Remember in a second【】

In the early morning of this day, after Ning Que and Sangsang worshiped heaven and earth in the back mountain, they went to the National Teacher's Mansion and borrowed Yan Se's carriage, because there will naturally be many dangers along the way, and naturally a good car is needed .

The heavy carriage, under the watchful eyes of many people, slowly embarked on the official road of the Tang Dynasty to Lanke Temple. His traces spread all over the world.

This will inevitably lead to shocks in the world. For many years, the world has been spreading the prophecy that the eternal night will come. Now that the daughter of Hades has appeared, the countries in the world except Tang will definitely use it. The simplest and most stupid way , but solved the daughter of Pluto.

On the terrace outside Banhu Pavilion!

Su Xuan, who was saying goodbye to Ye Hongyu, looked at the extremely heavy carriage on the official road of Tang State, and said, "Senior Sister, the war has really begun, and Ning Que is already on the road. Naturally, Qishan is the only one who can't cure the disease." Master's green pears can heal, so the war begins."

In his opinion, Master has already made a choice, a choice that is not a choice. Chang'an is just far enough away from Lan Ke, Master still wants to keep the little maid after all, and it is precisely because of this that Master is Master.

Ye Hongyu, carrying the luggage, said sadly: "It must be a very grand war, but I don't understand why the master can't cure Sangsang's illness, and I don't understand why the master went directly to Master Qishan without taking Sangsang. In front of the cave reed."

Su Xuan didn't answer Ye Hongyu's question, and begged a boring Ye Hongyu. After a cold snort, he climbed over the railing on the terrace with his luggage on his back, jumped onto the frozen lake, and jumped from the frozen lake Went to the shore.

Looking at Ye Hongyu who left, Mo Shanshan said: "This farewell, I don't know when we will see you again!"

From the perspective of practice, she admires Dao Chi very much, so she naturally looks forward to meeting Dao Chi again.

Su Xuan stepped forward, took Mo Shanshan into his arms, and said, "Naturally we will meet again soon, Ye Hongyu, as the head of the Judgment Department, will naturally go to Lanke Road to intercept Ning There is a lack of master and servant, and it happens that the Yulan Festival is about to open, so we should go and have a look."

The Yulan Festival is a rare event in the world, on the occasion of this event, how could he be absent? There is nothing interesting about the Yulan Festival, at most, the singing and dancing of Hongxiu Zhao is interesting, but the Yulan Festival, which was disrupted by Ning Que, must be very interesting.

Mo Shanshan was very unhappy when she heard Su Xuan's words and met after a short time. She was willing to see Ye Hongyu, but this did not mean that she was willing to see Su Xuan. When she saw Ye Hongyu again, she said sullenly: "You Really, do you want to see Ye Hongyu again?"

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was showing jealousy on his face, and said with a smile: "How could it be? It is my greatest luck to meet you in this life. It is enough to be accompanied by you alone in this life. Besides, Ye Hongyu is really married. out?"

From the moment he saw Mo Shanshan in the wasteland, he fell in love with Mo Shanshan. Although his handwriting was not very good, how could it stop the two of them from being good or bad? What about feelings?

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan broke free from Su Xuan's arms, stared at Su Xuan, and said in a very firm tone: "Even if Ye Hongyu doesn't get married, you are not allowed to take care of it."...

She is a bookworm, she has her own pride, so naturally she will not give half of Su Xuan's love for her to Ye Hongyu, even though she has a pretty good relationship with Ye Hongyu.

On the terrace, the breeze blows slowly.

Su Xuan held Mo Shanshan in his arms again, and he said: "Dao Chi is not a small person, even if Dao Chi can't get married, his brother Ye Su will take care of it, even if Ye Su can't take care of him, he will still be in Nanhai How could it be my turn to take care of the floating Guanzhu?"

Then Su Xuan took out the half-volume of Huangting from his bosom and put it in Mo Shanshan's hands, he said: "The secret of the Xiantian Yuanshen real person is all in this half-volume of Huangting, and your future way is naturally included in it. According to my According to my hometown, this half volume of Huang Ting is the bride price for me to marry you in the future."

His Dao was realized from the half volume of Huang Ting, so he handed over the half volume of Huang Ting to Mo Shanshan, hoping that Mo Shanshan would enter the Sixth Realm as soon as possible, because after the Yulan Festival, the curtain will slowly open.

Mo Shanshan took the half volume of Huang Ting, flipped through a few pages, and after a moment of calm, said, "Are you really willing to give me such a betrothal gift?"

There is no doubt that such a betrothal gift is extremely precious, even if it is hired by the royal monarchs of all countries in the world, they have never seen a more expensive betrothal gift than this half volume of Huang Ting.

Su Xuan said with a smile: "How could you not be willing? Seven volumes of heavenly books can be entrusted to you for protection, let alone half volumes of Huang Ting?"

Mo Shanshan, who was holding half a roll of Huangting, had a smile on her face, and the worries of the past few days were swept away. She lay quietly in Su Xuan's arms, and she said, "Then when shall we go to the Yulan Festival?"

Su Xuan said with a smile: "Whenever you want to go, then you can go."

After Mo Shanshan thought for a while, he said straightforwardly, "How about three days from now?"

Su Xuan hummed, and said: "After three days, it will be very good."


On the waves of the South China Sea, Mr. Chen kept mobilizing the wooden stick that Wuji hid his master. Suddenly, Mr. Chen saw some scenes and stopped angrily on a certain island.

The wooden stick that was chasing Chen Mou so hard naturally also chased to the island, but the wooden stick that chased to the island did not hit Chen Mou, but hung quietly in the air.

Chen looked at some scenes, and he faced the direction of the capital of the Tang Dynasty. He said angrily: "The seven volumes of heavenly scriptures are handed over to one person to protect you. Lord Moshan, you are the first person in this world for thousands of years."

Then Chen looked in the direction of Zhishouguan and said

^0^Remember in one second【】

Said: "Junior Brother, Su Xuan and Master Mo Shan privately decided for life, you need to go to Mochiyuan to hire Wang Remember to be more solemn when you go."

Know and keep in view!

Xi Chen, who was in the process of cleaning up, said very relievedly: "Then do it according to the brother's wishes."

He didn't expect that Su Xuan, who seemed very honest, would be able to abduct the world-renowned bookworm. If such news spread, it is estimated that many practitioners would slap their feet on their chests. His nephew It is estimated that there will be a lot of idiots, I just hope that Su Xuan will not kill too hard.

So in Zhishou Guan, a Taoist went down Taoshan to Mochi Garden. As a disciple of Taoism, Su Xuan could easily make a private life with Mo Shanshan, but Taoism always has to give Wang Shusheng an explanation, after all, it is Taoist Zhishou Guan The disciples of the mountain gate abducted Mo Shanzhu.

Naturally, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan don't need to pay too much attention to these matters, and the presence of elders is enough to solve many problems. Even Wang Shusheng, who is the guest of Xiling, would not reject the marriage between Su Xuan and Lord Mo Shan.



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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