which was the eye of the left branch of the Shocking God Array, also played its due role. The vitality of heaven and earth quickly replenished the array arranged at the bottom of the lake, but under the flash of thunder, everything was useless.

On the terrace, looking at the other half of the lake, there were several broken formations that could trap practitioners of the Realm of Fate, Su Xuan raised his head and looked at the blue sky above his head with an uncertain expression, because Ye Hongyu of the Realm of Fate, just triggered

^0^Remember in one second【】

Although Thunderbolt is quite huge, it can't break the formation formed by the Seventh Master of the Academy relying on the left branch of the Shocking God Formation.

But now the formation is There must be a calculation by the sky. Su Xuan looked at the blue sky that was still billowing with dark clouds, and said with a smile: "Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun!"

This is the anger of the one in the sky, because Haotian, who is high above, does not allow anyone to steal it. It belongs to her authority, but since Mister Da stirred up Thunder, he stirred Thunder, and Ye Hongyu also stirred Thunder, which is enough to prove that Haotian Not omnipotent.

At this time, Ye Hongyu returned to the chair with the support of Mo Shanshan. She looked at the thunder that had stopped for a while on the lake and said, "I don't have such a strong cultivation that I can shatter those formations!"

After feeding Ye Hongyu the medicine, Mo Shanshan said, "If you hadn't triggered the thunder, then someone should have deceived all of us, but who would do such a thing?"

Su Xuan said calmly: "Pluto!"

The underworld is transparent, and light and darkness are one, so he said that there is nothing wrong with the king of the underworld!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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